


來自 搜狐 的圖片



洛氏角毛藻硅藻門,盒形藻科。細胞呈扁橢圓形,殼面橢圓形。長軸帶面為四角形,短軸帶面為長方形。細胞具有長角毛,並常藉助於角毛交接成鏈。海產,中國沿海均有分布,種類達10多種,均為赤潮種類。海洋經濟蝦蟹貝類育苗常需要大量培養角毛藻,以供幼體或輪蟲生長食用。 [1]



陳作藝1,2,許曉靜1,朱素英1,翟夢怡1,李揚1,*()    =

Species diversity and geographical distribution of the Chaetoceros lorenzianus complex along the coast of China Chen Zuoyi1,2,Xu Xiaojing1,Zhu Suying1,Zhai Mengyi1,Li Yang1,*()

1 Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Subtropical Biodiversity and Biomonitoring, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Healthy and Safe Aquaculture, School of Life Sciences, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631

2 The Eighth Geological Brigade, Hebei Geological Prospecting Bureau, Qinhuangdao, Hebei 066001

Received:2018-09-28 Accepted:2019-01-27 Online:2019-02-20 Published:2019-04-16 Contact: Li Yang RichHTML 17 PDF (PC) 421

可視化 240 摘要/Abstract 摘要:

洛氏角毛藻複合群(Chaetoceros lorenzianus complex)指具有與洛氏角毛藻相似形態學特徵的物種集合, 它們廣泛分布於全球近岸水域。近年國際上關於該複合群的分類學研究取得新進展, 而我國相關研究仍較為滯後。為了弄清我國沿海洛氏角毛藻複合群的物種多樣性, 明確物種信息, 釐清種間界限, 為相關研究提供準確的物種鑑定依據, 本研究陸續在中國沿海建立了該複合群的332個單克隆培養株系, 利用光學顯微鏡、掃描電鏡和透射電鏡進行了較為詳盡的形態學研究, 基於核糖體大亞基編碼基因D1-D3區序列, 構建了分子系統學關係。結果表明其形態聚類與分子系統學結論相一致, 顯示我國洛氏角毛藻複合群具有較高的物種多樣性, 共鑑定到5個物種, 分別是並基角毛藻(C. decipiens)、優美角毛藻(C. elegans)、平孢角毛藻(C. laevisporus)、曼納角毛藻(C. mannaii)和稀樹角毛藻(C. pauciramosus)。研究表明傳統認知的光鏡下特徵, 如群體特徵、角毛走勢等易變化, 其分類學價值需謹慎應用。角毛的超微結構, 如角毛孔紋的形狀、大小、密度等是有效的種間區別特徵, 休眠孢子亦是重要的物種識別依據。並基角毛藻和平孢角毛藻在我國沿岸的分布範圍最為廣泛, 而稀樹角毛藻的分布較為有限。

關鍵詞: 洛氏角毛藻複合群, 物種多樣性, 形態學, 分子系統學, 休眠孢子, 中國沿海


The Chaetoceros lorenzianus complex is composed of several planktonic diatom species that share a similar morphology with C. lorenzianus Grunow. The complex has been recorded frequently in coastal waters across the world. Recently, new taxonomic information has enriched the known species diversity of the complex from 3 to 7 taxa. However, the identities of many species comprising the complex in China is still unclear. To clarify the species diversity and provide solid identification criteria for further studies, 332 monoclonal strains belonging to the C. lorenzianus complex were collected from the coast of China. With light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy, the morphologies of vegetative cells and resting spores were observed. Hypervariable D1-D3 regions of nuclear large subunit ribosomal encoded genes were amplified to construct the phylogenetic relationship. Morphological clustering was consistent with molecular systematics, which indicated that a total of 5 species are present within the C. lorenzianus complex along the coast of China; C. decipiens, C. elegans, C. laevisporus, C. mannaii and C. pauciramosus. The ultrastructure on setae, such as the shape, size and density of the setae pores, can be used as distinguishing features among allied taxa. The morphology of the resting spores also aid in accurate identification. The previous reports identifying the taxa within the C. lorenzianus complex in China need to be reexamined. Chaetoceros decipiens and C. laevisporus are the most widespread taxa along the coast of China, whereas C. pauciramosus has the narrowest distribution, having only been recorded in Taishan and Zhuhai of the Guangdong Province.

Key words: Chaetoceros lorenzianus complex, species diversity, morphology, molecular phylogeny, resting spore, coast of China

引用本文 陳作藝, 許曉靜, 朱素英, 翟夢怡, 李揚 (2019) 中國沿海洛氏角毛藻複合群的多樣性組成及地理分布. 生物多樣性, 27, 149-158. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018261.

Chen Zuoyi, Xu Xiaojing, Zhu Suying, Zhai Mengyi, Li Yang (2019) Species diversity and geographical distribution of the Chaetoceros lorenzianus complex along the coast of China. Biodiversity Science, 27, 149-158. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018261.


  1. 洛氏角毛藻, 植物智, 2020-01-18