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增加 5,930 位元組, 6 個月前
=== 日本地震与核事故 ===
峰会还对“3·11”日本9级大地震及其引发的核事故表示关切,并承诺将为日本灾后重建提供全力支持。各国应从日本核事故中吸取教训,将核安全放在发展核电首要位置<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://finance.ifeng.com/news/special/2011G8/20110528/4082639.shtml |title=G8峰会闭幕 八国同意斥资200亿美元援助埃及突尼斯 |access-date=2011-05-28 |archive-date=2019-06-08 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190608132823/http://finance.ifeng.com/news/special/2011G8/20110528/4082639.shtml |dead-url=no }}</ref>。
這些高峰會參與者代表了國際論壇目前的核心成員:<ref>Rieffel, Lex. [http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2009/0327_global_governance_rieffel.aspx "Regional Voices in Global Governance: Looking to 2010 (Part IV),"] {{webarchive |url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100603074840/http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2009/0327_global_governance_rieffel.aspx |date=June 3, 2010 }} Brookings (US). 27 March 2009; retrieved 13 February 2011</ref><ref name="independent">[https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/g8-highlights-euro-debt-risk-to-world-economy-2289224.html "G8 highlights euro debt risk to world economy,"] ''Independent'' (UK). May 26, 2011; retrieved 2011-05-26.</ref><ref name="wintour-1">Wintour, Patrick. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/may/26/g8-summit-egypt-tunisia-democracy "G8 summit: UK offers Egypt and Tunisia £110m to Boost Democracy,:] ''Guardian'' (UK). 26 May 2011; retrieved 2011-05-26.</ref><ref>Brost, Marc and Jörg Lau. [http://www.zeit.de/2011/22/Deutschland-Isolation "''Ab in die Ecke'',"] ''Die Zeit'' (Germany). 26 Mai 2011; retrieved 2011-05-26</ref><ref>[http://www.corriere.it/politica/11_maggio_26/berlusconi-obama-dittatura-giudici-sinistra_8e414b5e-87a4-11e0-8601-a1952c3da2ae.shtml "''Deauville, Berlusconi a Obama: da noi dittatura dei giudici di sinistra,''"] ''Corriere della Sera'' (Italy). 27 May 2011; retrieved 2011-05-27</ref><ref>Tang Danlu. [https://web.archive.org/web/20121107205415/http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/video/2011-05/27/c_13896805.htm "EU leaders meet press before G8 summit,"] ''Xinhua'' (PRC). 27 May 2011; retrieved 2011-05-27</ref><ref name="africa">[http://www.africasia.com/services/news_africa/article.php?ID=CNG.41a6ad648b475100f733f7fd2ba1bcbe.81 "AU demands end to NATO Libya strikes,"] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120318105223/http://www.africasia.com/services/news_africa/article.php?ID=CNG.41a6ad648b475100f733f7fd2ba1bcbe.81 |date=2012-03-18 }} ''Agence France Presse'' (AFP), 26 May 2011; retrieved 2011-05-26</ref><ref>Bejot, Jean-Pierre. [http://www.lefaso.net/spip.php?article42197&rubrique7 "''Les bons élèves de la « démocratie » africaine invités au bord de la mer par Nicolas Sarkozy'',"] ''La Dépêche Diplomatique Afrique'' (Senegal). 25 May 2011; retrieved 2011-05-27</ref><ref>MacCormaic, Ruadhán. [https://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/world/2011/0526/1224297787441.html "G8 summit set to approve aid package for Tunisia and Egypt,"] ''Irish Times'' (Eire). 26 May 2011; retrieved 2011-05-27</ref><ref>Babalola, Jide. [http://www.thenationonlineng.net/2011/index.php/news/7162-ki-moon-in-nigeria-to-push-health-campaign.html "Ki-Moon in Nigeria to push health campaign,"] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110527000930/http://www.thenationonlineng.net/2011/index.php/news/7162-ki-moon-in-nigeria-to-push-health-campaign.html |date=2011-05-27 }} ''The Nation'' (Nigeria). 23 May 2011; 2011-05-27</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
|colspan="4" style="text-align: center; background:Gainsboro" |'''八大工業國組織成員'''<br><small>主辦國及其首腦以粗體顯示</small>
|- style="background:LightSteelBlue; text-align:center;"
! 國家/組職
! 代表
! 頭銜
| [[加拿大]]
| [[Stephen Harper]]
| [[加拿大總理]]
| '''[[法國]]'''
| '''[[Nicolas Sarkozy]]'''
| '''[[法國總統]]'''
| [[德國]]
| [[Angela Merkel]]
| [[德國總理]]
| [[義大利]]
| [[Silvio Berlusconi]]
| [[義大利總理]]
| [[日本]
| [[菅直人]]
| [[日本首相]]
| [[俄羅斯]
| [[Dmitry Medvedev]]
| [[俄羅斯總統]]
| [[英國]]
| [[David Cameron]]
| [[英國首相]]
| [[美國]]
| [[Barack Obama]]
| [[美國總統]]
| rowspan="2" | [[歐盟]]
| [[José Manuel Barroso]]
| [[歐盟委員會主席]]
| [[Herman Van Rompuy]]
| [[歐洲理事會主席]]
|colspan="4" style="text-align: center; background:Gainsboro" |'''邀請來賓(國家)'''<br>
|- style="background:LightSteelBlue; text-align:center;"
! 國家/組職
! 代表
! 頭銜
| [[阿爾及利亞]]
| [[Abdelaziz Bouteflika]]
| [[阿爾及利亞總統]]
| [[象牙海岸]]
| [[Alassane Ouattara]]
| [[象牙海岸總統]]
| [[埃及]]
| [[Essam Sharaf]]
| [[埃及總理]]
| [[衣索比亞]]
| [[Meles Zenawi]]
| [[衣索比亞總理]]
| [[赤道幾內亞]]
| [[Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo]]
| [[赤道幾內亞總統]]
| [[Alpha Conde]]
| [[幾內亞總統]]
| [[尼日]]
| [[Mahamadou Issoufou]]
| [[尼日國家元首]]
| [[奈及利亞]]
| [[Goodluck Jonathan]]{{efn|The [[President of Nigeria]] was invited, but [[Goodluck Jonathan]] decided not to attend at the last minute. He worried that volcanic ash from an eruption in Iceland might delay his return flight to Nigeria; and this could disrupt his planned inauguration ceremonies on May 29.<ref>Shehu, Mohammed. [http://allafrica.com/stories/201105270333.html "Ash Cloud Stops Jonathan's Trip to France,"] ''Daily Trust'' (Nigeria). 27 May 2011; retrieved 2011-05-27</ref>}}
| [[奈及利亞總統]]
| [[塞內加爾]]
| [[Abdoulaye Wade]]
| [[塞內加爾總統]]
| [[南非]]
| [[Jacob Zuma]]
| [[南非總統]]
| [[突尼西亞]]
| [[Beji Caid Essebsi]]
| [[突尼西亞總理]]
|colspan="4" style="text-align: center; background:Gainsboro" |'''邀請來賓(國際組織)'''<br>
|- style="background:LightSteelBlue; text-align:center;"
! 代表
! 頭銜
| [[非洲聯盟]]
| rowspan="2" | [[Jean Ping]]
| rowspan="2" | [[非洲聯盟主席]]
| [[非洲發展新夥伴關係]]
| [[阿拉伯聯盟]]
| [[Amr Moussa]]
| [[阿拉伯聯盟秘書長]]
| [[國際貨幣基金組織]]
| [[John Lipsky]]
| [[國際貨幣基金組織總裁]]
| [[聯合國]]
| [[Ban Ki-moon]]
| [[聯合國秘書長]]
! rowspan= "2" |
| [[世界銀行集團]]
| [[Robert Zoellick]]
| [[世界銀行集團行長]]