檢視 在本布尔山下(叶芝诗选) 的原始碼
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[[File:在本布尔山下.jpg|缩略图|[https://www.sohu.com/a/258049292_500159 在本布尔山下]]] '''《在本布尔山下》'''是爱尔兰作家威廉·巴特勒·叶芝诗集《叶芝诗选》的一部作品。 ==原文== 英文原版 <br> 《Under Ben Bulben》 <br> I <br> Swear by what the sages spoke <br> Round the Mareotic Lake <br> That the Witch of Atlas knew, <br> Spoke and set the cocks a-crow. <br> Swear by those horsemen, by those women <br> Complexion and form prove superhuman, <br> That pale, long-visaged company <br> That air in immortality <br> Completeness of their passions won; <br> Now they ride the wintry dawn <br> Where Ben Bulben sets the scene. <br> Here's the gist of what they mean. <br> II <br> <br> Many times man lives and dies <br> Between his two eternities, <br> That of race and that of soul, <br> And ancient Ireland knew it all. <br> Whether man die in his bed <br> Or the rifle knocks him dead, <br> A brief parting from those dear <br> Is the worst man has to fear. <br> Though grave-diggers' toil is long, <br> Sharp their spades, their muscles strong. <br> They but thrust their buried men <br> Back in the human mind again. <br> III <br> You that Mitchel's prayer have heard, <br> 'Send war in our time, O Lord!' <br> Know that when all words are said <br> And a man is fighting mad, <br> Something drops from eyes long blind, <br> He completes his partial mind, <br> For an instant stands at ease, <br> Laughs aloud, his heart at peace. <br> Even the wisest man grows tense <br> With some sort of violence <br> Before he can accomplish fate, <br> Know his work or choose his mate. <br> IV <br> Poet and sculptor, do the work, <br> Nor let the modish painter shirk <br> What his great forefathers did. <br> Bring the soul of man to God, <br> Make him fill the cradles right. <br> Measurement began our might: <br> Forms a stark Egyptian thought, <br> Forms that gentler phidias wrought. <br> Michael Angelo left a proof <br> On the Sistine Chapel roof, <br> Where but half-awakened Adam <br> Can disturb globe-trotting Madam <br> Till her bowels are in heat, <br> proof that there's a purpose set <br> Before the secret working mind: <br> Profane perfection of mankind. <br> Quattrocento put in paint <br> On backgrounds for a God or Saint <br> Gardens where a soul's at ease; <br> Where everything that meets the eye, <br> Flowers and grass and cloudless sky, <br> Resemble forms that are or seem <br> When sleepers wake and yet still dream. <br> And when it's vanished still declare, <br> With only bed and bedstead there, <br> That heavens had opened. <br> Gyres run on; <br> When that greater dream had gone <br> Calvert and Wilson, Blake and Claude, <br> Prepared a rest for the people of God, <br> Palmer's phrase, but after that <br> Confusion fell upon our thought. <br> V <br> Irish poets, earn your trade, <br> Sing whatever is well made, <br> Scorn the sort now growing up <br> All out of shape from toe to top, <br> Their unremembering hearts and heads <br> Base-born products of base beds. <br> Sing the peasantry, and then <br> Hard-riding country gentlemen, <br> The holiness of monks, and after <br> Porter-drinkers' randy laughter; <br> Sing the lords and ladies gay <br> That were beaten into the clay <br> Through seven heroic centuries; <br> Cast your mind on other days <br> That we in coming days may be <br> Still the indomitable Irishry. <br> VI <br> Under bare Ben Bulben's head <br> In Drumcliff churchyard Yeats is laid. <br> An ancestor was rector there <br> Long years ago, a church stands near, <br> By the road an ancient cross. <br> No marble, no conventional phrase; <br> On limestone quarried near the spot <br> By his command these words are cut: <br> Cast a cold eye <br> On life, on death. <br> Horseman, pass by! <br> ==译文== 第一章 <br> 凭着围绕马理奥提克的轻波的 <br> 那些圣人所说的一切,起誓说, <br> 阿特勒斯的女巫确确实实知道, <br> 讲了出来,还让一只只鸡叫。 <br> 凭着那些骑士、女人——体形和肤色 <br> 都证明了他们真是超人,起誓说, <br> 脸色苍白、面容瘦长的伴侣, <br> 永远、永远充满了生机的空气, <br> 赢得了他们激情的完整; <br> 此刻,他们疾驶在冬日的黎明, <br> 本布尔本山是他们身后的景致。 <br> 这些,是他们想说的要旨。 <br> 第二章 <br> 许多次,一个人死,一个人生 <br> 在他们那两个来世之中, <br> 民族的来世,灵魂的来世, <br> 古老的爱尔兰熟悉这一切. <br> 无论人是死在他的床上, <br> 或送他命的是一声枪响, <br> 与亲爱的人们的暂时分离 <br> 是人都恐惧的最糟的事。 <br> 虽然挖坟者的劳作悠长, <br> 他们的铁锹锋利,肌肉强壮, <br> 他们只是把他们埋葬的人 <br> 重新推进了人类的思想中。 <br> 第三章 <br> 你听到过米切尔的祷告声声: <br> “主呵,结我们的时代带来战争!” <br> 你知道,当一切话儿都已说完, <br> 而一个人正在疯狂地鏖战, <br> 从早巳瞎的眼睛里落下了什么, <br> 他完整了他不完整的思索. <br> 于是有一会儿站得消停, <br> 高声大笑,心里一片宁静。 <br> 甚至最聪明的人在使命实现、 <br> 工作认识、伙伴选择之前, <br> 也全因为某种暴力行为, <br> 心里总是感到那么惴惴。 <br> 第四章 <br> 诗人和雕塑家,干你们的工作, <br> 别让那种时髦的画家一味去躲 <br> 他的伟大的祖先曾做过的事, <br> 把人的灵魂给上帝带去, <br> 使他把摇篮正确地填好。 <br> 衡量开始了我们的力量, <br> ——个典型的埃及人把形状思想, <br> 温和的费迪阿斯做出的形状。 <br> 在西斯汀教堂的屋顶中, <br> 米开朗琪罗留下了证明; <br> 那里,只是一个半醒的亚当 <br> 就能够使走遍地球的女人惶惶, <br> 最后她的内心一片激情洋溢, <br> 证明有一个预先确定的目的, <br> 在那秘密工作的思想之前, <br> 人类的完美实际上平凡。 <br> 十五世纪的意大利的大师, <br> 设计上帝和圣人的背景时, <br> 总画着花园,那里灵魂安宁, <br> 人们看到的一切东西, <br> 花朵、芳革.还有无云的天空, <br> 多像睡觉的人醒了又在梦中, <br> 看到的那些仿佛如此的形状 <br> 这种形状消失了,只剩下床 <br> 和床架,依然在声言 <br> 天国的门打开了。 <br> 哦旋转 <br> 一场更大的梦已经消逝, <br> 卡尔弗特和威尔逊、布莱克和克劳德, <br> 为信上帝的人准备了一种休息, <br> 是帕尔默的话吧,但在那之后, <br> 我们的思想就充满了混乱、忧愁。 <br> 第五章 <br> 爱尔兰诗人,学好你们的专业, <br> 歌唱那美好地做成的一切, <br> 轻视那种正从头到脚 <br> 都已失去了模样的奥妙, <br> 他们缺乏记忆的头和心—— <br> 低卑的床上的低卑的产品。 <br> 歌唱农民们,然后是 <br> 策马疾驶的乡间绅士, <br> 修士们的神圣,仿效 <br> 饮完苦啤酒的人狂笑; <br> 歌唱那些欢乐的爵士和夫人, <br> 那是在英勇的七个世纪中 <br> 形成的最根本的本质; <br> 让你的头脑想着其它的日子, <br> 这样.我们在将来依然能 <br> 成为不可征服的爱尔兰人。 <br> 第六章 <br> 在光秃秃的本布尔本山头下面, <br> 叶芝躺于特拉姆克力夫墓地中间。 <br> 一个祖先曾是那里的教区长, <br> 许多年之俞,一座教堂就在近旁, <br> 在路旁,是一个古老的十字架, <br> 没有大理石碑,也没有套话; <br> 在附近采来的石灰石上, <br> 是按他的指示刻下的字样: <br> 对生活,对死亡 <br> 投上冷冷的一眼 <br> 骑士呵,向前! <ref>[http://www.ruiwen.com/wenxue/shige/357795.html 瑞文网]</ref> ==作者简介== 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(William Butler Yeats,1865年6月13日~1939年1月28日),亦译"叶慈"、"耶茨",爱尔兰诗人、剧作家和散文家,著名的神秘主义者,是"爱尔兰文艺复兴运动"的领袖,也是艾比剧院(Abbey Theatre)的创建者之一。叶芝的诗受[[浪漫主义]]、[[唯美主义]]、[[神秘主义]]、[[象征主义]]和[[玄学诗]]的影响,演变出其独特的风格。叶芝的艺术代表着英语诗从传统到现代过渡的[[缩影]]。叶芝早年的创作具有浪漫主义的华丽风格,善于营造梦幻般的氛围,在1893年出版的散文集[[《凯尔特的薄暮》]],便属于此风格。然而进入[[不惑之年]]后,在现代主义诗人[[艾兹拉·庞德]]等人的影响下,尤其是在其本人参与爱尔兰民族主义政治运动的切身经验的影响下,叶芝的创作风格发生了比较激烈的变化,更加趋近现代主义了。 叶芝不仅仅是艾比剧院的决策者之一,也曾担任爱尔兰国会参议员一职。他十分重视自己的这些社会职务,是爱尔兰参议院中有名的工作勤奋者。叶芝曾于1923年获得诺贝尔文学奖,获奖的理由是“以其高度艺术化且洋溢着灵感的诗作表达了整个民族的灵魂”。1934年,他和拉迪亚德·吉卜林共同获得古腾堡诗歌奖。 <ref>[http://www.360doc.com/content/18/0308/09/4958641_735305769.shtml 360个人图书馆]</ref> ==参考资料== {{Reflist}} [[Category:873 英國文學]]
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