

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




1978.10-1983.7 中國科學技術大學物理系半導體專業, 理學學士

1987.9-1993.10 北京航空航天大學, 工學博士

1993.12-1997.1, 北京航空航天大學非晶態物理研究所,副教授

1997.2-2002.6, 美國麻省大學物理系博士後研究員

2002.7-現在, 北京交通大學副教授,教授

2013.6-2013.12期間, 美國加州大學Davis分校物理系高訪





  • 基本科研業務費:三角晶格鈷氧化物超導體中非常規超導電性及其物性研究,2013-01-01--2014-12-31,7.0萬元,參加
  • 紅果園:高溫合金的損傷機制及表面防護塗料研究,2011-11-29--2011-12-31,25.0萬元,參加
  • 博士點基金:非中心對稱超導體中非常規超導電性的理論研究,2012-01-01--2014-12-31,4.0萬元,參加
  • 國家自然科學基金"青年基金":Bi2Se3基拓撲絕緣體薄膜的Si異質外延生長研究,2012-01-01--2014-12-31,30.0萬元,參加
  • 基本科研業務費:光和冷原子相互作用及其在量子信息和量子計量中的應用,2011-07-01--2013-12-31,50.0萬元,參加
  • 人才基金:鈷氧化物超導體中動能驅動的超導電性和相關物性研究,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,1.5萬元,參加
  • 紅果園:量子級聯激光器基本問題研究,2010-09-03--2013-09-03,21.5萬元,參加
  • 國家自然科學基金「面上」:氮化鎵半導體低維結構中子帶間集體激發過程的研究,2010-01-01--2012-12-31,36.0萬元,主持
  • 國家自然科學基金「面上」:氮化鎵半導體低維結構中子帶間集體激發過程的研究,2010-01-01--2012-12-31,36.0萬元,主持
  • 博士點基金:推廣的Dicke模型量子相變的理論研究,2001-01-01--2011-12-31,3.6萬元,參加
  • 校科技基金:冷原子系統自旋壓縮態的絕熱製備,2007-12-01--2010-12-31,2.0萬元,參加
  • 國家自然科學基金:氮化物半導體子帶帶間紅外發光性質的研究,2004-01-31--2006-12-31,25.0萬元,主持
  • 教育部:SiGe垂直腔面價帶帶間量子級聯激光器的研究,2003-07-01--2005-06-30,3.0萬元,主持
  • 校科技基金:量子級聯子帶半導體激光器的研究,2002-09-21--2004-09-30,2.0萬元,主持



  • 期 刊-> D Ji, Y Lu, B Liu, G Liu, Q Zhu, Z Wang, Dielectric and barrier thickness fluctuation scattering in Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN double heterojunction high-electron mobility transistors, Thin Solid Films 534, 655-658, 2013
  • 期 刊->D Ji, Y Lu, B Liu, G Liu, Q Zhu, Z Wang, Theoretical calculation of the interfacial charge-modulated two-dimensional electron gas mobility in Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN double heterojunction high-electron mobility transistors, Solid State Communications 153 (1), 53-57, 2013
  • 期 刊-> D Ji, Y Lu, B Liu, J Liu,Converse piezoelectric effect induced misfit dislocation scattering in metal/AlGaN/GaN heterostructures,Applied Physics Letters 102 (13), 132106, 2013
  • 期 刊-> Jinlong Liu , Xiaoli Zhang, Jian Wang, Yanwu Lu, Population inversion study of GaAs/AlGaAs three-quantum-well quantum cascade structures, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 11 (4), 041409, 2013
  • 期 刊-> Dong Ji, Bing Liu, Yanwu Lu,Guipeng Liu, Qinsheng Zhu, and Zhanguo Wang,Polarization-induced remote interfacial charge scattering in Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN double heterojunction high electron mobility transistors,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 100, 132105 ,2012
  • 期 刊-> Bing Liu, Yanwu Lu, Yan Huang,Interfacial misfit dislocation scattering effect in two-dimensional electron gas channel of GaN heterojunction,Physics Letters A 376, 1067-1071,2012
  • 期 刊-> Guipeng Liu, Ju Wu, Yanwu Lu, Guijuan Zhao et al,Two-dimensional electron gas mobility limited by barrier and quantum well thickness fluctuations scattering in AlxGa1−xN/GaN multi-quantum wells,Applied Physics Letters 100 (16), 162102,2012
  • D Ji, Y Lu, B Liu, G Jin, G Liu, Q Zhu, Z Wang, Electric field-induced scatterings in rough quantum wells of AlGaN/GaN high-mobility electronic transistors, Journal of Applied Physics 112 (2), 024515,2012
  • 期 刊-> Ji Dong (冀 東), Liu Bing (劉 冰), Lu Yan-Wu (呂燕伍),Influence of a two- dimensional electron gas on current-voltage characteristics of Al0.3Ga0.7 N/GaN high electron mobility transistors,Chinese Phys. B 21 (6), 067201,2012
  • 期 刊-> Song Ya-Feng, Lu Yan-Wu, Wen Wei, Liu Xiang-Lin et al, Plasmons in a free-standing nanorod with a two-dimensional parabolic quantum well caused by surface states, Chinese Phys. B 21 (5), 057302, 2012
  • 期 刊-> Guipeng Liu, Ju Wu, Yanwu Lu, Zhiwei Li, Yafeng Song, Chengming Li, Shaoyan Yang, Xianglin Liu, Qinsheng Zhu, and Zhanguo Wang,Scattering due to spacer layer thickness fluctuation on two dimensional electron gas in AlGaAs/GaAs modulation-doped heterostructures,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 110, 023705 ,2011
  • 期 刊-> Guipeng Liu, Ju Wu, Yanwu Lu, Biao Zhang, Chengming Li, Ling Sang, Yafeng Song, Kai Shi, Xianglin Liu, Shaoyan Yang, Qinsheng Zhu, and Zhanguo Wang, A Theoretical Calculation of the Impact of GaN Cap and AlxGa1−xN Barrier Thickness Fluctuations on Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in a GaN/AlxGa1−xN/GaN Heterostructure, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 58, NO. 12, 4272-4275,2011
  • 期 刊-> B. Liu, Y. W. Lu, G. R. Jin, Y. Zhao, X. L. Wang, Q. S. Zhu, and Z. G. Wang,Surface roughness scattering in two dimensional electron gas channel,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 97, 262111,2010
  • 期 刊-> Yafeng Song, Yanwu Lu , Biao Zhang, Xiaoqing Xu, Jun Wang, Yan Guo, Kai Shi, Zhiwei Li,Xianglin Liu, Shaoyan Yang, Qinsheng Zhu, and Zhanguo Wang,Intersubband absorption energy shifts in 3-level system for asymmetric quantum well terahertz emitters,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 108, 083112,2010
  • 期 刊-> 金光日,王小偉,李丹,呂燕伍.Atom-number squeezing and bipartite entanglement of two-component Bose–Einstein condensates: analytical results[J]。J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.,2010-12,43(4),
  • 期 刊-> 金光日,王波波,呂燕伍.Phase diffusion of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensates: exact and short-time solutions for arbitrary coherent spin state[J]。Chinese Phys. B,2010-12,19(2)
  • 期 刊-> B. Zhang, Y. W. Lu, H. P. Song, X. L. Liu, S. Y. Yang, Q. S. Zhu, and Z. G. Wang,Depolarization blueshift in intersubband transitions of triangular quantumwires,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 106, 113712 ,2009
  • 期 刊-> Jun Wang Shu-Shen Li Yan-Wu Lu,Xiang-Lin Liu Shao-Yan Yang ,Qin-Sheng Zhu,Zhan-Guo Wang,Binding Energy and Spin-Orbit Splitting of a Hydrogenic Donor Impurity in AlGaN/GaN Triangle-Shaped Potential Quantum Well,Nanoscale Res Lett Vol .4,1315-1318,2009
  • 期 刊-> Huang Yin and Lu Yanwu, A defect effect to light transmission through acute bending coupled cavity waveguide in a two dimensional photonic crystal, Chin. Phys Lett Vol.26 (2009) 047805
  • 期 刊-> 戎根苗,唐瑩,衣立新,呂燕伍,安宏林.氟磷共摻雜二氧化硅光纖預製棒的表面晶化[J]。光子學報,2009-12,38(5)
  • 期 刊-> 趙明明,呂燕伍,余家新,龐許倩,旋轉對二維正方晶格介質柱內空結構光子晶體禁帶的影響,物理學報, Vol.57, 1061,2008
  • 期 刊-> 呂燕伍.Design and Simulation of a Mid-infrared Quantum Cascade Laser Based on Ge-Si Superlattices[J]。Solid State Phenomena,2007-12,121(677),
  • 期 刊-> 蔡琳,呂燕伍.Elastic and piezoelectric character-Istics of wurtzite GaN/AlN[J]。Solid State Phenomena,2007-12,123(913),
  • 期 刊-> 梁雙,呂燕伍.有限元計算GaN/AlN量子點結構中的電子結構[J]。物理學報,2007-12,56(1617),
  • 期 刊-> 梁雙,呂燕伍.GaN/AlN量子點結構中的應變分布和壓電效應[J]。半導體學報,2007-12,28(42),
  • 期 刊-> 呂燕伍.Magnetic properties of tin-doped magnetite nanoparticles[J]。PHYSICS LETTERS A,2006-12,?(359),
  • 期 刊-> 鄭小秋,呂燕伍.基於氮化物半導體的遠紅外量子級聯激光器[J]。北京交通大學學報,2006-12,30(6),
  • 期 刊-> 呂燕伍.Magnetic properties of tin-doped ferrites nanoparticles Snx Fe3-x O4[J]。RARE METALS,2006-12,25(9),
  • 期 刊-> 呂燕伍.Strained and piezoelectric characteristics of nitride quantum dots[J]。CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS,2006-12,23(4),
  • 期 刊-> 呂燕伍,SUN Gregory.Analytic Solution for In-Plane Valence Subbands of Strained SiGe Superlattice[J]。Chinese Physics Letters,2003-12,20(12),


1995年, 教育部科學進步一等獎

