

前往: 導覽搜尋


增加 8,484 位元組, 5 年前
创建页面,内容为“{{Infobox officeholder |name = |image =<img src="https://gss0.bdstatic.com/-4o3dSag_xI4khGkpoWK1HF6hhy/baike/w%3D268%3Bg%3D0/sign=05d30842a3014c08193…”
{{Infobox officeholder
|name =
|image =<img src="https://gss0.bdstatic.com/-4o3dSag_xI4khGkpoWK1HF6hhy/baike/w%3D268%3Bg%3D0/sign=05d30842a3014c08193b2fa332406535/574e9258d109b3de70756183c6bf6c81810a4c17.jpg" width="250">
| caption =大衛·裴卓斯<br>{{small|David Petraeus}}<br>[https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%88%B4%E7%BB%B4%C2%B7%E5%BD%BC%E5%BE%97%E9%9B%B7%E4%B9%8C%E6%96%AF/4403699?fr=aladdin 圖片來源百度百科]
|office = [[中央情報局局長]]
|president = [[贝拉克·奥巴马]]
|deputy = {{tsl|en|Michael Morell|麥可·莫瑞爾}}
|term_start = {{start date|2011|9|6}}
|term_end = {{end date|2012|11|9}}<ref>http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2012/11/09/david-petraeus-cia-resign-nbc/1695271/</ref>
|predecessor = 麥可·莫瑞爾 {{small|(Acting)}}
|successor = 麥可·莫瑞爾 {{small|(Acting)}}
|office1 = 国际安全援助部队司令
|term_start1 = {{start date|2010|6|23}}
|term_end1 = {{end date|2011|7|18}}
|predecessor1 = [[斯坦利·麦克里斯特尔|-{zh-tw:史坦利·麥克克里斯托;zh-cn:斯坦利·麦克里斯特尔;}-]]
|successor1 = [[约翰·艾伦]]
|office2 = 美国中央司令部司令
|term_start2 = {{start date|2008|10|31}}
|term_end2 = {{end date|2010|6|30}}
|predecessor2 = [[马丁·登普西|馬丁·-{zh-tw:鄧普西;zh-hans:登普西;}-]] {{small|(Acting)}}
|successor2 = [[约翰·艾伦]] {{small|(Acting)}}
|birth_date = {{birth date and age|1952|11|7}}
|birth_place = 美國紐約州{{tsl|en|Cornwall-on-Hudson|哈德遜河畔的康瓦爾}}
|death_date =
|death_place =
|spouse = {{marriage|荷莉·诺顿|1974}}<ref name="abcnews.go.com">{{Cite web |url=http://abcnews.go.com/Health/holly-petraeus-scott-broadwell-silent-petraeus-scandal/story?id=17718793#.UKUCmeOe-z4 |work=ABC News |title=What About the Petraeus-Broadwell Spouses? |date=November 15, 2012 |accessdate=March 15, 2015}}</ref>
|alma_mater = [[西点军校]]<br>[[普林斯顿大学]]
|branch = {{flagicon image|Flag of the United States Army.svg}} [[美国陆军]]
|serviceyears = 1974年至2011年
|rank = [[File:US-O10 insignia.svg|35px]] [[上将 (美国)|上將]]
|awards = [[Army Commendation Medal]]
|commands = [[International Security Assistance Force]]<br>United States Forces-Afghanistan<br>[[United States Central Command]]<br>[[多国部队 (伊拉克战争)|伊拉克战争多国部队]]<br>[[United States Army Combined Arms Center]]<br>[[Fort Leavenworth]]<br>[[Multi-National Security Transition Command – Iraq|Multinational Security Transition Command-Iraq]]<br>[[101st Airborne Division]] (Air Assault)<br>1st Brigade, [[82nd Airborne Division]]<br>3rd Battalion, [[187th Infantry Regiment (United States)|187th Infantry Regiment]]<br>A Company, 2nd Battalion, [[9th Infantry Regiment (United States)|9th Infantry Regiment]] (Mechanized)
|battles = [[Stabilisation Force]]<br>[[Operation Uphold Democracy]]<br>[[Operation Desert Spring]]<br>[[Iraq War]]<br>[[War in Afghanistan (2001–present)]]
|awards = [[Defense Distinguished Service Medal]] (4)<br>[[Distinguished Service Medal (Army)|Army Distinguished Service Medal]] (3)<br>[[Defense Superior Service Medal]] (2)<br>[[Legion of Merit]] (4)<br>[[Bronze Star Medal]] with [[Valor device|Valor]]<br>[[Defense Meritorious Service Medal]]<br>[[NATO Meritorious Service Medal]]<br>[[Officer of the Order of Australia]]<br>([[#Decorations and badges|more]])
{{Infobox sportsperson
| honorific_prefix =
| name = David Petraeus
| honorific_suffix =
| image =
| image_size =
| alt =
| caption =
| headercolor =
| textcolor =
| real_name =
| native_name =
| native_name_lang =
| romanizedname =
| english_name =
| birth_name =
| nickname =
| nationality =
| national_team =
| ethnicity =
| hometown =
| citizenship =
| birth_date =
| birth_place =
| death_date =
| death_place =
| resting_place =
| resting_place_coordinates =
| monuments =
| residence =
| education =
| alma_mater =
| occupation = 美國中央情報局局長
| years_active = 1982 -
| employer =
| agent =
| height =
| weight =
| spouse =
| life_partner =
| other_interests =
| website =
| module =
| country =
| sport = 田徑
| position =
| shoots =
| catches =
| disability =
| disability_class =
| weight_class =
| weight_class_type =
| rank =
| event = 長跑
| event_type =
| universityteam =
| collegeteam =
| league =
| league_type =
| club =
| team =
| turnedpro =
| turnedpro_type =
| partner =
| former_partner =
| coach =
| retired =
| coaching =
| module2 =
| worlds =
| regionals =
| nationals =
| olympics =
| paralympics =
| commonwealth =
| highestranking =
| pb =
|'''馬拉松''':2小時50分53秒 (1982年)
| medaltemplates =
| show-medals =
| medaltemplates-title =
| module3 =
| updated = 2017年1月1日
'''大衛·霍威爾·彼得雷烏斯'''({{lang-en|David Howell Petraeus}},{{bd|1952年|11月7日|||}}),曾任[[美國陸軍]]四星[[上將]]與政府官員,曾任[[中央情報局]]局長,上任期間為2011年9月6日。在此之前,身為上將軍階的他,歷任多項重要軍職,最重要的任務是在2010年7月4日-2011年7月18日擔任[[美軍]]駐[[阿富汗]]部隊的總指揮官。2011年4月彼得雷烏斯獲歐巴馬總統提名出任中央情報局局長,參議院於6月27日通過任命。8月31日彼得雷烏斯卸下軍職,於9月6日宣誓就任,接掌中情局。

[[File:Petraeus and Lieutenant General William S. Wallace.jpg|thumb|left|2003年在[[科威特]]美軍基地的裴卓斯[[少將]](右)]]
彼得雷烏斯出生於美國[[紐約州]],其父親Sixtus Petraeus為[[弗里斯蘭人]],生於荷蘭,是一位船長。其母為[[美國白人]],其外祖父在[[二次世界大戰]]後,由荷蘭移民美國。1970年,進入美國[[西點軍校]],1974年畢業後成為美國陸軍少尉。


*太太~霍莉[[Holly Petraeus]]:(1952年7月17日-);霍莉的父亲威廉·诺尔顿[[William Allen Knowlton]] (June 19, 1920 – August 10, 2008) 是美军四星上将,西点军校的督导。

== 參考資料 ==


* [http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2011/09/06/petraeus-sworn-into-cia.cnn?iref=allsearch CNN:Petraeus sworn in as CIA director] ,2011-09-07造訪
* [http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/23/world/middleeast/23cnd-general.html 紐約時報]
* [http://ap.ntdtv.com/b5/20110719/video/68289.html 新唐人電視台:彼得雷烏斯移交阿富汗指揮權]

{{Authority control}}
{{DEFAULTSORT: Petraeus, David}}