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'''胡椒''' 英文:'''Pepper,Black Pepper,Green Pepper,White Pepper*學名:Piper nigrum L.<br>*科名: ‧學 胡椒科(Piperaceae)胡椒屬(Piper)*別 名:胡椒,黑胡椒,白胡椒,黑川,浮椒,玉椒,昧履支、披壘、坡窪熱
'''Piper nigrum L==參考來源==*<ref>{{Cite web |url = http://kplant.biodiv.tw/%E8%83%A1%E6%A4%92/%E8%83%A1%E6%A4%92.‧科名: htm | title = 胡椒 | date = 2003/10 | accessdate = 2020/01/06 | quote = "Peppercorn" redirects here. For other uses, see Peppercorn (disambiguation).Black pepperPiper nigrum - Köhler–s Medizinal-Pflanzen-107.jpgPepper plant with immature peppercornsScientific classificationeditKingdom: PlantaeClade: TracheophytesClade: AngiospermsClade: MagnoliidsOrder: PiperalesFamily: Piperaceae)胡椒屬(Genus: Piper)‧別名: 胡椒,黑胡椒,白胡椒,黑川,浮椒,玉椒,昧履支、披壘、坡窪熱Species: P. nigrumBinomial namePiper nigrumL.[[Category:370 植物學總論]1]Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, known as a peppercorn, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. When fresh and fully mature, it is about 5 mm (0.20 in) in diameter and dark red, and contains a single seed, like all drupes. Peppercorns and the ground pepper derived from them may be described simply as pepper, or more precisely as black pepper (cooked and dried unripe fruit), green pepper (dried unripe fruit), or white pepper (ripe fruit seeds). }}</ref>*<ref>[[Categoryhttps: 香料]//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_pepper]</ref>