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拉丁学名:Corydalis mediterranea




'''中国紫堇''',拉丁文名为Corydalis mediterranea,名称状态为被SP2000收录,状态为:Corydalis mediterranea为接受名,国内分布区域为云南全球观测记录分布(数据来自GBIF)
拉丁文名:Corydalis mediterranea

名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Corydalis mediterranea为接受名
名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Corydalis mediterranea为接受名中文名:中国紫堇形态描述:218. Corydalis mediterranea Z. Y. Su & Lidén, Novon. 17 490. 2007. 中国紫堇 zhong guo zi jin Herbs, perennial, to 18 cm tall, glabrous; stems and petioles of radical leaves attenuate to filiform underground base. Storage roots fasciculate, oblong, not distinctly stipitate. Stems slender, with 2 leaves in upper 1/3. Leaves subsessile, to 3 cm, deeply divided into linear to narrowly lanceolate-acute lobes. Racemes 6-8-flowered, dense; bracts narrowly lanceolate, 8-18 mm, entire or with 1 or 2 teeth, lowermost more deeply cut into few acute lobes. Pedicel 6-10 mm. Sepals to 0.5 mm, dentate. Corolla yellow, with darker veins and keels; outer petals navicular, subacute, very slightly crested; upper petal ca. 13 mm; spur ca. 6 mm; nectary ca. 1/2 as long as spur, thin; lower petal ca. 7 mm, limb rather narrow, gradually narrowed to base; inner petals 6-7 mm. Ovary with 9 ovules; style ca. 2.5 mm; stigma square, median 2 apical papillae distinct, lateral marginal papillae confluent; geminate papillae submarginal and on pronounced basal lobes. Fl. Jul.● Mixed forests of Abies and Rhododendron; ca. 3900 m. C Yunnan (Luquan). From Flora of China FOC Vol. 7 Page 367, 377国内分布:[[云南]]全球观测记录分布(数据来自GBIF)<ref>[https://www.huayugu.com.cn/zijin/13402.html  紫堇花的花语以及紫堇花的凄美爱情故事],花语谷, 2016-07-07</ref>