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'''美洲平原野牛'''({{lang-en|Bison bison bison}})是[[美洲野牛]]的[[亞種#.E6.8C.87.E5.90.8D.E4.BA.9A.E7.A7.8D|指名亞種]]<ref>{{cite journal |author=Geist V. |title=Phantom subspecies: the wood bison, ''Bison bison'' "''athabascae''" Rhoads 1897, is not a valid taxon, but an ecotype. |journal=Arctic |volume=44 |issue=4 |pages= 283–300 |year=1991 |pmid= |doi= 10.14430/arctic1552}}</ref><ref>{{Cite conference | first = Charles E. | last = Kay |author2=Clifford A. White | title = Reintroduction of bison into the Rocky Mountain parks of Canada: historical and archaeological evidence | booktitle = Crossing Boundaries in Park Management: Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Research and Resource Management in Parks and on Public Lands | pages = 143–151 | publisher = The George Wright Society, Inc. | date = 2001 | location = Hancock, Michigan | url = http://www.georgewright.org/24kay.pdf | doi = | id = | accessdate = 2009-12-02}}</ref><ref name=RFLP>{{cite journal |title= Genetic relationship of wood and plains bison based on restriction fragment length polymorphisms |author= Bork, A. M., C. M. Strobeck, F. C. Yeh, R. J. Hudson, & R. K. Salmon |journal= Can J Zool |volume= 69 |issue= 1 |pages= 43–48 |year= 1991 |url= http://article.pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/RPAS/RPViewDoc?_handler_=HandleInitialGet&calyLang=eng&journal=cjz&volume=69&articleFile=z91-007.pdf |pmid= |doi= 10.1139/z91-007 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |title= Genetic variation within and relatedness among wood and plains bison populations |author= Wilson, G. A., & C. Strobeck |journal= Genome |volume= 42 |issue= 3 |pages= 483–496 |year= 1999 |url= http://article.pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/ppv/RPViewDoc?issn=0831-2796&volume=42&issue=3&startPage=483 |archive-url= https://archive.is/20120701145311/http://article.pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/ppv/RPViewDoc?issn=0831-2796&volume=42&issue=3&startPage=483 |dead-url= yes |archive-date= 2012-07-01 |pmid= 10382295 |doi= 10.1139/gen-42-3-483 }}</ref><ref>{{Cite thesis |degree= MS |title= Conservation of North American Bison: Status and Recommendations |url= http://www.notitia.com/bison/Members/PDF%20Files/Library/Thesis%20Document%20-%20Conservation%20Status%20of%20Bison%20-%20BOYD.pdf |archiveurl= https://www.webcitation.org/5mr1dbenU?url=http://www.notitia.com/bison/Members/PDF%20Files/Library/Thesis%20Document%20-%20Conservation%20Status%20of%20Bison%20-%20BOYD.pdf |archivedate= 2010-01-17 |last= Boyd |first= Delaney P. |year= 2003 |publisher= University of Calgary |accessdate= 2009-12-02 |deadurl= yes }}</ref> 。體型比[[美洲森林野牛]]小,肩高1.5~2公尺。