近加拉虎耳草 |
中文學名:近加拉虎耳草 界:植物界 門:被子植物門Angiospermae 綱:雙子葉植物綱Dicotyledoneae 目:菫菜目Violales 科:虎耳草科Saxifragaceae 屬:虎耳草屬 |
近加拉虎耳草(jìn jiā lā hǔ ěr cǎo,學名 Saxifraga llonakhensis W. W. Smith,異名:Saxifraga stella-aurea var. ciliata )是虎耳草科虎耳草屬的一種多年生草本,高4.2-9厘米,叢生。小主軸分枝,具蓮座葉叢;花莖被黑褐色腺毛。產自中國西藏(昌都、察隅、類烏齊)和雲南(貢山)。 [1]
子房近上位,卵球形,長約2.1毫米,花柱2,長約1.9毫米。花果期7-9月。 [2]
Saxifraga llonakhensis W. W. Smith in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 4(5): 192. 1911; Engl. et Irmsch. in Engl. Pflanzenr. 67(IV. 117): 155. 1916; Hara et Williams, Enum. Flow. Pl. Nepal 2: 153. 1979; 西藏植物志 2: 495. 圖163: 15-21. 1985. ——S. filifolia Anth. in Not. Bat. Gard. Edinb. 18(86): 29. 1933; 雲南種子植物名錄上冊: 237. 1984.
Saxifraga stella-aurea J. D. Hooker & Thomson var. ciliata C. Marquand & Airy Shaw.
Herbs perennial, cespitose, 4.2-9 cm tall. Shoots branched, with leaf rosettes. Flowering stem dark brown glandular hairy. Rosette leaves oblanceolate-linear, 5.2-8 × ca. 1 mm, subcar-nose, both surfaces glabrous or glandular or eglandular villous, margin and apex setose-villous, apex mucronate. Cauline leaves with leaf blade oblong to linear, 2.8-5 × 0.6-1.6 mm, carnose, both surfaces glabrous or dark brown glandular hairy, margin dark brown glandular ciliate, apex obtuse. Flower solitary, rarely cyme 2- or 3-flowered; pedicel slender, 0.8-1.5 cm, dark brown glandular villous. Sepals erect, broadly ovate to triangular-ovate, 2-2.5 × 1.2-2.3 mm, leathery, abaxially and marginally dark brown glandular hairy, veins 3-5, not confluent at apex. Petals yellow, obscurely orange-yellow spotted, pandurate-oblong, 6.2-9.2 × 2-3.1 mm, 4-6-callose, 3-veined, base usually rounded to cuneate, with a claw 0.2-1 mm, apex obtuse. Stamens ca. 4.5 mm. Ovary subsuperior, ovoid, ca. 2.1 mm; styles ca. 1.9 mm. Fl. and fr. Jul-Sep.
Picea forests, rock crevices; 3700-4600 m. E Xizang (Qamdo Xian, Riwoqê Xian, Zayü Xian), NW Yunnan (Gongshan Drung-Nu Zu Zizhixian) [N Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim].
生長於海拔3 700-4300米的雲杉林下和石隙。
生境: 高山灌叢, 石壁, 石縫, 雲杉林中。[3]