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Jooyoung Park
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{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: -10px 0px 10px 20px; text-align:left" |<center>''' Jooyoung Park '''<br><img src="https://statics.phbs.pku.edu.cn/uploadfile/2022/0304/20220304125342178.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://www.phbs.pku.edu.cn/2014/fulltime_0817/77.html 北京大学深圳研究生院]</small> |} '''Jooyoung Park''',女,北京大学深圳研究生院教授。 ==人物简历== === 教育背景 === 2014年5月,爱荷华大学博士(市场营销) 2007年,韩国科学技术院硕士(管理工程) 2004年,韩国庆北国立大学学士 (工商管理) ==研究领域== [[市场营销]], 消费者[[信息处理]], [[消费者动机]]与自我调节,[[具身认知]],[[品牌管理]] ==学术成果== === 论文 === Park, Jooyoung, Jungkeun Kim, Billy Sung, Benjamin Voyer, and Fernando Fastoso, “The Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Evaluation of Authentic Advertising Messages,” accepted at Psychology & Marketing Kim, Keongtae, Jooyong Park, Yang Pan, Kunpeng Zhang, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang “Risk Disclosure in Crowdfunding,” accepted at Information Systems Research Kim, Jungkeun, Jooyoung Park, Seongseop (Sam) Kim, Daniel Chaein Lee, Marianna Sigala (2021), “COVID-19 Restrictions and Variety-Seeking in Travel Choices and Actions: The Moderating Effects of Previous Experience and Crowding,” Journal of Travel Research Kim, Jungkeun, Marilyn Giroux, Jooyoung Park, and Jacob C. Lee (2021), “An Evolutionary Perspective in Tourism: The Role of Socioeconomic Status on Extremeness Aversion in Travel Decision Making,” Journal of Travel Research Kim, Jungkeun, Jooyoung Park, Jaeseok Lee, Seongseop Kim, Hector Gonzalez-Jimenez, Jaehoon Lee, Yung Kyun Choi et al. (2021), “COVID-19 and Extremeness Aversion: The Role of Safety Seeking in Travel Decision Making,” Journal of Travel Research Xu, Cheng, Jooyoung Park, and Jacob C. Lee (2021), “The Effect of Shopping Channel (Online vs. Offline) on Consumer Decision Process and Firm’s Marketing Strategy,” Internet Research Kim, Jungkeun, Jihoon Jhang, Jooyoung Park, Jaeseok Lee, and Jacob C. Lee (2021), “The Impact of the COVID-19 Threat on the Preference for High versus Low Quality/Price Options," Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 30(6), 699-71. Giroux, Marilyn, Drew Franklin, Jungkeun Kim, Jooyoung Park and Kyuseop Kwak (2021), “The Impact of Same versus Different Price Presentation on Travel Choice and the Moderating Role of Childhood Socioeconomic Status” Journal of Travel Research. Kim, Jungkeun, Marilyn Giroux, Jae-Eun Kim, Yung Kyun Choi, Hector Gonzalez-Jimenez, Jacob C. Lee, Jooyoung Park, Seongsoo Jang, and Seongseop (Sam) Kim (2021), “The Moderating Role of Childhood Socio-Economic Status on the Impact of Nudging on the Perceived Threat of Coronavirus and Stockpiling Intention,” forthcoming at Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 59: 102362. Park, Jooyoung, Jungkeun Kim, and Seongseop (Sam) Kim (2020), “Evolutionary Aspects of Scarcity Information with Regard to Travel Options: The Role of Childhood Socioeconomic Status,” Journal of Travel Research Jungkeun Kim, Marilyn Giroux, Hector Gonzalez-Jimenez, Seongsoo Jang, Jooyoung Park, Jae-Eun Kim, Jacob C. Lee, and Yung Kyun Choi (2020) “Nudging to Reduce the Perceived Threat of Coronavirus,” Journal of Advertising, 1-15. Ryu, Sunghan, Jooyoung Park, Keongtae Kim, and Young-Gul Kim (2020) “Reward versus Altruistic Motivations in Reward-Based Crowdfunding,” International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 24(2), 159-183. Kim, Jungkeun, Euejung Hwang, Jooyoung Park, Jacob C. Lee, and Jongwon Park (2019) “Position Effects of Menu Item Displays in Consumer Choices: Comparisons of Horizontal versus Vertical Displays,” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 60(2), 116-124. Chu, Wujin, Meeja Im, Mee Ryoung Song, and Jooyoung Park (2019), “Psychological and Behavioral Factors Affecting Electric Vehicle Adoption and Satisfaction: A Comparative Study of Early Adopters in China and Korea,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 76, 1-18. Park, Jooyoung, Fang-Chi Lu, and William M. Hedgcock (2017) “Relative Effects of Forward and Backward Planning on Goal Pursuit,” Psychological Science, 28(11), 1620-1630. Chung, Sunghun and Jooyoung Park (2017) “Exploring Consumer Evaluations in Social Media: The Role of Psychology Distance between Company and Consumer,” Computers in Human Behavior, 76, 312-320. Park, Jooyoung and William M. Hedgcock (2016) “Thinking concretely or abstractly: The influence of fit between goal progress and goal construal on subsequent self-regulation,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26(3), 395-409. Chung, Sunghun and Jooyoung Park (2015) “The influence of brand personality and relative brand identification on brand loyalty in the European mobile phone market,” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 34(1), 47-62. Chung, Sunghun and Jooyoung Park (2013) “Effects of Social and Temporal Distance on Evaluation of Corporate Ambivalent Behavior,” Social Behavior and Personality, 41(7), 1219-1224. Park, Jooyoung, Yeosun Yoon, and Byoungtae Lee (2009) “The Effect of Gender and Product Categories on Consumer Online Information Search,” Advances in Consumer Research <ref>[https://www.pkusz.edu.cn/index.htm 北京大学深圳研究生院]</ref> ==参考资料== {{reflist}} [[Category:教授]]
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Jooyoung Park