


Jennifer Michelle Goodwin

移除 405 位元組, 5 年前
| name = Ginnifer Goodwin 金妮弗·古德温
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[[File:Ginnifer goodwin.jpg|缩略图|居中|Ginnifer Goodwin's Why Women Kill Character ]]
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| caption = Goodwin at the 2012 [[San Diego Comic-Con]]
| spouse = {{marriage|[[Josh Dallas]]|2014}}
詹妮弗·古德溫(Ginnifer Goodwin),是美國的著名女演員,出生於田納西州的孟菲斯,父親,提姆‧古德溫(Tim Goodwin),曾經經營自己的錄音工作室,把古德温的名字从詹妮弗·米歇爾·古德溫(Jennifer Michelle Goodwin)改成詹妮弗·古德溫(Ginnifer Goodwin)。她的姐姐梅麗莎(Melissa)是洛杉磯的專業動畫制片,她的著名作品之一是《機器雞》Robot Chicken。吉妮弗(Ginnifer)在猶太家庭長大但一度放棄,沒有參與儀式,沒有參加社群,但在成年后重新找回了猶太教。<br>她《他其实没那么喜欢你》(2009)抛演GIGI ,該角色讓她獲得青少年選擇獎的最佳突破女演員提名。2019年出演《致命女人》电视剧,受到广泛的注目。
<ref>名人网 | https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/ginnifer-goodwin-33204.php#myCarousel</ref>== 简介职业生涯== 詹妮弗·古德溫(Ginnifer Goodwin),是美國的著名女演員,出生於田納西州的孟菲斯,父親,提姆‧古德溫(Tim Goodwin),曾經經營自己的錄音工作室,把古德温的名字从詹妮弗·米歇爾·古德溫(Jennifer Michelle Goodwin)改成詹妮弗·古德溫(Ginnifer Goodwin)。她的姐姐梅麗莎(Melissa)是洛杉磯的專業動畫制片,她的著名作品之一是《機器人雞》。吉妮弗(Ginnifer)在猶太家庭長大但一度放棄,沒有參與儀式,沒有餐與傳統,沒有參加社群,但在成年后重新找回了猶太教。 在連續劇《 從前 童話小鎮 》Once Upon a Time (2011-2018),在ABC電視台播出的美國童話電視劇 中扮演白雪公主,在電視劇《大愛》Big Love中扮演馬格妮·赫夫曼,而在迪斯尼動畫電影《 疯狂动 》Zootopia中扮演朱迪·霍普斯而廣受歡迎。<br>除此之外,她還出現在其他一些電視剧中,例如《电子都市》 Electric City ,《法律與秩序》Law & Order,《Margene的博客》Margene's Blog和连续剧《 Ed》。這位才華橫溢的女演員還拍了許多電影<br>其中一些受歡迎的電影是《蒙娜麗莎的微笑》Mona Lisa Smile,《与歌同行》 Walk the Line(2005),《他其实没那么喜欢你》 He's Just Not That Into You(2009),該角色讓她獲得青少年選擇獎的最佳突破女演員提名,和《刺杀肯尼迪》 Killing Kennedy(2013)。獲得了“女電影記者聯盟獎”和“ Voice Arts™獎”。<br>在2019年,古德溫(Goodwin)出演电视剧《新阴阳魔界》The Twilight Zon和《心弦》heartstrings。也是在2019年,她在CBS All Access黑暗喜劇劇集《致命女人》Why Women Kill中的第一季主演了Beth Ann,并广受注目.
除此之外,她還出現在其他一些電視剧中,例如《电子都市》 Electric City ,《法律與秩序》Law & Order,《Margene的博客》Margene's Blog和连续剧《 Ed》。
這位才華橫溢的女演員還拍了許多電影,其中一些受歡迎的電影是《蒙娜麗莎的微笑》,《走線》,《他只是沒那麼喜歡你》和《肯尼迪殺手》。不只是這個!古德溫還為電視項目甚至視頻遊戲做過語音工作。女演員對小屏幕和大屏幕的所有這些貢獻為她帶來了可觀的名聲。如今,Goodwin不僅在財務上取得了成功,而且在社交媒體和其他方面都擁有強大的支持者。關於她的獎項和榮譽,她獲得了“兒童選擇獎”,“女電影記者聯盟獎”和“ Voice Arts™獎”。
Ginnifer Goodwin, born as Jennifer Michelle Goodwin, is a well-known actress from the USA. She is popular for playing Snow White in the fantasy TV series ‘Once Upon a Time’, Margene Heffman in the drama ‘Big Love’ and Judy Hopps in Disney’s animated movie ‘Zootopia’. Besides this, she has appeared in several other TV shows, such as ‘Electric City’, ‘Law & Order’, ‘Margene's Blog’ and ‘Ed’, to name a few. The talented actress has also done a number of movies, some of the popular ones being ‘Mona Lisa Smile’, ‘Walk the Line’, ‘He's Just Not That Into You’ and ‘Killing Kennedy.’ Not just this! Goodwin has also done voice work for television projects and even video games. All these contributions of the actress to the small and the big screen have brought considerable name and fame to her. Today Goodwin is not just financially successful but also has a strong fan base, both on social media and otherwise. Talking about her awards and accolades, she has received a Kids' Choice Award, an Alliance of Women Film Journalist award and a Voice Arts™ Award.
*"why woman kill"(2019)
*"Dolly Parton's Heartstrings" (2019)
*"The Twilight Zone" (2019)
*"Ed" (2001–2003)
*"Law & Order" (2001)
<ref>迪士尼 |https://walt-disney-animation-studios.fandom.com/wiki/Ginnifer_Goodwin</ref>