檢視 Template:字串模板一覽 的原始碼
由於下列原因,您沒有權限進行 編輯此頁面 的動作:
{{{NoteTA|{{TA|G1=IT}}}}}{{Navbox with collapsible groups | name = 字串模板一覽 | state = {{{state|expanded}}} | bodyclass = plainlist | title = 字符串處理模板 | selected = {{{selected|{{{expanded|{{{1|}}}}}}}}} <!---------------------- Trimming -------------------------> | abbr1 = trim | sect1 = {{tsl|en|Trimming (computer programming)|Trim (編程)|切短}} | list1 = {{Navbox|child |group1 = 計數 | list1 = {{Aligned table |fullwidth=on |style=text-align:left; |col1width=50%; | {{Aligned table |style=padding-right:2.5em; |col1style=width:12.5em;text-align:right;white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0.75em; <!--|col2style=font-family:serif;--> | {{tl|str mid}} | 按位置及長度選取子串。 | {{tl|trunc}} | 切短到规定的字数。 | {{tl|str left}} | 切短或重复填充到规定的字数。 | {{tl|str crop}} | 從末尾切短特定數量的字元。 | {{tl|chop head and tail}} | To crop a specified number of characters off the beginning and end. }} | {{Aligned table |col1style=width:12.5em;text-align:right;white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0.75em; <!--|col2style=font-family:serif;--> | {{tl|str right}} | To trim the first specified number of characters. | {{tl|str rightc}} | To return a number of characters from the end, returns a parameter if the string is empty. | {{tl|str rightmost}} | To trim down to the last specified number of characters. | {{tl|str sub old}} | To trim down to a specified number, starting at a given number from the left. | {{tl|str sub new}} | Select a substr based on starting and ending index. | {{tl|str index}} | Returns a given character from a string, but not accented letters. }} }} | group2 = 條件 | list2 = {{Aligned table |fullwidth=on |style=text-align:left; |col1width=50%; | {{Aligned table |style=padding-right:2.5em; |col1style=width:12.5em;text-align:right;white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0.75em; <!--|col2style=font-family:serif;--> | {{tl|trim}} | 移除首尾空格。 | {{tl|str letter/trim}} | To trim down to the beginning letters. | {{tl|str number/trim}} | To trim down to the beginning numbers. | {{tl|trim brackets}} | To trim any leading or trailing square brackets. }} | {{Aligned table |col1style=width:12.5em;text-align:right;white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0.75em; <!--|col2style=font-family:serif;--> | {{tl|first word}} | 切短至首個空格前。 | {{tl|remove first word}} | 移除首個空格前的內容。 | {{tl|last word}} | 切短至最後一個空格前。 | {{tl|remove last word}} | 移除最後一個空格前的內容。 }} }} | group3 = 專用 | list3 = {{Aligned table |fullwidth=on |style=text-align:left; |col1width=50%; | {{Aligned table |style=padding-right:2.5em; |col1style=width:12.5em;text-align:right;white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0.75em; <!--|col2style=font-family:serif;--> | {{tl|除鏈}}<!-- delink --> | 去除Wiki連結的括號(Wiki代碼)。 | {{tl|remove file prefix}} | 從檔案名中去除「File:」(或「Image:」)。 | {{tl|PAGENAMEBASE}} | 去除字串末尾的括號文本(消歧義)。 | {{tl|title disambig text}} | 返回字串末尾的括號文本(消歧義)。 }} | {{Aligned table |col1style=width:12.5em;text-align:right;white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0.75em; <!--|col2style=font-family:serif;--> | {{tl|WikiProjectbasename}} | Removes "WikiProject" from a pagename. | {{tl|remove unranked}} | Removes the string "unranked_" from the left of a string (taxonomy). | {{tl|ship prefix}} | Returns the length of a ship's name prefix, if listed (ship names). | {{tl|title year}} | Returns the 4-digit year from a pagename, if any. }} }} }} <!----------- Insertion, replacement, length --------------> | abbr2 = IRL | sect2 = 插入、替換、長度 | list2 = {{Aligned table |style=margin:0 auto 0;text-align:left; | <!---(Insertion, replacement)---> {{Aligned table |style=padding-right:2.5em; |col1style=text-align:right;white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0.75em; <!--|col2style=font-family:serif;--> | {{tl|strloc insert}} | Inserts a string at character location strloc, or appends if strloc<{{=}}0. | {{tl|loop}} | 特定次數重複字串。 | {{tl|repeat}} | 特定次數重複字串。 | {{tl|replace}} | 在字串中查找並全部替換某字串後返回。 | {{tl|str rep}} | 在字串中查找並替換首次出現的某字串後返回。 | {{tl|str len}} | 返回字串長度。 }} | <!---(Length)---> {{Aligned table |col1style=text-align:right;white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0.75em; <!--|col2style=font-family:serif;--> | {{tl|iflenge}} | [if len]gth [g]reater than or [e]qual to. | {{tl|str ≥ len}} | 檢查一個字串和某一給定長度相比是「更長或等長」還是「更短」。 | {{tl|str ≤ len}} | 檢查一個字串和某一給定長度相比是「更短或等長」還是「更長」。 | {{tl|str ≠ len}} | 檢查一個字串和某一給定長度相比是「不等長」還是「等長」。 | {{tl|str ≤ ≥ len}} | 檢查一個字串和某一給定長度相比是「更短」、「等長」還是「更長」。 }} }} <!----------------- Analysis, technical -------------------> | abbr3 = anlys/tech | sect3 = 分析、技術 | list3 = {{Aligned table |style=margin:0 auto 0;text-align:left; | <!---(Analysis)---> {{Aligned table |style=padding-right:2.5em; |col1style=text-align:right;white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0.75em; <!--|col2style=font-family:serif;--> | {{tl|str endswith}} | To check if a string ends with a given string. | {{tl|str find}}<br/>{{tl|strfind short}} |style2.2=vertical-align:middle;|''在一個字串中搜尋並返回特定字串的位置。'' | {{tl|str find0}} | Zero-based substring search. | {{tl|str sub find}} | Searches a substring in a string at the given offset. | {{tl|str letter}} | Returns the number of letters that begin a string. | {{tl|str number}} | Returns the number of numbers that begin a string. | {{tl|str gtr str}} | Compares two strings for alphabetical order, and returns a value accordingly. }} | <!---(Analysis cont'd)---> {{Aligned table |col1style=text-align:right;white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0.75em; <!--|col2style=font-family:serif;--> | {{tl|ASCII code}} | Returns the ASCII value of a single character. | {{tl|a or an}} | Takes a noun and produces the appropriate indefinite article, based on whether the first letter is a vowel. | | <!---(Technical)---> | [[Module:String]] | | [[mw:Help:Magic words|...Magic words]] | {{noitalic|About <code><nowiki>{{padleft:|}}</nowiki></code>.}} | [[mw:Help:Extension:ParserFunctions|...ParserFunctions]] | {{noitalic|About <code><nowiki>{{#titleparts:|}}, {{#expr:|}}, {{#ifeq:|}}, </nowiki></code> etc.}} }} }} <!--------------------- (disabled) ------------------------> <!---- | group12 = 功能請求 | list12 = * [[bugzilla:6455]] – Set $wgPFEnableStringFunctions = true on WMF wikis * [[bugzilla:26092]] – Enable or install string parsing wikimarkup functionality on WMF wikis <!----Not in a navbox: | group13 = [[{{SITENAME}}:Template sandbox and test cases|Sandboxes, testcases]] | list13 = * {{tl|Str find/sandbox}} * {{tl|Str index/getchar/sandbox}} * {{tl|Str index/getchar/testcases}} * {{tl|Str index/sandbox}} * {{tl|Str index/testcases}} * {{tl|Str index any/sandbox}} * {{tl|Str index any/testcases}} * {{tl|Str left/sandbox}} * {{tl|Str len/core/sandbox}} * {{tl|Str len/sandbox}} * {{tl|Str len/testcases}} * {{tl|Str rightc/testcases}} * {{tl|Str ≠ len/sandbox}} * {{tl|Str ≠ len/testcases}} -----> <!----------------------- below ---------------------------> | belowclass = hlist | below = * [[:Category:字符串處理模板]] * [[m:Category:String templates]] * [[:commons:Category:String manipulation templates]] | tracking = no <!--(keep all these string templates (by /doc pages) out of the tracking category)--> }}<noinclude>{{Documentation}}</noinclude>