,创建页面,内容为“{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: -10px 0px 10px 20px; text-align:left" |<center>''' 靳艳飞 '''<br><img src="https://sae.bit.edu.cn/images/content…”
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|<center>''' 靳艳飞 '''<br><img src="https://sae.bit.edu.cn/images/content/2020-09/e0b5056caf2a468b93cfdb4dc2396eae.JPG " width="180"></center><small>[https://www.bit.edu.cn/ 北京理工大学]
'''靳艳飞''',女, 北京理工大学教授。
=== 教育经历 ===
2002年9月---- 2005年7月, 西北工业大学应用数学专业,博士
2000年9月----2003年4月, 西北工业大学应用数学专业,硕士
1996年9月---- 2000年7月, 河南师范大学数学专业,学士
=== 工作经历 ===
2021年7月---- 至今, 北京理工大学力学系,长聘教授
2013年11月---- 2014年11月, 英国利兹大学,访问学者
2008年3月---- 2021年6月, 北京理工大学力学系,副教授
2005年9月---- 2007年12月, 南京航空航天大学振动工程研究所,博士后
4、国内外重要学术期刊“Nonlinear Dynamics”、“Journal of Vibration and Control”、“Chaos”、“ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics”、“力学学报”等的审稿人。
[1] Jin Yanfei*, Zhang Yanxia. Dynamics of a delayed Duffing-type energy harvester under narrow-band random excitation, Acta Mechanica, 232: 1045-1060, 2021.
[2] Zhang Yanxia, Jin Yanfei*. Colored Lévy noise induced stochastic dynamics in a tri-stable hybrid energy harvester, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 16: 041005, 2021.
[3] Zhang Yanxia, Jin Yanfei*, Li Yang. Enhanced energy harvesting using time-delayed feedback control from random rotational environment, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 422: 132908, 2021.
[4] Jin Yanfei*, Meng Jingwei. Dynamical analysis of an optimal velocity model with time-delayed feedback control, Communication in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 90: 105333, 2020.
[5] Jin Yanfei*, Wang Heqiang, Noise-induced dynamics in a Josephson junction driven by trichotomous noises, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 133: 109633, 2020.
[6] Zhang Yanxia, Jin Yanfei*, Xu Pengfei. Dynamics of a coupled nonlinear energy harvester under colored noise and periodic excitations, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 172: 105418, 2020.
[7] Zhang Yanxia, Jin Yanfei*, Xu Pengfei, et al. Stochastic bifurcations in a nonlinear tri-stable energy harvester under colored noise, Nonlinear Dynamics, 99: 879-897, 2020.
[8] Xu Pengfei, Jin Yanfei*, Stochastic resonance in an asymmetric tristable system driven by correlated noises, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 77: 408-425, 2020.
[9] Xu Pengfei, Jin Yanfei*, Zhang Yanxia, Stochastic resonance in an underdamped triple-well potential system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 346: 352-362, 2019.
[10] Zhang Yanxia, Jin Yanfei*, Xu Pengfei, Stochastic resonance and bifurcations in a harmonically driven tri-stable potential with colored noise, Chaos, 29: 023127, 2019.
[11] Zhang Yanxia, Jin Yanfei*, Stochastic dynamics of a piezoelectric energy harvester with correlated colored noises from rotational environment, Nonlinear Dynamics,98:501-515, 2019.
[12] Jin Yanfei*, Xiao Shaomin, Zhang Yanxia, Enhancement of tristable energy harvesting using stochastic resonance, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment, 2018: 123211, 2018.
[13] Xu Pengfei, Jin Yanfei*, Mean first-passage time in a delayed tristable system driven by correlated multiplicative and additive white noises, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 112: 75-82, 2018.
[14] Xu Pengfei, Jin Yanfei*, Stochastic resonance in multi-stable coupled systems driven by two driving signals, Physica A, 492: 1281-1289, 2018.
[15] Jin Yanfei*, Stochastic resonance in an under-damped bistable system driven by harmonic mixing signal, Chinese Physics B, 27: 050501, 2018.
[16] Jin Yanfei*, Ma Zhengmu, Xiao Shaomin, Coherence and stochastic resonance in a periodic potential driven by multiplicative dichotomous and additive white noise, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 103: 470-475, 2017.
[17] Xiao Shaomin, Jin Yanfei*, Response analysis of the piezoelectric energy harvester under correlated white noise, Nonlinear Dynamics, 90: 2069-2082, 2017.
[18] Xu Pengfei, Jin Yanfei*, Xiao Shaomin, Stochastic resonance in a delayed triple-well potential driven by correlated noises, Chaos, 27: 113109, 2017.
[19] 靳艳飞*,王贺强. 加性和乘性三值噪声激励下周期势系统的动力学分析,力学学报,53:865-873,2021.
[20] 郭祥,靳艳飞*,田强*. 随机空间柔性多体系统动力学分析,力学学报,52:1730-1742,2020. <ref>[https://www.bit.edu.cn/ 北京理工大学]</ref>
|<center>''' 靳艳飞 '''<br><img src="https://sae.bit.edu.cn/images/content/2020-09/e0b5056caf2a468b93cfdb4dc2396eae.JPG " width="180"></center><small>[https://www.bit.edu.cn/ 北京理工大学]
'''靳艳飞''',女, 北京理工大学教授。
=== 教育经历 ===
2002年9月---- 2005年7月, 西北工业大学应用数学专业,博士
2000年9月----2003年4月, 西北工业大学应用数学专业,硕士
1996年9月---- 2000年7月, 河南师范大学数学专业,学士
=== 工作经历 ===
2021年7月---- 至今, 北京理工大学力学系,长聘教授
2013年11月---- 2014年11月, 英国利兹大学,访问学者
2008年3月---- 2021年6月, 北京理工大学力学系,副教授
2005年9月---- 2007年12月, 南京航空航天大学振动工程研究所,博士后
4、国内外重要学术期刊“Nonlinear Dynamics”、“Journal of Vibration and Control”、“Chaos”、“ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics”、“力学学报”等的审稿人。
[1] Jin Yanfei*, Zhang Yanxia. Dynamics of a delayed Duffing-type energy harvester under narrow-band random excitation, Acta Mechanica, 232: 1045-1060, 2021.
[2] Zhang Yanxia, Jin Yanfei*. Colored Lévy noise induced stochastic dynamics in a tri-stable hybrid energy harvester, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 16: 041005, 2021.
[3] Zhang Yanxia, Jin Yanfei*, Li Yang. Enhanced energy harvesting using time-delayed feedback control from random rotational environment, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 422: 132908, 2021.
[4] Jin Yanfei*, Meng Jingwei. Dynamical analysis of an optimal velocity model with time-delayed feedback control, Communication in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 90: 105333, 2020.
[5] Jin Yanfei*, Wang Heqiang, Noise-induced dynamics in a Josephson junction driven by trichotomous noises, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 133: 109633, 2020.
[6] Zhang Yanxia, Jin Yanfei*, Xu Pengfei. Dynamics of a coupled nonlinear energy harvester under colored noise and periodic excitations, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 172: 105418, 2020.
[7] Zhang Yanxia, Jin Yanfei*, Xu Pengfei, et al. Stochastic bifurcations in a nonlinear tri-stable energy harvester under colored noise, Nonlinear Dynamics, 99: 879-897, 2020.
[8] Xu Pengfei, Jin Yanfei*, Stochastic resonance in an asymmetric tristable system driven by correlated noises, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 77: 408-425, 2020.
[9] Xu Pengfei, Jin Yanfei*, Zhang Yanxia, Stochastic resonance in an underdamped triple-well potential system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 346: 352-362, 2019.
[10] Zhang Yanxia, Jin Yanfei*, Xu Pengfei, Stochastic resonance and bifurcations in a harmonically driven tri-stable potential with colored noise, Chaos, 29: 023127, 2019.
[11] Zhang Yanxia, Jin Yanfei*, Stochastic dynamics of a piezoelectric energy harvester with correlated colored noises from rotational environment, Nonlinear Dynamics,98:501-515, 2019.
[12] Jin Yanfei*, Xiao Shaomin, Zhang Yanxia, Enhancement of tristable energy harvesting using stochastic resonance, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment, 2018: 123211, 2018.
[13] Xu Pengfei, Jin Yanfei*, Mean first-passage time in a delayed tristable system driven by correlated multiplicative and additive white noises, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 112: 75-82, 2018.
[14] Xu Pengfei, Jin Yanfei*, Stochastic resonance in multi-stable coupled systems driven by two driving signals, Physica A, 492: 1281-1289, 2018.
[15] Jin Yanfei*, Stochastic resonance in an under-damped bistable system driven by harmonic mixing signal, Chinese Physics B, 27: 050501, 2018.
[16] Jin Yanfei*, Ma Zhengmu, Xiao Shaomin, Coherence and stochastic resonance in a periodic potential driven by multiplicative dichotomous and additive white noise, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 103: 470-475, 2017.
[17] Xiao Shaomin, Jin Yanfei*, Response analysis of the piezoelectric energy harvester under correlated white noise, Nonlinear Dynamics, 90: 2069-2082, 2017.
[18] Xu Pengfei, Jin Yanfei*, Xiao Shaomin, Stochastic resonance in a delayed triple-well potential driven by correlated noises, Chaos, 27: 113109, 2017.
[19] 靳艳飞*,王贺强. 加性和乘性三值噪声激励下周期势系统的动力学分析,力学学报,53:865-873,2021.
[20] 郭祥,靳艳飞*,田强*. 随机空间柔性多体系统动力学分析,力学学报,52:1730-1742,2020. <ref>[https://www.bit.edu.cn/ 北京理工大学]</ref>