

No One Knows(汪蘇瀧演唱歌曲)

No One Knows是中國歌手汪蘇瀧演唱歌曲。[1]



  • 汪蘇瀧(Silence),1989年9月17日出生於遼寧瀋陽,畢業於瀋陽音樂學院,中國內地男歌手。
  • 2010齣版首張個人專輯《慢慢懂》。
  • 2012年發行專輯《萬有引力》,並拍攝專輯歌曲《第一首情歌》同名微電影;同年憑藉《萬有引力》獲得音樂先鋒榜、東方風雲榜等多個最佳新人獎項。
  • 2013年1月為網遊《御龍在天》創作推廣單曲《御龍鏡中隱》;11月代言網遊《桃園》,並創作同名主題曲《桃園》。
  • 2014年成立個人潮流品牌SU2,並與好友徐良成立大象音樂;同年發行專輯《傳世樂章》。
  • 2015年7月汪蘇瀧為電視劇《花千骨》創作《年輪》。
  • 2015年10月12日發行個人第三張原創大碟《登陸計劃》,同年11月為新版《射鵰英雄傳》創作電視劇主題曲《愛過誰》,12月推出第一本官方個人寫真《Su-perfect》。
  • 2016年5月,出席MusicRadio全球流行音樂金榜,歌曲《銀河》獲CityFM城市之音點播冠軍;7月,舉辦「汪蘇瀧0917登陸星球北京演唱會」新聞發布會;8月,包攬電視劇《微微一笑很傾城》的影視OST,創作並演唱片頭曲《一笑傾城》。
  • 2017年4月,汪蘇瀧第五張原創專輯《萊芙》正式發行。
  • 2018年3月26日,獲愛回收·第25屆《東方風雲榜》音樂盛典最受歡迎創作歌手獎。10月29日,發行單曲《時空行者》。
  • 2019年3月,加盟唱作人生態挑戰節目《我是唱作人》。






Holding you in my lonely night

Waiting for you to heal your wound

Dreamt we were soaring in the sky

Why is it so hard

I turned to you and braved my heart

You gave me hope but stood so still

Missing your shape out of thin air

Foolish we are

You don't know why I carry on

You don't know happiness is unbound

You took me here and made me strong

Then sudden farewell without a word

I know your heart is nearly here

But all my fears you're so unaware

I caught your lies found them everywhere

Try not to care

No one knows my heart

No one does just one thing in life

No love can fly and never fall

I used to be proud of our trust

Now full of loss then

Or should I go on with broken parts

Taking memory as coming stars

I hope I can be here without doubt

Better yourself

You don't know why I carry on

You don't know happiness is unbound

You took me here and made me strong

Then sudden farewell without a word

I know your heart is nearly here

But all my fears you're so unaware

I caught your lies found them everywhere

Try not to care

No one knows

You don't know why I carry on

You don't know happiness is unbound

You took me here and made me strong

Then sudden farewell without a word

I know your heart is nearly here

But all my fears you're so unaware

I caught your lies found them everywhere

Try not to care

No one knows my heart
