檢視 GOLD RUSH 的原始碼
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{| class="wikitable" align="right" |- | style="background: #008080" align= center| '''<big>GOLD RUSH</big> ''' |- | <center><img src=https://t15.baidu.com/it/u=775976177,2868498156&fm=179&app=42&size=w931&n=0&f=JPEG&fmt=auto?s=D519A674C552626F50A385F90300C01B&sec=1637168400&t=a5e42bd927b45e95c01987f0a4fab3b1 width="250"></center> <small>[https://music.163.com/#/song?id=17566002&market=baiduqk 来自 网易云音乐 的图片]</small> |- | style="background: #008080" align= center| |- | align= light| 名称 GOLD RUSH 曲名 GOLD RUSH 作曲 DJ YOSHITAKA-G feat. Michael a la mode 演唱 [[Michael a la mode]] 其实还是4C BPM 162 版权 原创曲 初出音游 Beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD |} '''GOLD RUSH''',是出自《[[Beatmania IIDX]]》系列游戏Beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD的曲目。 <ref>[https://music.163.com/#/song?id=17566002&market=baiduqk GOLD RUSH], 网易云音乐, 2020-01-18</ref> == 简介 == 初出于游戏第14代IIDX 14 GOLD,作为本作的主题曲。后移植到DDR和pop'n music。歌曲中间标准的日式英文念的历代IIDX标题名让玩家津津乐道。 == 其他 == 本曲的VJ为kototoi。 Michael a la mode确有其人(已病故),但是本曲中“他”的声音其实是[[DJ YOSHITAKA]]本人的声音经过变音处理的。 在DDR X2的街机移植版中,中间改为由[[TAG]]念了从DDR初代一直到DDR X2的标题名。因此该版本被称作GOLD RUSH(AC)。 在家用机版移植DDR Music Fit中,[[TAG]]念的是历代家用机版的DDR标题名。该版本被称作GOLD RUSH(CS)。 pop'n music的移植版GOLD RUSH (pop'n GOLD MOUNTAIN rush)中历代标题是由[[PON]]演唱,从一代一直到pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝。 所以这首歌为何没有移植到jubeat和Refec Beat是因为他们的代数不够多。 == 歌词 == Wow, yeah come on! I'm Michael A La Mode. Let's do the moneymaking as me. Are you ready? IIDX GOLD! (Make it! Make money!) Let's drink all night tonight. (Make it! Make money!) Money is something to live for. (Make it! Make money!) Money makes the mare to go. (Make it! Make money!) Yeah! Let's do the moneymaking! (Make it! Make money!) Take a bath of a bundle of bills. (Make it! Make money!) Many money is heavier than lives. (Make it! Make money!) I'm interested only in money. (Make it! Make money!) Yeah! Yeah! I become a millionaire! Yeah, yeah, yeah Make it '''First style,''' '''Substream, ''' '''Second style, ''' '''{{color|#ff37c6|Third style,}} ''' '''{{color|#33a118|Fourth style,}} ''' '''{{color|#ff5f03|Fifth style,}} ''' '''{{color|#9d90c7|Sixth style, }} ''' '''{{color|#c97832|Seventh style,}} ''' '''{{color|#ff5500|Eighth style, }} ''' '''{{color|#919191|Ninth style, }} ''' '''{{color|#2d2091|Tenth style,}} ''' '''{{color|#ff0000|2DXRED,}} ''' '''{{color|#3f82ff|Happy Sky,}} ''' '''{{color|#4d4d4d|Distorted.}} ''' '''{{color|#ff9f18|IIDX GOLD!}} ''' (Make it! Make money!) Let's drink all night tonight. (Make it! Make money!) Money is something to live for. (Make it! Make money!) Money makes the mare to go. (Make it! Make money!) Yeah! Let's do the moneymaking! (Make it! Make money!) Take a bath of a bundle of bills. (Make it! Make money!) Many money is heavier than lives. (Make it! Make money!) I'm interested only in money. (Make it! Make money!) Yeah! Yeah! It's my treating! Wow, yeah come on! I'm Michael A La Mode. Let's do the moneymaking as me. Are you ready? IIDX GOLD! (Make it! Make money!) Let's drink all night tonight. (Make it! Make money!) Money is something to live for. (Make it! Make money!) Money makes the mare to go. (Make it! Make money!) Let's do the moneymaking. (Make it! Make money!) Take the bath of a bundle of bills. (Make it! Make money!) Many money is heavier than lives. (Make it! Make money!) I'm interested only in money. (Make it! Make money!) Yeah! Yeah! I become a millionaire! ポップン1! ポップン2! ポップン3! ポップン4! ポップン5! ポップン6! ポップン7! ポップン8! ポップン9! ポップン10! 11! いろは! カーニバル! FEVER! ADVENTURE! PARTY♪ THE MOVIE! せんごく列伝!!! (Make it! Make money!) Let's drink all night tonight. (Make it! Make money!) Money is something to live for. (Make it! Make money!) Money makes the mare to go. (Make it! Make money!) Let's do the moneymaking. (Make it! Make money!) Take the bath of a bundle of bills. (Make it! Make money!) Many money is heavier than lives. (Make it! Make money!) I'm interested only in money. (Make it! Make money!) Yeah! Yeah! It's my treating! Wow, yeah come on! I'm Michael A La Mode. Let's do the moneymaking as me. Are you ready? IIDX GOLD! (Make it! Make money!) Let's drink all night tonight. (Make it! Make money!) Money is something to live for. (Make it! Make money!) Money makes the mare to go. (Make it! Make money!) Yeah! Let's do the moneymaking! (Make it! Make money!) Take a bath of a bundle of bills. (Make it! Make money!) Many money is heavier than lives. (Make it! Make money!) I'm interested only in money. (Make it! Make money!) Yeah! Yeah! I become a millionaire! 待たせたな! 1st MIX 2nd MIX 3rd MIX 4th MIX 5th MIX DDRMAX MAX2 EXTREME CLUB VERSION BASS MIX Revolution Solo Super Nova Super Nova 2 DDR X DDR X2!!! (Come on!) (Make it! Make money!) Let's drink all night tonight. (Make it! Make money!) Money is something to live for. (Make it! Make money!) Money makes the mare to go. (Make it! Make money!) Yeah! Let's do the moneymaking! (Make it! Make money!) Take a bath of a bundle of bills. (Make it! Make money!) Many money is heavier than lives. (Make it! Make money!) I'm interested only in money. (Make it! Make money!) Yeah! Yeah! It's my treating! Wow, yeah come on! I'm Michael A La Mode. Let's do the moneymaking as me. Are you ready? IIDX GOLD! (Make it! Make money!) Let's drink all night tonight. (Make it! Make money!) Money is something to live for. (Make it! Make money!) Money makes the mare to go. (Make it! Make money!) Yeah! Let's do the moneymaking! (Make it! Make money!) Take a bath of a bundle of bills. (Make it! Make money!) Many money is heavier than lives. (Make it! Make money!) I'm interested only in money. (Make it! Make money!) Yeah! Yeah! I become a millionaire! 待たせたな! 1st MIX 2nd MIX 3rd MIX 4th MIX 5th MIX DDRMAX MAX2 EXTREME EXTRA MIX Party Collection Festval Strike Hottest Party フルフルパーティー!!! MUSIC FIT (Make it! Make money!) Let's drink all night tonight. (Make it! Make money!) Money is something to live for. (Make it! Make money!) Money makes the mare to go. (Make it! Make money!) Yeah! Let's do the moneymaking! (Make it! Make money!) Take a bath of a bundle of bills. (Make it! Make money!) Many money is heavier than lives. (Make it! Make money!) I'm interested only in money. (Make it! Make money!) Yeah! Yeah! It's my treating! == 参考来源 == {{reflist}} [[Category:910 音乐总论]]
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