2011 賓夕法尼亞大學 經濟學 博士
2006 北京大學 經濟學 碩士
2004 北京大學 經濟學 學士
- 「Political Competition at a Multilayer Hierarchy: Evidence from China」 (joint with Xing Li, Chong Liu and Li-An Zhou), in The Chinese Economy: a New Transition, published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
- 「Partial Centralization in Three-Division Organizations」 (joint with Siguang Li), Nankai Business Review International, 5(2), 187-210, 2014.
- 「Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Individual Learning」, Journal of Economic Theory, 155, 262-299, 2015.
- 「Learning and Efficiency with Search Frictions」, Frontiers of Economics in China, 10(3), 449-466, 2015.
- 「Can Learning Cause Shorter Delays in Reaching Agreements?」 Journal of Mathematical Economics, 60, 49-62, 2015.
- 「Common Value Experimentation」 (joint with Jan Eeckhout), Journal of Economic Theory, 160, 317-339, 2015.
- 「Random Authority」 (joint with Siguang Li), International Economic Review, 58, 211-235, 2017.
- 「Efficient Learning and Job Turnover in the Labor Market」 (joint with Fei Li), International Economic Review, 58, 727-750, 2017.
- 「Can Loss Aversion Explain the Disposition Effect? A New Perspective on Reference Points」 (joint with Juanjuan Meng), Management Science, 64, 3331-3351, 2018.
- 「A Theory of Organizational Dynamics:Internal Politics and Efficiency」(joint with Hongbin Cai and Hong Feng), AEJ: Micro, 10(4), 94-130, 2018.
- 「Managerial Turnover and Entrenchment」 (joint with Zenan Wu), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 27, 742-771, 2018.
- 「Tournaments with Targets: Theory and Evidence from China」 (joint with Xing Li, Chong Liu and Li-An Zhou), Economic Journal, 129, 2888-2915, 2019.
- 「Formal Insurance and Informal Risk Sharing Dynamics」(joint with Wanchuan Lin and Juanjuan Meng), forthcoming Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
- 「Star Ratings and the Incentives of Mutual Funds」 (joint with Chong Huang and Fei Li), Journal of Finance,75(3), 1715-1765, 2020.
- 「A Sustainable Incentive Scheme for Federated Learning」 (joint with H Yu, Z Liu, Y Liu, T Chen, M Cong, D Niyato, Q Yang) forthcoming IEEE Intelligent Systems.
- 「A Fairness-aware Incentive Scheme for Federated Learning」 (joint with H Yu, Z Liu, Y Liu, T Chen, M Cong, D Niyato, Q Yang) The 3rd AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES-20).
- 「Robust Persuasion of a Privately Informed Receiver」 (joint with Ju Hu) forthcoming Economic Theory.
「官員更替對經濟增長的影響與緩釋機制:來自地級行政區的經驗證據」(與曹光宇,周黎安合作), 經濟學報,2019年第6 卷第4 期,102-127 頁。
「Market Expanding or Market Stealing? Competition with Network Effects in Bike-Sharing」 (joint with Guangyu Cao, Ginger Zhe Jin, and Li-An Zhou)
「The Technological Origins of the Decline in Labor Market Dynamism」 (joint with Jan Eeckhout)
「Governing Adaptation and Coordination: A Mechanism Design Approach」 (joint with Tan Gan)
「Authority and Communication under the Shadow of Future Centralization」 (joint with Fan Wu and Yundong Yin)
「The Making of Bad Gentry: The Abolition of an Exam, Local Governance and Anti-gentry Protests, 1902–1911」 (joint with Yu Hao, Kevin Zhengcheng Liu, and Li-An Zhou) 「政府如何激勵創新?——基於委託代理理論的研究」(與龔六堂,李文健合作)[1]