<div style="float:right; margin:-10px 0 0 10px">{| class="wikitable"! <p style="background:#redirect[[ 800000; color: #FFFFFF; margin:auto; padding:5px 0;”> 佛法僧 科<br> Dollarbird </p>|-|<center><img src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8445/7999870031_e240acacc5_b.jpg" width="280" ></center><small>[[Hiyashi Haka]]拍攝 <br>[https://www.flickr.com/photos/hiyashi/7999870031/ 圖片來自flickr] </small>|-! <p style="background:#800000; color: #FFFFFF; margin:auto; padding:5px 0;”> 基本資料</p>|-|<small>'''學名''' Eurystomus orientalis<br>
'''遷徏狀態''' 過境鳥<br> '''普遍性''' 稀有<br> '''體長/體重''' 27-32cm/109-186g</small>|}</div>'''別名:三寶鳥、闊嘴鳥''',雌雄同型。虹膜深褐色。嘴鮮紅色、寬且粗厚。腳紅色。 普通亞種calonyx* 成鳥# 繁殖期整體為有光澤的孔雀綠藍色。頭及臉黑褐色。喉為寶藍色。# 非繁殖期嘴喙帶黑色。 * 亞成鳥,體上羽色較黯淡,嘴黑色。喉寶藍光澤不明顯或無。 * 飛行時,翼寬長,初級飛羽有醒目淺藍色大斑塊。 == 棲地&習性 == 在開放地區,如牧場,公園,果園,沙石荒地,[[category橄欖樹]],葡萄園。臺灣過境鳥多出現在海岸附近平地,如東北角及北海岸與宜蘭。 單獨或三、兩隻活動。低空波浪狀飛行,速度不快。展開頭冠羽示警,求偶或威嚇及平衡功能。 食物多數為挖掘土壤中昆蟲及其軟體類幼蟲。獵物的體型很少超過鳥嘴的長度。 == 繁殖 == 在[[古北區]](Palearctic),1月/2月至5月/8月的季節,在東非的8月至1月,在南非的7月至12月(主要是9月至10月)。繁殖時營巢於破家屋,破墓穴或牆縫。蛋直接下在巢穴地上,身上分泌特殊臭味來驅避天敵。 == 保育 == 不受全球威脅(最不關注)。 == 鳴聲 == 發出金屬音,雙音節的“ pr-reee ... pr-reee ...”顫音或急促聲。 == 分佈 == 亞種和分佈E. o. calonyx Sharpe, 1890 – Nepal, N India (E Himachal to Arunachal and N Assam) and Bangladesh to E China (N to Manchuria), SE Russian Far East (to lower R Amur), Korea and Japan (Honshu to Kyushu); winters S to S Asia and Greater Sundas.E. o. orientalis (Linnaeus, 1766) – NE India (S Assam), Myanmar and Indochina S to Greater Sundas, Philippines and Ryukyu Is, with single breeding record (probably this race) from Dagasuli (in Loloda Is, off NW Halmahera); winters S and E to N Sulawesi and Moluccas.E. o. laetior Sharpe, 1890 – SW India (Western Ghats S into Kerala).E. o. irisi Deraniyagala, 1950 – SC Sri Lanka.E. o. gigas Stresemann, 1913 – S Andaman Is.E. o. oberholseri Junge, 1936 – Simeulue I, off NW Sumatra.E. o. waigiouensis Elliot, 1871 – W Papuan Is and New Guinea (including islands of Yapen, Karkar, Bagabag, Umboi, Trobriand Is, and D’Entrecasteaux and Louisiade Archipelagos).E. o. crassirostris P. L. Sclater, 1869 – Bismarck Archipelago.E. o. solomonensis Sharpe, 1890 – Feni Is (E Bismarcks), also Nissan I (probably), and Solomon Is from Buka and Bougainville E to Makira (San Cristobal), including most small islands.E. o. pacificus (Latham, 1801) – Lesser Sundas and N & E Australia, probably also S Sulawesi and Sula Is; S populations winter N to New Guinea and Wallacea.<ref>[E. o. calonyx Sharpe, 1890 – Nepal, N India (E Himachal to Arunachal and N Assam) and Bangladesh to E China (N to Manchuria), SE Russian Far East (to lower R Amur), Korea and Japan (Honshu to Kyushu); winters S to S Asia and Greater Sundas.E. o. orientalis (Linnaeus, 1766) – NE India (S Assam), Myanmar and Indochina S to Greater Sundas, Philippines and Ryukyu Is, with single breeding record (probably this race) from Dagasuli (in Loloda Is, off NW Halmahera); winters S and E to N Sulawesi and Moluccas.E. o. laetior Sharpe, 1890 – SW India (Western Ghats S into Kerala).E. o. irisi Deraniyagala, 1950 – SC Sri Lanka.E. o. gigas Stresemann, 1913 – S Andaman Is.E. o. oberholseri Junge, 1936 – Simeulue I, off NW Sumatra.E. o. waigiouensis Elliot, 1871 – W Papuan Is and New Guinea (including islands of Yapen, Karkar, Bagabag, Umboi, Trobriand Is, and D’Entrecasteaux and Louisiade Archipelagos).E. o. crassirostris P. L. Sclater, 1869 – Bismarck Archipelago.E. o. solomonensis Sharpe, 1890 – Feni Is (E Bismarcks), also Nissan I (probably), and Solomon Is from Buka and Bougainville E to Makira (San Cristobal), including most small islands.E. o. pacificus (Latham, 1801) – Lesser Sundas and N & E Australia, probably also S Sulawesi and Sula Is; S populations winter N to New Guinea and Wallacea. Eurasian hoopoe],hbw.com</ref> == 參考書目 == 臺灣野鳥手繪圖鑑 == 視頻 ==<div style="float:left; margin:10px 10px 10px 10px;">{{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWCIWj4FBVg|dimensions=350|container=frame|description=Hoopoe. Singing bird.}}</div><div style="float:left; margin:10px 10px 10px 10px;">{{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcibKm-dTh8|dimensions=350|container=frame|description=Eurasian Hoopoe 戴勝.}}</div>{{-}} == 參考文獻 == {{reflist}} [[Category:380 動物學總論]]