











[1] AI和大數據、網絡輿論媒介地理學元宇宙



【1】Jing He, Haonan Chen, Yijin Chen, Xinming Tang and Yebin Zou. Variable-Based Spatiotemporal Trajectory Data Visualization Illustrated, IEEE Access, 2019.10. (已檢索,第一作者,SCI,JCR=Q1,IF=4.076)。

【2】Jing He, Yu Sun. Numerical and computational modeling for nonlinear dynamic Simulation of curved shells under multi-physical fields. Advances in Nano Research. 2021.11. (已檢索,第一作者,SCI,JCR=Q1,IF=7.976)。

【3】Jing He, Haonan Chen, Yijin Chen, Xinming Tang and Yebin Zou. Diverse Visualization Techniques and Methods of Moving Object Trajectory Data: A Review, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2019.02. (已檢索,第一作者,SCI,JCR=Q3,IF=2.402)。

【4】Jing He, Haonan Chen, Lingxiao Li, Yebin Zou. Interactive Trajectory Star Coordinates i-tStar and its Extension i-tStar (3D). COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES. 2022.05. (已錄用,第一作者,SCI,JCR=Q3,IF=1.593)。

【5】Jing He, Haonan Chen. Multiattribute Interactive Visualization of Three-dimensional Trajectory Sets. Kuwait Journal of Science. 2020.12. (已檢索,第一作者,SCI,JCR=Q4,IF=1.047)。

【6】Jing He, Yining He, Haonan. Media Big Data Cyber Infrastructure for Epidemic Prevention and Emergency Response. 2020 International Signal Processing, Communications and Engineering Management Conference (ISPCEM). (已檢索,第一作者,EI)。

【7】Jing He, Chen, H., Wang, L., Zou, Y. i-tStar (3D): Three-Dimensional Interactive Trajectory Star Coordinates. 2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence. (已檢索,第一作者,EI)。

【8】Jing He and Haonan Chen. Geographical Stacking Point Map of Staying Points. IEEE International Conference on Big Data Analytics 2020. Xiamen, China. (已檢索,第一作者,EI)。

【9】Jing He, Lingxiao Li and Xin Wang. I-tStar: Interactive Trajectory Star Coordinates. 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacture. (已檢索,第一作者,EI)。

【10】Jing He, Yijin Chen and Haonan Chen. Construction of semantic annotation framework for stacked trajectory model, ACM International Conference Proceedings Series,2019.10. (已檢索,第一作者,EI)。

【11】Jing He, Lingxiao Li, Chuyi Wang. Monitoring and Mitigating Ionosphere threats in GNSS Space Environment Science: An Overview. 20213rdInternationalConferenceon ArtificialIntelligenceandAdvancedManufacturing (已錄用,第一作者,EI)。

【12】Jing He, Wang, C., Haonan Chen. New engine to promote big data industry upgrade. Computing Conference 2021. (已檢索,第一作者,國際會議)。

【13】何靜,陳宜金,鄒業斌.基於手持紅外瓦斯檢測的APP服務研究.煤炭技術,2018,37(02). (第一作者,中文核心)。

【14】何靜. 大數據對媒體智庫建設的作用. 法治新聞傳播, 2020.05. (第一作者)。

【15】何靜. 淺談技術在網絡輿情監測與分析中的應用. 法治新聞傳播, 2021.02. (第一作者)。

【16】何靜,李凌霄. 智能媒體中新聞的透明性與客觀性邏輯,中國報業, 2022.06. (第一作者)


【18】Zou, Y, Jing He, Chen, H. Directional-layered space-time densities: a new spatiotemporal trajectory aggregation and geographic visualization approach. IEEE Access. (已檢索,第二作者,SCI,JCR=Q1)。

【19】Chen, H, Jing He, Song, W.; Wang, L.; Wang, J. and Chen, Y. Modeling and Interpreting the COVID-19 Intervention Strategy of China: A Human Mobility View. PLoS ONE 2020(11). (已檢索,第二作者,SCI,JCR=Q2)。

【20】Yebin Zou, Yijin Chen and Jing He, 4D Time Density of Trajectories: Discovering Spatiotemporal Patterns in Movement Data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2018.6. (已檢索,第三作者,SCI,JCR=Q3)。

【21】Yebin Zou, Yijin Chen and Jing He, Design and implementation of the communication system based on wireless communication for open-pit mine. International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems, 2017.6. (已檢索,第三作者,EI)。

【22】Haonan Chen, Yijin Chen, Jing He. Parameterization of Spatial and Temporal Ionospheric Decorrelation for GBAS Landing Systems. (已檢索,第三作者,EI)。

【23】向安玲, 瀋陽, 何靜. 輿論動力學:歷史溯源、理論演進與研究前景. 全球傳媒學刊. (已檢索,第三作者)。[1]
