檢視 模块:CGroup/Games 的原始碼
由於下列原因,您沒有權限進行 編輯此頁面 的動作:
return { name = "Games", description = "电子游戏", content = { { type = "text", text = [=[ == 用语 == ]=] }, { type = "item", original = "8-bit", rule = "8位元=>zh-cn:8位; 8位元=>zh-sg:8位;" }, { type = "item", original = "16-bit", rule = "zh-cn:16位; zh-tw:16位元;" }, { type = "item", original = "32-bit", rule = "zh-cn:32位; zh-tw:32位元;" }, { type = "item", original = "64-bit", rule = "zh-cn:64位; zh-tw:64位元;" }, { type = "item", original = "alternate reality game", rule = "zh-cn:侵入式虚拟现实游戏; zh-tw:另類實境遊戲; zh-hk:另類實境遊戲;" }, { type = "item", original = "arcade", rule = "大型電玩=>zh-cn:街机; 大型電玩=>zh-sg:街机;" }, { type = "item", original = "arcade", rule = "大型機台=>zh-cn:街机; 大型機台=>zh-sg:街机;" }, { type = "item", original = "arcade", rule = "大型機臺=>zh-cn:街机; 大型機臺=>zh-sg:街机;" }, { type = "item", original = "audio", rule = "zh-cn:音频; zh-tw:音訊;" }, { type = "item", original = "augmented reality", rule = "zh-cn:增强现实; zh-tw:擴增實境; zh-hk:擴張實境;" }, { type = "item", original = "blog", rule = "zh-cn:博客; zh-tw:部落格; zh-hk:網誌;" }, { type = "item", original = "cartridge", rule = "zh-cn:卡带; zh-tw:卡匣;" }, { type = "item", original = "client", rule = "zh-cn:客户端; zh-tw:用戶端;" }, { type = "item", original = "clock", rule = "zh-cn:主频; zh-tw:時脈;" }, { type = "item", original = "cloud", rule = "雲端=>zh-cn:云; 雲端=>zh-sg:云;" }, -- “云”易被过度转换,故用单向 { type = "item", original = "code", rule = "zh-cn:代码; zh-tw:程式碼;" }, { type = "item", original = "communications", rule = "zh-cn:通信; zh-tw:通訊;" }, { type = "item", original = "compatible", rule = "zh-cn:兼容; zh-tw:相容;" }, { type = "item", original = "computer", rule = "计算机=>zh-tw:電腦; 计算机=>zh-hk:電腦; 计算机=>zh-mo:電腦;" }, -- 大陆亦常用“电脑”,故用单向 { type = "item", original = "config", rule = "zh-cn:配置; zh-tw:配備;" }, { type = "item", original = "connect", rule = "zh-cn:联机; zh-tw:連線;" }, { type = "item", original = "cursor", rule = "zh-cn:光标; zh-tw:遊標;" }, { type = "item", original = "custom", rule = "zh-cn:自定义; zh-tw:自訂;" }, { type = "item", original = "data disc", rule = "zh-cn:磁碟; zh-tw:磁碟;" }, -- 防止被过度转换为“磁盘” { type = "item", original = "data", rule = "数据=>zh-tw:資料; 数据=>zh-hk:資料; 数据=>zh-mo:資料;" }, { type = "item", original = "default", rule = "zh-cn:默认; zh-tw:預設;" }, { type = "item", original = "digital version", rule = "zh-cn:数字版; zh-tw:數位版; zh-hk:數碼版;" }, { type = "item", original = "down", rule = "zh-cn:死机; zh-tw:當機; zh-hk:死機;" }, { type = "item", original = "extention", rule = "zh-cn:扩展名; zh-tw:副檔名;" }, { type = "item", original = "file", rule = "zh-cn:文件; zh-tw:檔案;" }, { type = "item", original = "first-person", rule = "第一身=>zh-cn:第一人称; 第一身=>zh-sg:第一人称;" }, { type = "item", original = "flash memory", rule = "zh-cn:闪存盘; zh-tw:隨身碟;" }, { type = "item", original = "floppy disk", rule = "zh-cn:软盘; zh-tw:軟碟;" }, { type = "item", original = "font", rule = "zh-cn:字体; zh-tw:字型;" }, { type = "item", original = "HD", rule = "zh-cn:高清; zh-tw:高畫質; zh-hk:高清;" }, { type = "item", original = "home page", rule = "主页=>zh-tw:首頁;" }, { type = "item", original = "icon", rule = "zh-cn:图标; zh-tw:圖示;" }, { type = "item", original = "image", rule = "zh-cn:镜像; zh-tw:映像;" }, { type = "item", original = "infomation", rule = "zh-cn:信息; zh-tw:資訊; zh-sg:资讯;" }, { type = "item", original = "interface", rule = "zh-cn:界面; zh-tw:介面;" }, { type = "item", original = "link", rule = "zh-cn:链接; zh-tw:連結;" }, { type = "item", original = "local area network", rule = "zh-cn:局域网; zh-tw:區域網路; zh-hk:區域網絡;" }, { type = "item", original = "log in", rule = "zh-cn:登录; zh-tw:登入;" }, { type = "item", original = "memory", rule = "zh-cn:内存; zh-tw:記憶體;" }, { type = "item", original = "menu", rule = "zh-cn:菜单; zh-tw:選單;" }, { type = "item", original = "message", rule = "訊息=>zh-cn:消息;" }, { type = "item", original = "mobile app", rule = "zh-cn:移动软件; zh-tw:行動軟體; zh-hk:流動軟件;" }, { type = "item", original = "mobile game", rule = "zh-cn:移动游戏; zh-tw:行動遊戲; zh-hk:流動遊戲;" }, { type = "item", original = "mobile platform", rule = "zh-cn:移动平台; zh-tw:行動平台; zh-hk:流動平台;" }, { type = "item", original = "multiplayer online game", rule = "zh-cn:多人在线游戏; zh-tw:多人線上遊戲;" }, -- 避免过度转换为“多人网络游戏” { type = "item", original = "naked eye", rule = "zh-cn:裸眼; zh-hk:裸眼; zh-tw:裸視;" }, { type = "item", original = "network", rule = "zh-cn:网络; zh-hk:網絡; zh-tw:網路;" }, { type = "item", original = "online game", rule = "線上遊戲=>zh-cn:网络游戏; 線上遊戲=>zh-sg:网络游戏;" }, -- 台湾亦常用“網路遊戲”,故用单向 { type = "item", original = "online", rule = "zh-cn:在线; zh-tw:線上;" }, { type = "item", original = "operate", rule = "zh-cn:运营; zh-tw:營運;" }, { type = "item", original = "optical disc", rule = "zh-cn:光盘; zh-tw:光碟;" }, { type = "item", original = "patch", rule = "zh-cn:补丁; zh-tw:更新檔;" }, { type = "item", original = "patch", rule = "zh-cn:补丁; zh-tw:修正檔;" }, { type = "item", original = "port", rule = "zh-cn:端口; zh-tw:埠;" }, { type = "item", original = "practice", rule = "zh-cn:练级; zh-tw:練功;" }, { type = "item", original = "program", rule = "zh-cn:程序; zh-tw:程式;" }, { type = "item", original = "protocol", rule = "zh-cn:协议; zh-tw:協定;" }, { type = "item", original = "quality", rule = "質素=>zh-cn:质量; 質素=>zh-tw:品質; 質素=>zh-sg:质量;" }, { type = "item", original = "raster graphics", rule = "zh-cn:位图; zh-hk:位圖; zh-tw:點陣圖;" }, -- 大型電玩條目Infobox常用 { type = "item", original = "readme", rule = "zh-cn:自述文件; zh-tw:讀我檔案;" }, { type = "item", original = "run", rule = "运行=>zh-tw:執行; 运行=>zh-hk:執行; 运行=>zh-mo:執行;" }, -- “执行”易被过度转换,故用单向 { type = "item", original = "search", rule = "zh-cn:搜索; zh-tw:搜尋;" }, { type = "item", original = "signal", rule = "zh-cn:信号; zh-tw:訊號;" }, { type = "item", original = "split screen", rule = "zh-cn:分屏; zh-tw:分割畫面;" }, { type = "item", original = "support", rule = "zh-cn:支持; zh-tw:支援;" }, { type = "item", original = "supporter", rule = "zh-cn:支持者; zh-tw:支持者;" }, -- 防止被过度转换为“支援” { type = "item", original = "third-person", rule = "第三身=>zh-cn:第三人称; 第三身=>zh-sg:第三人称;" }, { type = "item", original = "touchscreen", rule = "zh-cn:触摸屏; zh-hk:輕觸式熒幕; zh-tw:觸控螢幕;" }, { type = "item", original = "touchscreen", rule = "觸控式螢幕=>zh-cn:触摸屏; 觸控式螢幕=>zh-sg:触摸屏;" }, { type = "item", original = "video game console", rule = "遊樂器=>zh-cn:游戏机; 遊樂器=>zh-hk:遊戲機; 遊樂器=>zh-sg:游戏机; 遊樂器=>zh-mo:遊戲機;" }, -- 台湾亦常用“遊戲機”,故用单向 { type = "item", original = "video", rule = "zh-cn:视频; zh-tw:視訊;" }, { type = "item", original = "view", rule = "zh-cn:查看; zh-tw:檢視;" }, { type = "item", original = "widescreen", rule = "zh-cn:宽屏; zh-tw:寬螢幕;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ == ACT/A-AVG 动作/动作冒险 == === -{zh-cn:古墓丽影; zh-tw:古墓奇兵; zh-hk:盜墓者羅拉; zh-tw:古墓奇兵; zh-sg:古墓奇兵;}- === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Tomb Raider", rule = "zh-cn:古墓丽影; zh-tw:古墓奇兵; zh-hk:盜墓者羅拉; zh-sg:古墓奇兵;" }, { type = "item", original = "Tomb Raider: Anniversary", rule = "zh-cn:古墓丽影:十周年纪念版; zh-tw:古墓奇兵:重返禁地; zh-hk:盜墓者羅拉:重返禁地;" }, { type = "item", original = "Tomb Raider: Chronicles", rule = "zh-cn:古墓丽影:历代记; zh-tw:古墓奇兵:回憶錄; zh-hk:盜墓者羅拉:回憶錄;" }, { type = "item", original = "Tomb Raider: Legend", rule = "zh-cn:古墓丽影:传奇; zh-tw:古墓奇兵:不死傳奇; zh-hk:盜墓者羅拉:不死傳奇;" }, { type = "item", original = "Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness", rule = "zh-cn:古墓丽影:黑暗天使; zh-tw:古墓奇兵:暗黑天使; zh-hk:盜墓者羅拉:黑暗天使;" }, { type = "item", original = "Tomb Raider: Underworld", rule = "zh-cn:古墓丽影:地下世界; zh-tw:古墓奇兵:地城奪寶; zh-hk:盜墓者羅拉:地城奪寶;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 无双 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Empires", rule = "帝王傳=>zh-cn:帝国; 帝王傳=>zh-sg:帝国;" }, -- “帝国”易被过度转换,故用单向 { type = "item", original = "Multi Raid", rule = "zh-cn:联合突袭; zh-tw:連袂出擊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Warriors Orochi 2", rule = "zh-cn:魔王再临; zh-tw:蛇魔再臨;" }, { type = "item", original = "Warriors Orochi", rule = "zh-cn:无双大蛇; zh-tw:無雙OROCHI;" }, { type = "item", original = "Musou Stars", rule = "zh-cn:无双全明星; zh-tw:無雙☆群星大會串;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === -{zh-cn:生化危机; zh-tw:惡靈古堡; zh-hk:生化危機;}- === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Biohazard", rule = "zh-cn:生化危机; zh-tw:惡靈古堡; zh-hk:生化危機;" }, { type = "item", original = "Biohazard: Revelations", rule = "zh-cn:生化危机 启示录; zh-tw:惡靈古堡 啟示; zh-hk:生化危機 啟示;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Darkside Chronicles", rule = "zh-cn:暗黑编年史; zh-tw:黑暗面編年史;" }, { type = "item", original = "Gun Survivor", rule = "枪下游魂=>zh-tw:生存遊戲;" }, { type = "item", original = "Gun Survivor", rule = "槍下遊魂=>zh-tw:生存遊戲;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === -{zh-cn:合金装备; zh-tw:潛龍諜影; zh-hk:合金裝備;}- === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Metal Gear Solid", rule = "zh-cn:合金装备; zh-tw:潛龍諜影; zh-hk:合金裝備;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Twin Snakes", rule = "zh-cn:孪蛇; zh-tw:雙雄爭鋒; zh-hk:孿蛇;" }, { type = "item", original = "Peace Walker", rule = "zh-cn:和平行者; zh-tw:和平先驅;" }, { type = "item", original = "Rising:Revengeance", rule = "zh-cn:崛起 复仇; zh-tw:崛起 再復仇;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 波斯王子 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Prince of Persia: Rival Swords", rule = "zh-tw:爭霸之劍; zh-cn:宿敌之剑;" }, { type = "item", original = "Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones", rule = "zh-tw:雙刃王座; zh-cn:王者无双;" }, { type = "item", original = "Prince of Persia: Warrior Within", rule = "zh-tw:侍魂無雙; zh-cn:武者之心;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === -{zh-cn:神秘海域; zh-tw:秘境探險;}-=== ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Uncharted", rule = "zh-cn:神秘海域; zh-tw:秘境探險;" }, { type = "item", original = "Drake's Fortune", rule = "zh-cn:德雷克船长的宝藏; zh-tw:黃金城秘寶;" }, { type = "item", original = "Among Thieves", rule = "zh-cn:纵横四海; zh-tw:盜亦有道;" }, { type = "item", original = "Drake's Deception", rule = "zh-cn:德雷克的诡计; zh-tw:德瑞克的騙局;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 其他 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Arkham", rule = "zh-cn:阿卡汉姆; zh-tw:阿卡漢;" }, { type = "item", original = "Assassins Creed", rule = "zh-cn:刺客信条; zh-tw:刺客教條; zh-hant:刺客信條; zh-hk:刺客教條;" }, { type = "item", original = "Banjo-Kazooie", rule = "zh-cn:班卓熊; zh-tw:阿邦阿卡;" }, { type = "item", original = "Bayonetta", rule = "zh-cn:猎天使魔女; zh-tw:魔兵驚天錄;" }, { type = "item", original = "Bionic Commando", rule = "zh-cn:生化尖兵; zh-tw:生化突擊隊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night", rule = "zh-cn:血污:夜之仪式; zh-tw:血咒之城:暗夜儀式;" }, { type = "item", original = "Chaos Theory", rule = "zh-cn:混沌法则; zh-tw:混沌理論;" }, { type = "item", original = "Crash Bandicoot", rule = "zh-cn:古惑狼; zh-tw:袋狼大進擊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Darksiders", rule = "zh-cn:暗黑血统; zh-tw:末世騎士;" }, { type = "item", original = "Dead Rising", rule = "zh-cn:丧尸围城; zh-tw:死亡復甦;" }, { type = "item", original = "Devil May Cry", rule = "zh-cn:鬼泣; zh-tw:惡魔獵人;" }, { type = "item", original = "Dragon's Crown", rule = "zh-cn:龙之皇冠; zh-tw:魔龍寶冠;" }, { type = "item", original = "Eternal Darkness: Sanity s Requiem", rule = "zh-cn:无尽黑暗; zh-tw:永恆之闇;" }, { type = "item", original = "Heavenly Sword", rule = "zh-cn:天剑; zh-tw:玄天神劍;" }, { type = "item", original = "Hitman 2: Silent Assassin", rule = "zh-cn:杀手2:沉默刺客; zh-tw:刺客任務2:無聲殺手;" }, { type = "item", original = "Hitman: Codename 47", rule = "杀手:代号47=>zh-tw:刺客任務;" }, -- 防止过度转换 { type = "item", original = "Hitman:Blood Money", rule = "zh-cn:杀手:血钱; zh-tw:刺客任務:黑錢交易;" }, { type = "item", original = "Hitman:Contracts", rule = "zh-cn:杀手:契约; zh-tw:刺客任務:密約浮影;" }, { type = "item", original = "Horizon Zero Dawn", rule = "zh-cn:地平线:零之曙光; zh-tw:地平線:期待黎明;" }, { type = "item", original = "Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days", rule = "zh-cn:凯恩与林奇2:伏天; zh-tw:喋血雙雄2:伏天;" }, { type = "item", original = "Kane & Lynch: Dead Men", rule = "zh-cn:凯恩与林奇:死人; zh-tw:喋血雙雄;" }, { type = "item", original = "Max Payne", rule = "zh-cn:马克思·佩恩; zh-tw:江湖本色; zh-hk:英雄本色;" }, { type = "item", original = "Mafia", rule = "zh-cn:黑手党; zh-hk:四海兄弟; zh-tw:四海兄弟;" }, { type = "item", original = "Mirror's Edge", rule = "zh-cn:镜之边缘; zh-tw:靚影特務;" }, { type = "item", original = "Mirror's Edge Catalyst", rule = "zh-cn:镜之边缘 催化剂; zh-tw:靚影特務:關鍵催化;" }, { type = "item", original = "Monster Hunter", rule = "zh-cn:怪物猎人; zh-tw:魔物獵人;" }, { type = "item", original = "New Play Control!", rule = "zh-cn:用Wii玩; zh-tw:以Wii遊玩;" }, { type = "item", original = "Nier: Automata", rule = "zh-cn:尼尔:机械纪元; zh-tw:尼爾:自動人形;" }, { type = "item", original = "Ninja Gaiden", rule = "忍者外傳=>zh-cn:忍者龙剑传; 忍者外傳=>zh-sg:忍者龙剑传;" }, { type = "item", original = "OneeChanbara", rule = "zh-cn:御姐玫瑰; zh-tw:性感女劍士;" }, { type = "item", original = "Pandora", rule = "zh-cn:潘多拉; zh-tw:潘朵拉;" }, { type = "item", original = "Prototype", rule = "zh-cn:虐杀原形; zh-tw:原型兵器;" }, { type = "item", original = "Ratchet & Clank", rule = "zh-cn:瑞奇与叮当; zh-tw:拉捷特與克拉克;" }, { type = "item", original = "Rayman", rule = "zh-cn:雷曼; zh-tw:雷射超人;" }, { type = "item", original = "Red Dead Redemption", rule = "zh-cn:荒野大镖客:救赎; zh-tw:碧血狂殺;" }, { type = "item", original = "Red Faction", rule = "zh-cn:红色派系; zh-tw:赤色戰線;" }, { type = "item", original = "Ryu ga Gotoku", rule = "zh-cn:如龙; zh-tw:人中之龍;" }, { type = "item", original = "Saints Row", rule = "zh-cn:黑道圣徒; zh-tw:黑街聖徒;" }, { type = "item", original = "Silent Hill", rule = "zh-cn:寂静岭; zh-tw:沉默之丘;" }, { type = "item", original = "Sleeping Dogs", rule = "zh-cn:热血无赖; zh-tw:香港秘密警察;" }, { type = "item", original = "Soul Sacrifice", rule = "zh-cn:灵魂献祭; zh-tw:闇魂獻祭;" }, { type = "item", original = "Spider-Man", rule = "zh-cn:蜘蛛侠; zh-tw:蜘蛛人; zh-hk:蜘蛛俠;" }, { type = "item", original = "Splinter Cell", rule = "zh-cn:细胞分裂; zh-tw:縱橫諜海;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Evil Within", rule = "zh-cn:恶灵附身; zh-tw:邪靈入侵;" }, { type = "item", original = "Vice City", rule = "zh-cn:罪恶都市; zh-tw:罪惡城市;" }, { type = "item", original = "Viewtiful Joe", rule = "zh-cn:红侠乔伊; zh-tw:完美超人Joe;" }, { type = "item", original = "X-BLADES", rule = "zh-cn:鬼刃; zh-tw:X級美少女;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ == AVG 传统冒险== ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Beyond: Two Souls", rule = "zh-cn:超凡双生; zh-tw:超能殺機:兩個靈魂;" }, { type = "item", original = "Danganronpa", rule = "zh-cn:弹丸论破; zh-tw:槍彈辯駁;" }, { type = "item", original = "Dream C Club", rule = "zh-cn:梦幻俱乐部; zh-tw:美夢俱樂部;" }, { type = "item", original = "Heavy Rain", rule = "暴雨殺機=>zh-cn:暴雨; 暴雨殺機=>zh-sg:暴雨;" }, { type = "item", original = "Tokimeki Memorial", rule = "zh-cn:心跳回忆; zh-tw:純愛手札; zh-hk:心跳回憶;" }, { type = "item", original = "Valiant Hearts: The Great War", rule = "zh-cn:勇敢的心:世界大战; zh-tw:英勇之心:偉大戰爭;" }, { type = "item", original = "When They Cry 3", rule = "zh-cn:海猫鸣泣之时; zh-tw:海貓悲鳴時; zh-hk:海貓鳴泣之時;" }, { type = "item", original = "When They Cry", rule = "zh-cn:寒蝉鸣泣之时; zh-tw:暮蟬悲鳴時; zh-hk:寒蟬鳴泣之時;" }, { type = "item", original = "Life Is Strange", rule = "zh-cn:奇异人生; zh-tw:奇妙人生;" }, { type = "item", original = "Life Is Strange: Before the Storm", rule = "zh-cn:奇异人生:暴风前夕; zh-tw:奇妙人生:風暴之前;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ == FTG 格斗 == ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Dead or Alive", rule = "zh-cn:死或生; zh-tw:生死格鬥;" }, { type = "item", original = "Final Fight", rule = "zh-cn:快打旋风; zh-tw:街頭快打;" }, -- Final Fight的轉換與Street Fighter的港譯快打旋風一起運作會產生錯誤,暫時無法加入 { type = "item", original = "Guilty Gear", rule = "zh-cn:罪恶装备; zh-tw:聖騎士之戰; zh-hk:罪惡裝備;" }, { type = "item", original = "Injustice: Gods Among Us", rule = "zh-cn:不义联盟:人间之神; zh-tw:超級英雄:武力對決;" }, { type = "item", original = "King of Fighters", rule = "zh-cn:拳皇; zh-hk:拳皇; zh-tw:格鬥天王;" }, { type = "item", original = "Power Stone", rule = "zh-cn:能量宝石; zh-tw:力石戰士;" }, { type = "item", original = "Soulcalibur", rule = "zh-cn:灵魂能力; zh-tw:劍魂; zh-hk:靈魂能力;" }, { type = "item", original = "Street Fighter", rule = "zh-cn:街头霸王; zh-tw:快打旋風; zh-hk:街頭霸王;" }, { type = "item", original = "Virtua Fighter", rule = "zh-cn:VR战士; zh-tw:VR快打;" }, { type = "item", original = "Virtua Fighter", rule = "VR战士=>zh-hk:Virtua Fighter;" }, { type = "item", original = "Virtua Fighter", rule = "VR快打=>zh-hk:Virtua Fighter;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ == MUG/PUZ 音乐/益智 == === 初音未來 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Dreamy Theater", rule = "zh-cn:梦幻剧场; zh-tw:夢幻劇院; zh-hk:夢幻劇場; zh-mo:夢幻劇場;" }, { type = "item", original = "Project DIVA", rule = "zh-cn:歌姬计划; zh-tw:名伶計畫; zh-hk:歌姬計劃; zh-mo:歌姬計劃;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 其他 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Angry Birds", rule = "zh-cn:愤怒的小鸟; zh-tw:憤怒鳥;" }, { type = "item", original = "Bomberman", rule = "zh-cn:炸弹人; zh-tw:轟炸超人; zh-hk:炸彈人;" }, { type = "item", original = "Cooking Mama", rule = "zh-cn:料理妈妈; zh-tw:妙廚老媽;" }, { type = "item", original = "Crazy Arcade", rule = "zh-cn:泡泡堂; zh-tw:爆爆王;" }, { type = "item", original = "Fortune Street", rule = "zh-cn:富豪街; zh-tw:人生街道;" }, { type = "item", original = "Lips", rule = "zh-cn:高歌红唇; zh-tw:音樂派對;" }, { type = "item", original = "Made in Ore", rule = "zh-cn:俺自己制造; zh-tw:本大爺工坊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Made in Wario", rule = "zh-cn:瓦里奥制造; zh-tw:壞利歐工坊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Pac-Man", rule = "吃豆人=>zh-hk:食鬼; 吃豆人=>zh-tw:小精靈;" }, { type = "item", original = "Patapon", rule = "zh-cn:啪嗒砰; zh-tw:戰鼓啪打碰; zh-hk:啪嗒砰;" }, { type = "item", original = "Puyopuyo", rule = "zh-cn:噗呦噗呦; zh-tw:魔法氣泡;" }, { type = "item", original = "Puzzle & Dragons", rule = "zh-cn:智龙迷城; zh-tw:龍族拼圖;" }, { type = "item", original = "Taiko no Tatsujin", rule = "zh-cn:太鼓达人; zh-tw:太鼓之達人;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ == RAC/SPG 竞速/体育 == === 极品飞车 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Carbon", rule = "zh-cn:生死卡本谷; zh-tw:玩命山道;" }, { type = "item", original = "High Stakes", rule = "zh-cn:孤注一掷; zh-tw:致命追擊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Hot Pursuit (2010)", rule = "zh-cn:热力追踪; zh-tw:超熱力追緝;" }, { type = "item", original = "Hot Pursuit", rule = "zh-cn:闪电追踪; zh-tw:熱力追緝;" }, { type = "item", original = "Most Wanted (2012)", rule = "zh-cn:最高通缉; zh-tw:新全民公敵;" }, { type = "item", original = "Most Wanted", rule = "zh-cn:无间追踪; zh-tw:全民公敵;" }, { type = "item", original = "Nitro", rule = "絕影狂飆=>zh-cn:氮气;" }, -- “氮气”易被过度转换,故用单向 { type = "item", original = "No Limits", rule = "零極限=>zh-cn:无限;" }, { type = "item", original = "Porsche", rule = "zh-cn:保时捷之旅; zh-tw:保時捷的榮耀;" }, { type = "item", original = "Pro Street", rule = "zh-cn:街头狂飙; zh-tw:職業街頭;" }, { type = "item", original = "Rivals", rule = "生存競速=>zh-cn:宿敌;" }, -- “宿敌”易被过度转换,故用单向 { type = "item", original = "Shift 2: Unleashed", rule = "zh-cn:变速2:释放; zh-tw:進化世代2:全面解放;" }, { type = "item", original = "Shift", rule = "進化世代=>zh-cn:变速;" }, -- “变速”易被过度转换,故用单向 { type = "item", original = "The Run", rule = "zh-cn:亡命狂飙; zh-tw:亡命天涯;" }, { type = "item", original = "Undercover", rule = "zh-cn:无间风云; zh-tw:臥底風雲;" }, { type = "item", original = "Underground", rule = "zh-cn:地下车会; zh-tw:飆風再起;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 其他竞速 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Burnout Revenge", rule = "zh-cn:火爆狂飙 复仇; zh-tw:橫衝直撞 復仇之道;" }, { type = "item", original = "Burnout", rule = "zh-cn:火爆狂飙; zh-tw:橫衝直撞;" }, { type = "item", original = "Colin McRae Rally", rule = "zh-cn:科林·麦克雷拉力赛; zh-tw:越野菁英賽;" }, { type = "item", original = "Crazy Taxi", rule = "zh-cn:疯狂出租车; zh-tw:瘋狂計程車;" }, { type = "item", original = "DiRT", rule = "zh-cn:尘埃; zh-tw:大地長征;" }, { type = "item", original = "Excite Truck", rule = "zh-cn:激情卡车; zh-tw:狂飆卡車;" }, { type = "item", original = "Gran Turismo", rule = "zh-cn:GT赛车; zh-tw:跑車浪漫旅; zh-hk:GT賽車;" }, { type = "item", original = "GRID", rule = "zh-cn:超级房车赛 起点; zh-tw:極速房車賽 街頭賽車;" }, { type = "item", original = "Midnight Club", rule = "zh-cn:湾岸午夜俱乐部; zh-tw:灣岸;" }, { type = "item", original = "Motor Storm", rule = "zh-cn:机车风暴; zh-tw:摩托風暴;" }, { type = "item", original = "NASCAR", rule = "zh-cn:纳斯卡赛车; zh-tw:雲斯頓賽車;" }, { type = "item", original = "Project Gotham Racing", rule = "zh-cn:哥谭赛车计划; zh-tw:世界街頭賽車;" }, { type = "item", original = "Real Racing", rule = "zh-cn:真实赛车; zh-tw:狂飆賽車;" }, { type = "item", original = "Ridge Racers", rule = "zh-cn:山脊赛车; zh-tw:實感賽車;" }, { type = "item", original = "Special Force 2", rule = "zh-cn:风暴战区; zh-tw:特種部隊2 Online;" }, { type = "item", original = "Test Drive Unlimited", rule = "zh-cn:无限试驾; zh-tw:車魂:無限賽;" }, { type = "item", original = "Test Drive", rule = "zh-cn:试驾; zh-tw:車魂;" }, { type = "item", original = "Wipeout", rule = "zh-cn:反重力赛车; zh-tw:磁浮飛車;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 体育类 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Deca Sports", rule = "zh-cn:十项全能; zh-tw:運動大集錦;" }, { type = "item", original = "Everybody's Golf", rule = "zh-cn:大众高尔夫; zh-tw:全民高爾夫;" }, { type = "item", original = "FIFA", rule = "zh-cn:FIFA; zh-tw:國際足盟大賽; zh-hk:FIFA;" }, { type = "item", original = "G1 Jockey", rule = "zh-cn:G1骑师; zh-tw:騎師之道;" }, { type = "item", original = "Madden NFL", rule = "zh-cn:麦登橄榄球; zh-tw:勁爆美式足球;" }, { type = "item", original = "NBA LIVE", rule = "zh-cn:NBA Live ; zh-tw:勁爆美國職籃; zh-hk:NBA Live ;" }, { type = "item", original = "Pro Evolution Soccer", rule = "zh-cn:实况足球; zh-hk:勝利十一人; zh-sg:胜利十一人; zh-tw:世界足球競賽;" }, { type = "item", original = "Skate", rule = "極限滑板=>zh-cn:滑板; " }, { type = "item", original = "Snowboard Kids", rule = "zh-cn:滑雪少年; zh-tw:滑雪板小子;" }, { type = "item", original = "SSX", rule = "zh-cn:极限滑雪; zh-tw:疾風滑雪板;" }, { type = "item", original = "Tony Hawk", rule = "zh-cn:托尼霍克滑板; zh-tw:湯尼霍克;" }, { type = "item", original = "Top Spin", rule = "zh-cn:上旋高手; zh-tw:職業網球大聯盟;" }, { type = "item", original = "Virtua Tennis", rule = "zh-cn:VR网球; zh-tw:威力網球;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ == RPG 角色扮演 == === -{zh-tw:絕冬城之夜; zh-cn:无冬之夜;}- === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Hordes of the Underdark", rule = "zh-tw:黯影謎咒; zh-cn:幽城魔影;" }, { type = "item", original = "Neverwinter Nights: Kingmaker", rule = "zh-tw:絕冬城之夜:國王密令; zh-cn:无冬之夜:拥王者;" }, { type = "item", original = "Neverwinter Nights", rule = "zh-tw:絕冬城之夜; zh-cn:无冬之夜;" }, { type = "item", original = "Neverwinter", rule = "zh-tw:絕冬; zh-cn:无冬;" }, { type = "item", original = "Shadows of Undrentide", rule = "zh-tw:黯影之心; zh-cn:古城阴影;" }, { type = "item", original = "Storm of Zehir", rule = "zh-tw:邪神降臨; zh-cn:泽希尔的风暴;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 塞尔达传说 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Zelda", rule = "zh-cn:塞尔达; zh-tw:薩爾達;" }, { type = "item", original = "A Link to the Past", rule = "zh-cn:众神的三角力量; zh-tw:眾神的三角神力;" }, { type = "item", original = "Majora", rule = "zh-cn:姆吉拉; zh-tw:穆修拉; zh-hk:姆吉拉;" }, { type = "item", original = "Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages", rule = "zh-cn:不可思议的果实; zh-tw:神祕果實;" }, { type = "item", original = "Phantom Hourglass", rule = "zh-cn:幻影沙漏; zh-tw:夢幻沙漏;" }, { type = "item", original = "Spirit Tracks", rule = "zh-cn:大地的汽笛; zh-tw:大地汽笛;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Minish Cap", rule = "zh-cn:缩小帽; zh-tw:不可思議的帽子;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Wind Waker", rule = "zh-cn:风之杖; zh-tw:風之律動;" }, { type = "item", original = "Twilight Princess", rule = "zh-cn:黄昏公主; zh-tw:曙光公主; zh-hk:黃昏公主;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 异度系列 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Xeno", rule = "zh-cn:异度系列; zh-tw:異域系列;" }, { type = "item", original = "Xenoblade", rule = "异度之刃=>zh-cn:异度神剑; 异度之刃=>zh-hk:異度神劍; 异度之刃=>zh-tw:異度神劍;" }, { type = "item", original = "Xenoblade", rule = "異域神劍=>zh-cn:异度神剑; 異域神劍=>zh-hk:異度神劍; 異域神劍=>zh-tw:異度神劍;" }, { type = "item", original = "Xenogears", rule = "zh-cn:异度装甲; zh-tw:異域神兵;" }, { type = "item", original = "Xenosaga", rule = "zh-cn:异度传说; zh-tw:異域傳說;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 海王星系列 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Hyperdimension Neptunia", rule = "zh-cn:次元游戏 海王星; zh-tw:次元戰記 戰機少女;" }, { type = "item", original = "Hyperdimension Neptunia VII", rule = "zh-cn:新次元游戏 海王星VII; zh-tw:新次元遊戲 戰機少女VII;" }, { type = "item", original = "Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1", rule = "zh-cn:超次次元游戏 海王星 重生1; zh-tw:超次次元遊戲 戰機少女 重生1;" }, { type = "item", original = "Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2: Sisters Generation", rule = "zh-cn:超次次元游戏 海王星 重生2 妹妹世代; zh-tw:超次次元遊戲 戰機少女 重生2 妹妹世代;" }, { type = "item", original = "Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3: V Generation", rule = "zh-cn:神次次元游戏 海王星 重生3 世纪; zh-tw:神次次元遊戲 戰機少女 重生3 世紀;" }, { type = "item", original = "Superdimension Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls", rule = "zh-hans:超次元大战 海王星VS世嘉主机少女 梦幻合体Special; zh-hant:超次元大戰 戰機少女VS世嘉・主機娘 夢幻合體特別版;" }, { type = "item", original = "Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart", rule = "zh-cn:超女神信仰 诺瓦露 激神黑心; zh-tw:超女神信仰 諾瓦 激神黑心;" }, { type = "item", original = "Four Goddesses Online: Cyber Dimension Neptune", rule = "zh-cn:四女神Online 网络次元海王星; zh-tw:四女神Online 幻次元遊戲戰機少女;" }, { type = "item", original = "NepNep☆Connect: Chaos Chanpuru", rule = "zh-cn:涅普涅普连接 混沌大乱斗; zh-tw:戰機少女☆連結混亂交錯;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 其他 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Aion", rule = "zh-cn:永恒之塔; zh-tw:永恆紀元;" }, { type = "item", original = "Baldur's Gate", rule = "zh-cn:博德之门; zh-tw:柏德之門;" }, { type = "item", original = "Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance", rule = "zh-cn:博德之门:黑暗联盟; zh-tw:柏德之門:暗黑同盟;" }, { type = "item", original = "Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain", rule = "zh-cn:血兆:凯恩的遗产; zh-tw:血魔傳奇;" }, { type = "item", original = "Chain of Memories", rule = "zh-hans:记忆之链; zh-hant:記憶之鍊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Child of Light", rule = "zh-cn:光之子; zh-tw:光明之子;" }, { type = "item", original = "Chrono Trigger", rule = "zh-cn:时空之轮; zh-tw:超時空之鑰;" }, { type = "item", original = "Dark Souls", rule = "zh-cn:黑暗之魂; zh-tw:黑暗靈魂;" }, { type = "item", original = "Demon's Souls", rule = "zh-cn:恶魔之魂; zh-tw:惡魔靈魂;" }, { type = "item", original = "Divinity", rule = "zh-cn:神界; zh-tw:神諭;" }, { type = "item", original = "Dragon Age", rule = "zh-cn:龙腾世纪; zh-tw:闇龍紀元;" }, { type = "item", original = "Dragon Quest Monsters", rule = "zh-cn:勇者斗恶龙怪兽篇; zh-hk:勇者鬥惡龍怪獸篇; zh-tw:勇者鬥惡龍 怪獸仙境;" }, { type = "item", original = "Dragon Quest", rule = "zh-hans:勇者斗恶龙; zh-hant:勇者鬥惡龍;" }, { type = "item", original = "Drakengard", rule = "zh-cn:龙背上的骑兵; zh-tw:誓血龍騎士;" }, { type = "item", original = "Dungeon Siege", rule = "zh-cn:地牢围攻; zh-tw:末日危城;" }, { type = "item", original = "Fallout", rule = "異塵餘生=>zh-cn:辐射; 異塵餘生=>zh-sg:辐射;" }, { type = "item", original = "Fallout 2", rule = "zh-cn:辐射2; zh-tw:異塵餘生2;" }, { type = "item", original = "Fallout 3", rule = "zh-cn:辐射3; zh-tw:異塵餘生3;" }, { type = "item", original = "Fallout 4", rule = "zh-cn:辐射4; zh-tw:異塵餘生4;" }, { type = "item", original = "Fallout 76", rule = "zh-cn:辐射76; zh-tw:異塵餘生76;" }, { type = "item", original = "Fallout:", rule = "zh-cn:辐射:; zh-tw:異塵餘生:;" }, { type = "item", original = "Final Fantasy", rule = "zh-cn:最终幻想; zh-tw:最終幻想; zh-hk:最終幻想;" }, { type = "item", original = "Final Fantasy", rule = "zh-cn:最终幻想系列; zh-tw:Final Fantasy系列; zh-hk:最終幻想系列;" }, { type = "item", original = "Fire Emblem", rule = "zh-cn:火焰之纹章; zh-tw:聖火降魔錄; zh-hk:火焰之紋章;" }, { type = "item", original = "Heart of Winter", rule = "zh-cn:冬之心; zh-tw:寒冬之心;" }, { type = "item", original = "Heartstone", rule = "zh-cn:炉石传说; zh-tw:爐石戰記;" }, { type = "item", original = "Icewind Dale", rule = "zh-cn:冰风谷; zh-tw:冰風之谷;" }, { type = "item", original = "Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning", rule = "zh-cn:阿玛拉王国:惩罚; zh-tw:大地王國:罪與罰;" }, { type = "item", original = "Klonoa", rule = "zh-cn:风之克罗诺亚; zh-tw:風之少年;" }, { type = "item", original = "Legends of aranna", rule = "zh-cn:阿拉那传说; zh-tw:亞蘭納傳奇;" }, { type = "item", original = "Lightning Returns", rule = "zh-cn:雷霆归来; zh-tw:雷光歸來;" }, { type = "item", original = "Magic The Gathering", rule = "zh-cn:万智牌; zh-tw:魔法風雲會;" }, { type = "item", original = "MapleStory", rule = "楓之谷=>zh-cn:冒险岛;" }, { type = "item", original = "MapleStory", rule = "新楓之谷=>zh-cn:冒险岛;" }, { type = "item", original = "Morrowind", rule = "zh-cn::晨风; zh-tw::魔捲晨風;" }, -- 请勿删除冒号,以防过度转换 { type = "item", original = "Oblivion", rule = "zh-cn::湮没; zh-tw::遺忘之都;" }, { type = "item", original = "Pokémon", rule = "zh-cn:口袋妖怪; zh-tw:神奇寶貝; zh-hk:寵物小精靈;" }, { type = "item", original = "SaGa Frontier", rule = "zh-cn:沙加开拓者; zh-tw:復活邪神:邪神領域;" }, { type = "item", original = "Shadows of Amn", rule = "zh-cn:安姆的阴影; zh-tw:安姆疑雲;" }, { type = "item", original = "Shing Force", rule = "zh-cn:光明力量; zh-tw:光明與黑暗;" }, { type = "item", original = "Skyrim", rule = "zh-cn::天际; zh-tw::無界天際;" }, { type = "item", original = "Star Ocean", rule = "zh-cn:星之海洋; zh-tw:星海遊俠;" }, { type = "item", original = "Summon Night", rule = "zh-cn:召唤之夜; zh-tw:召喚夜響曲;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Elder Scrolls", rule = "zh-hans:上古卷轴; zh-hant:上古卷軸;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Last Story", rule = "zh-cn:最后的故事; zh-tw:夢幻終章;" }, { type = "item", original = "Throne of Bhaal", rule = "zh-cn:巴尔王座; zh-tw:邪神霸權;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings", rule = "zh-cn:巫师2:国王刺客;zh-tw:巫師 2:王國刺客;" }, { type = "item", original = "Cyberpunk 2077", rule = "zh-cn:赛博朋克2077;zh-tw:電馭叛客2077;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ == SIM 模擬育成 == ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Roller Coaster", rule = "zh-cn:过山车大亨; zh-tw:模擬樂園;" }, { type = "item", original = "Tamagotchi", rule = "zh-cn:拓麻歌子;zh-tw:塔麻可吉;zh-hk:他媽哥池;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Sims", rule = "zh-cn:模拟人生; zh-tw:模擬市民;" }, { type = "item", original = "Theme Hospital", rule = "zh-cn:主题医院; zh-tw:杏林也瘋狂;" }, { type = "item", original = "Tomodachi Collection", rule = "zh-cn:朋友聚会; zh-tw:朋友收藏集;" }, { type = "item", original = "Tropico", rule = "zh-cn:海岛大亨; zh-tw:總統萬歲;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ == SLG/RTS 策略 == === -{zh-cn:帝国时代; zh-tw:世紀帝國;}- === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Age of Empires", rule = "zh-cn:帝国时代; zh-tw:世紀帝國;" }, { type = "item", original = "Age of Mythology", rule = "zh-cn:神话时代; zh-tw:神話世紀;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Age of Kings", rule = "zh-cn:国王时代; zh-tw:帝王世紀;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Conquerors Expans", rule = "zh-cn:征服者; zh-tw:征服者入侵;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Rise of Rome", rule = "zh-cn:罗马复兴; zh-tw:羅馬霸主;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Warchiefs", rule = "zh-cn::酋长; zh-tw::群酋爭霸;" }, -- 请勿删除冒号,以防过度转换 { type = "item", original = "Rise of the Rajas", rule = "zh-cn:蛮王崛起; zh-tw:拉者崛起;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Forgotten", rule = "zh-cn:失落帝国; zh-tw:失落的帝國;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === -{zh-cn:命令与征服; zh-tw:終極動員令;}- === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Command & Conquer", rule = "zh-cn:命令与征服; zh-tw:終極動員令;" }, { type = "item", original = "Counterstrike", rule = "zh-cn::反击; zh-tw::危機任務;" }, -- 请勿删除冒号,以防过度转换 { type = "item", original = "Kane's Wrath", rule = "zh-cn:凯恩之怒; zh-tw:肯恩之怒;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Aftermath", rule = "zh-cn::余波; zh-tw::突發事件;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Covert Operations", rule = "zh-cn:隐秘行动; zh-tw:重回殺戮戰場;" }, { type = "item", original = "Tiberian Twilight", rule = "zh-cn:泰伯利亚的黄昏; zh-tw:泰伯倫暮光;" }, { type = "item", original = "Tiberium Wars", rule = "zh-cn:泰伯利亚之战; zh-tw:泰伯倫戰爭;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === -{zh-cn:英雄连; zh-tw:英雄連隊;}- === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Company of Heroes", rule = "zh-cn:英雄连; zh-tw:英雄連隊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Opposing Fronts", rule = "zh-cn:抵抗前线; zh-tw:火線對決;" }, { type = "item", original = "Tales of Valor", rule = "zh-cn:勇气传说; zh-tw:勇士勳章;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 星际争霸 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Brood War", rule = "zh-cn:母巢之战; zh-tw:怒火燎原;" }, { type = "item", original = "StarCraft", rule = "zh-cn:星际争霸; zh-tw:星海爭霸;" }, { type = "item", original = "StarCraft: Ghost", rule = "zh-cn:星际争霸:幽灵; zh-tw:星海爭霸:暗影獵殺;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 魔兽争霸 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Reign of Chaos", rule = "zh-cn:混乱之治; zh-tw:混沌之治;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Frozen Throne", rule = "zh-cn:冰封王座; zh-tw:寒冰霸權;" }, { type = "item", original = "Tide of Darkness", rule = "zh-cn:黑潮; zh-tw:黑暗浪潮;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 其他 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Act of War", rule = "zh-cn:战争行为; zh-tw:火線交鋒;" }, { type = "item", original = "Civilization", rule = "文明帝國=>zh-cn:文明; 文明帝國=>zh-sg:文明;" },-- 文明易被过度转换,为RTS游戏常用词,因此使用单向 { type = "item", original = "Civilization I", rule = "zh-cn:文明I; zh-tw:文明帝國I;" }, { type = "item", original = "Civilization V", rule = "zh-cn:文明V; zh-tw:文明帝國V;" }, { type = "item", original = "Dawn of War", rule = "zh-cn:战争黎明; zh-tw:破曉之戰;" }, { type = "item", original = "Demigod", rule = "zh-cn:半神; zh-tw:神人;" }, { type = "item", original = "Dune", rule = "zh-cn:沙丘; zh-tw:沙丘魔堡;" }, { type = "item", original = "Empire Earth", rule = "zh-cn:地球帝国; zh-tw:世紀爭霸;" }, { type = "item", original = "Endwar", rule = "zh-cn:末日之战; zh-tw:世界戰局;" }, { type = "item", original = "Europa Universalis", rule = "zh-cn:欧陆风云; zh-tw:征服四海; zh-hk:歐陸風雲;" }, { type = "item", original = "Halo Wars", rule = "zh-cn:光环战争; zh-tw:星環戰役;" }, { type = "item", original = "Heroes of the Storm", rule = "zh-cn:风暴英雄; zh-tw:暴雪英霸;" }, { type = "item", original = "High Treason", rule = "zh-cn:严重叛国; zh-tw:美國淪亡錄;" }, { type = "item", original = "Homeworld", rule = "萬艦齊發=>zh-cn:家园; 萬艦齊發=>zh-sg:家园;" },--单向防止过度转换 { type = "item", original = "King's Bounty", rule = "zh-cn:国王的恩赐; zh-tw:英雄大帝;" }, { type = "item", original = "Rise of Nations", rule = "zh-cn:国家的崛起; zh-tw:王國的興起;" }, { type = "item", original = "The Lord of the Rings", rule = "zh-cn:指环王; zh-tw:魔戒;" }, { type = "item", original = "Total War", rule = "zh-cn:全面战争; zh-tw:全軍破敵;" }, { type = "item", original = "Warhammer", rule = "zh-hans:战锤; zh-hant:戰鎚;" }, { type = "item", original = "What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord?", rule = "zh-cn:勇者别嚣张; zh-tw:勇者有點太囂張;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ == STG/FPS 射击 == === -{zh-cn:使命召唤; zh-tw:決勝時刻; zh-hk:使命召喚;}- === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Call of Duty", rule = "zh-cn:使命召唤; zh-tw:決勝時刻; zh-hk:使命召喚;" }, { type = "item", original = "Advanced Warfare", rule = "zh-cn:使命召唤:高级战争; zh-tw:決勝時刻:先進戰爭;" }, { type = "item", original = "Big Red One", rule = "zh-cn:红一纵队; zh-tw:鐵血軍營;" }, { type = "item", original = "Finest Hour", rule = "zh-cn:决战时刻; zh-tw:尖峰時刻;" }, { type = "item", original = "Ghosts", rule = "zh-cn:使命召唤:幽灵; zh-tw:決勝時刻:魅影;" }, { type = "item", original = "Infinite Warfare", rule = "zh-cn:使命召唤:无限战争; zh-tw:決勝時刻:無盡戰爭;" }, { type = "item", original = "United Offensive", rule = "zh-cn:联合进攻; zh-tw:聯合行動;" }, { type = "item", original = "BioShock Infinite", rule = "zh-cn:生化奇兵:无限; zh-tw:生化奇兵:無限之城;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === -{zh-cn:孤岛危机; zh-tw:末日之戰; zh-hk:末日之戰;}- === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Crysis", rule = "zh-cn:孤岛危机; zh-tw:末日之戰; zh-hk:末日之戰;" }, { type = "item", original = "Crysis Warhead", rule = "zh-cn:孤岛危机:弹头; zh-tw:末日之戰:獵殺悍將; zh-hk:末日之戰:獵殺悍將;" }, { type = "item", original = "Crysis Wars", rule = "zh-cn:孤岛危机:战争; zh-tw:末日戰爭;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === -{zh-cn:半条命; zh-tw:戰慄時空;}- === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Counter-Strike", rule = "zh-cn:反恐精英; zh-tw:絕對武力;" }, { type = "item", original = "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero", rule = "zh-cn:反恐精英:零点行动; zh-tw:絕對武力:一觸即發;" }, { type = "item", original = "Counter-Strike: Source", rule = "zh-cn:反恐精英:起源; zh-tw:絕對武力:次世代;" }, { type = "item", original = "Day of Defeat", rule = "zh-cn:胜利之日; zh-tw:決勝之日;" }, { type = "item", original = "Day of Defeat: Source", rule = "zh-cn:胜利之日:起源; zh-tw:決勝之日:次世代;" }, { type = "item", original = "Half-Life", rule = "zh-cn:半条命; zh-tw:戰慄時空;" }, { type = "item", original = "Team Fortress", rule = "zh-cn:军团要塞; zh-tw:絕地要塞;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === -{zh-cn:潜行者; zh-tw:浩劫殺陣;}- === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "ClearSky", rule = "zh-cn::晴空; zh-tw::晴空染血;" }, { type = "item", original = "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.", rule = "zh-cn::潜行者; zh-tw::浩劫殺陣;" }, { type = "item", original = "Shadow of Chernobyl", rule = "zh-cn:切尔诺贝利的阴影; zh-tw:車諾比之影;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === -{zh-cn:三角洲特种部队; zh-tw:三角洲部隊;}- === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Black Hawk Down", rule = "zh-cn:黑鹰坠落; zh-tw:黑鷹計劃;" }, { type = "item", original = "Delta Force", rule = "zh-cn:三角洲特种部队; zh-tw:三角洲部隊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Delta Force: Xtreme", rule = "zh-cn:三角洲特种部队:终极目标; zh-tw:究極三角洲部隊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Team Sabre", rule = "zh-cn:战队之刃; zh-tw:軍刀小隊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Urban Warfare", rule = "zh-cn:近战突击队; zh-tw:都市戰爭;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 联合行动 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Joint Operations", rule = "联合行动=>zh-tw:戰火; 联合行动=>zh-hk:戰火; 联合行动=>zh-mo:戰火;" }, -- “戰火”易被过度转换,故用单向 { type = "item", original = "Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising", rule = "联合行动:台风骤起=>zh-tw:戰火; 联合行动:台风骤起=>zh-hk:戰火; 联合行动:台风骤起=>zh-mo:戰火;" }, -- “戰火”易被过度转换,故用单向 { type = "text", text = [[ === 戰地風雲 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Bad Company", rule = "zh-cn::叛逆连队; zh-tw::惡名昭彰;" }, { type = "item", original = "Battlefield", rule = "zh-cn:战地; zh-tw:戰地風雲;" }, { type = "item", original = "Battlefield: Hardline", rule = "zh-cn:战地:硬仗; zh-tw:戰地風雲:強硬路線;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 榮譽勳章 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Allied Assault", rule = "zh-cn:荣誉勋章:联合袭击; zh-tw:榮譽勳章:反攻諾曼第; zh-hk:榮譽勳章:反攻諾曼第;" }, { type = "item", original = "Frontline", rule = "zh-cn:荣誉勋章:前线; zh-tw:榮譽勳章:反攻前線;" }, { type = "item", original = "Heros", rule = "zh-cn:荣誉勋章:英雄; zh-tw:榮譽勳章:鐵膽英豪;" }, { type = "item", original = "Pacific Assault", rule = "zh-cn:荣誉勋章:太平洋突袭; zh-tw:榮譽勳章:太平洋戰役; zh-hk:榮譽勳章:太平洋戰役;" }, { type = "item", original = "Rising Sun", rule = "zh-cn:荣誉勋章:日出; zh-tw:榮譽勳章:突襲珍珠港; zh-hk:榮譽勳章:突襲珍珠港;" }, { type = "item", original = "Spearhead", rule = "zh-cn:荣誉勋章:先头部队; zh-tw:榮譽勳章:諾曼第大空降; zh-hk:榮譽勳章:諾曼第大空降;" }, { type = "item", original = "Vanguard", rule = "zh-cn:荣誉勋章:先锋; zh-tw:榮譽勳章:先鋒部隊; zh-hk:榮譽勳章:先鋒部隊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Warfighter", rule = "zh-cn:荣誉勋章:战士; zh-tw:榮譽勳章:鐵血悍將; zh-hk:榮譽勳章:鐵血悍將;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 战火兄弟连 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Brothers in arms", rule = "zh-cn:战火兄弟连; zh-tw:榮耀戰場;" }, { type = "item", original = "Hell's Highway", rule = "zh-cn:地狱公路; zh-tw:地獄棧道;" }, { type = "item", original = "Road to Hill 30", rule = "zh-cn:进军30高地; zh-tw:前進30高地;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ === 其他 === ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Ace Combat", rule = "zh-cn:皇牌空战; zh-tw:空戰奇兵; zh-hk:皇牌空戰;" }, { type = "item", original = "Advanced Warfighter", rule = "zh-cn:尖峰战士; zh-tw:先進戰士; zh-hk:尖峰戰士;" }, { type = "item", original = "Army of Two", rule = "zh-cn:战地双雄; zh-tw:無間特攻;" }, { type = "item", original = "Army of Two: The Devil Cartel", rule = "zh-cn::战地双雄:恶魔联盟; zh-tw:無間特攻:非法涉入;" }, { type = "item", original = "Borderlands", rule = "zh-cn:无主之地; zh-tw:邊緣禁地;" }, { type = "item", original = "Bulletstorm", rule = "zh-cn:子弹风暴; zh-tw:狂彈風暴;" }, { type = "item", original = "Clock Tower", rule = "zh-cn:钟楼惊魂; zh-hk:鐘樓驚魂; zh-tw:時鐘塔;" }, { type = "item", original = "Crackdown", rule = "zh-cn:除暴特警; zh-tw:除暴戰警;" }, { type = "item", original = "Dead Space", rule = "zh-cn:死亡空间; zh-tw:絕命異次元;" }, { type = "item", original = "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided", rule = "zh-cn:杀出重围:人类分裂; zh-tw:駭客入侵:人類岐裂;" }, { type = "item", original = "Dragon's Dogma", rule = "zh-cn:龙之信条; zh-tw:龍族教義;" }, { type = "item", original = "Enemy Territory:Quake Wars", rule = "zh-cn:深入敌后:雷神战争; zh-tw:雷神之戰;" }, { type = "item", original = "F.E.A.R.", rule = "zh-cn:极度恐慌; zh-tw:戰慄突擊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Face Raiders", rule = "zh-cn:脸空中射击; zh-tw:飛行大臉兵射擊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Far Cry", rule = "zh-cn:孤岛惊魂; zh-tw:極地戰嚎;" }, { type = "item", original = "Frontlines:Fuel of War", rule = "zh-cn:前线:战争燃料; zh-tw:決戰火線:能源危機;" }, { type = "item", original = "Ghost Recon", rule = "zh-cn:幽灵行动; zh-tw:火線獵殺; zh-hk:幽靈行動;" }, { type = "item", original = "H.A.W.X.", rule = "zh-cn:鹰击长空; zh-tw:鷹戰X;" }, { type = "item", original = "Halo", rule = "zh-cn:光环; zh-tw:最後一戰;" }, { type = "item", original = "Colors", rule = "zh-cn:缤纷世界; zh-tw:繽紛色彩;" }, { type = "item", original = "Halo: Spartan Assault", rule = "zh-cn:光环:斯巴达突袭; zh-tw:最後一戰:超級特攻隊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Homefront: The Revolution", rule = "zh-cn:国土防线:革命;zh-tw:烽火家園:革命再起;zh-hk:家園戰線:革命;" }, { type = "item", original = "I.G.I.-2: Covert Strike", rule = "zh-cn:秘密潜入2:隐秘行动; zh-tw:核武浩劫2;" }, { type = "item", original = "Left 4 Dead", rule = "zh-cn:求生之路; zh-tw:惡靈勢力; zh-hk:惡靈勢力;" }, { type = "item", original = "Mercenaries 2: World in Flames", rule = "zh-cn:雇佣兵2:炼狱; zh-tw:傭兵紀元2:熾熱戰區;" }, { type = "item", original = "Mercenaries", rule = "傭兵紀元=>zh-cn:雇佣兵; 傭兵紀元=>zh-sg:雇佣兵;" }, { type = "item", original = "Metal Slug", rule = "zh-cn:合金弹头; zh-hk:鋼鐵蟲師; zh-tw:越南大戰;" }, { type = "item", original = "Metro: Last Light", rule = "zh-cn:地铁:最后的曙光; zh-tw:戰慄深隧:最後光芒;" }, { type = "item", original = "Mighty No. 9", rule = "zh-cn:无敌9号; zh-tw:麥提9號;" }, { type = "item", original = "Nanostray", rule = "zh-cn:纳米漂移; zh-tw:彈爵;" }, { type = "item", original = "Operation Flashpoint", rule = "zh-cn:闪点行动; zh-tw:閃擊點行動;" }, { type = "item", original = "Overwatch", rule = "zh-cn:守望先锋; zh-tw:鬥陣特攻;" }, { type = "item", original = "Pac-Man", rule = "zh-cn:吃豆人; zh-tw:小精靈; zh-hk:食鬼;" }, { type = "item", original = "Project I.G.I.", rule = "zh-cn:秘密潜入; zh-tw:核武浩劫;" }, { type = "item", original = "Prey", rule = "zh-cn:掠食; zh-tw:獵魂;" }, { type = "item", original = "Quake", rule = "zh-cn:雷神之锤; zh-tw:雷神之鎚;" }, { type = "item", original = "Rainbow Six", rule = "zh-cn:彩虹六号; zh-tw:虹彩六號;" }, { type = "item", original = "Reach", rule = "zh-cn:致远星; zh-tw:瑞曲之戰;" }, { type = "item", original = "Saints Row", rule = "zh-cn:黑道圣徒; zh-tw:黑街聖徒;" }, { type = "item", original = "Serious Sam", rule = "zh-cn:英雄萨姆; zh-tw:重裝武力;" }, { type = "item", original = "Sniper Elite", rule = "zh-cn:狙击精英; zh-tw:狙擊之神;" }, { type = "item", original = "Star Wars", rule = "zh-cn:星球大战; zh-tw:星際大戰;" }, { type = "item", original = "Star Wars Battlefront", rule = "zh-cn:星球大战 前线; zh-tw:星際大戰 戰場前線;" }, { type = "item", original = "State of Decay", rule = "zh-cn:腐烂国度; zh-tw:腐朽之都;" }, { type = "item", original = "Sunset Overdrive", rule = "zh-cn:日落过载; zh-tw:落日飆神;" }, { type = "item", original = "SWAT", rule = "zh-cn:霹雳小组; zh-tw:迅雷先鋒;" }, { type = "item", original = "TalesWeaver", rule = "zh-tw:天翼之鍊; zh-cn:天翼之链;" }, { type = "item", original = "TimeShift", rule = "zh-cn:时空飞梭; zh-tw:時空悍將;" }, { type = "item", original = "Titanfall", rule = "zh-cn:泰坦天降; zh-tw:神兵泰坦;" }, { type = "item", original = "Unreal Engine", rule = "zh-cn:虚幻引擎; zh-tw:魔域幻境引擎;" }, { type = "item", original = "Unreal Tournament", rule = "zh-cn:虚幻竞技场; zh-tw:魔域幻境之浴血戰場;" }, { type = "item", original = "Unreal", rule = "魔域幻境=>zh-cn:虚幻; 魔域幻境=>zh-sg:虚幻;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ == -{zh-cn:美少女游戏; zh-tw:美少女遊戲;}- == ]] }, { type = "item", original = "ネコぱら", rule = "zh-cn:巧克力与香子兰; zh-tw:Nekopara;" }, { type = "item", original = "幼なじみは大統領", rule = "zh-cn:幼驯染是大总统; zh-tw:我的青梅竹馬是大總統;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ == 人名 == ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Bayonetta", rule = "zh-cn:贝优妮塔; zh-tw:蓓優妮塔;" }, { type = "item", original = "Chopin", rule = "zh-cn:肖邦; zh-tw:蕭邦;" }, { type = "item", original = "Cortana", rule = "zh-cn:科塔娜; zh-tw:可塔娜;" }, { type = "item", original = "Croft", rule = "zh-cn:克罗夫特; zh-tw:卡芙特;" }, { type = "item", original = "Lara", rule = "zh-cn:劳拉; zh-tw:蘿拉; zh-hk:羅拉; zh-hk:邏拉;" }, { type = "item", original = "Mario", rule = "zh-cn:马里奥; zh-tw:瑪利歐;" }, { type = "item", original = "Sam Fisher", rule = "zh-cn:山姆·费舍尔; zh-tw:山姆·費雪;" }, { type = "item", original = "Sonic the Hedgehog", rule = "zh-cn:刺猬索尼克; zh-tw:音速小子; zh-hk:超音鼠;" }, { type = "item", original = "Sonic the Hedgehog", rule = "zh-cn:索尼克; zh-tw:音速小子; zh-hk:超音鼠;" }, { type = "item", original = "Wario", rule = "zh-cn:瓦里奥; zh-tw:壞利歐;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ == 厂商 == ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Electronic Arts", rule = "zh-cn:美国艺电; zh-tw:美商藝電; zh-hk:藝電;" }, { type = "item", original = "Electronic Arts", rule = "zh-cn:艺电; zh-tw:美商藝電; zh-hk:藝電;" }, { type = "item", original = "Grasshopper Manufacture", rule = "zh-cn:草蜢工作室; zh-tw:Grasshopper Manufacture; zh-hk:Grasshopper Manufacture;" }, { type = "item", original = "Magnavox", rule = "zh-cn:米罗华; zh-tw:美格福斯;" }, -- 早期电子游戏机制造商 { type = "item", original = "Object Software", rule = "zh-hans:目标软件; zh-hant:目標軟件;" }, { type = "item", original = "SEGA", rule = "zh:世嘉; zh-tw:SEGA; zh-hk:世嘉;" }, { type = "item", original = "Softstar", rule = "zh-hans:大宇资讯; zh-hant:大宇資訊;" }, { type = "item", original = "T-Time", rule = "zh-hans:光谱资讯; zh-hant:光譜資訊;" }, { type = "item", original = "Valve", rule = "zh-cn:维尔福; zh-tw:維爾福; zh-hk:維爾福; zh-sg:威乐;" }, { type = "item", original = "Vivendi", rule = "zh-cn:维旺迪; zh-tw:威望迪;" }, { type = "text", text = [[ == 網站 == ]] }, { type = "item", original = "Bahamut", rule = "zh-hans:巴哈姆特电玩资讯站; zh-hant:巴哈姆特電玩資訊站;" }, -- 全称常见于条目参考资料 { type = "item", original = "Battle.net", rule = "zh-cn:战网; zh-tw:Battle.net; zh-hk:Battle.net;" }, }, }