


Angelina Jolie

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'''Angelina Jolie''', born on June 4, 1975, in Los Angeles, California, is an American actress, director, and renowned humanitarian. Known for her bold persona, striking beauty, and passionate advocacy, she rose to fame with her captivating performance in *Girl, Interrupted* (1999), which earned her an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her portrayal of a troubled mental patient.
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Angelina Jolie has garnered widespread recognition for her remarkable humanitarian efforts. In August 2002, she received the inaugural Humanitarian Award from the Church World Service’s Immigration and Refugee Program. A year later, she became the first recipient of the Citizen of the World Award, presented by the United Nations Correspondents Association. Her dedication to humanitarian causes continued to be recognized, and in October 2005, she was honored with the Global Humanitarian Award by the UNA-USA. Jolie’s commitment to improving the lives of refugees was further acknowledged in November 2007 when she was awarded the Freedom Award by the International Rescue Committee.