2012/03–2012/12,英國Demont fort大學,可持續研究中心,訪問學者
2016/06–至 今,合肥工業大學,土木與水利工程學院,教授
[1] 安徽省重點研究與開發計劃項目,電力消納高彈性的建築可再生能源系統設計與運行策略研究,202004a07020029,2020/01-2022/12,主持
[2] 青海省科技合作計劃,青海農產品專用溫室型雙集熱雙保溫太陽能熱泵乾燥成套裝備系統的研製與示範,2017-HZ-807,主持
[3] 安徽省科技攻關援青計劃,青海農產品專用溫室型雙集熱雙保溫太陽能熱泵乾燥成套裝備系統的研製與示範,1604e0302002,2016/03-2018/12,主持
[4] 國家十二五科技支撐計劃,保持徽派建築典型特點的可再生能源建築應用技術研究與示範,2012BAJ08B04,2012/01-2015/12,主持
[5] 教育部「新世紀優秀人才」支持計劃,NCET-11-0876,2012/01-2014/12,主持
[1] 徽州傳統聚落與古建築保護利用關鍵技術及應用,安徽省科技進步一等獎,2019,排名4/10
[2] 太陽能全光譜綜合利用利用技術及在建築中的多效應用,中國可再生能源學會技術發明一等獎,2020,排名6/10
[3] 可再生能源系統,世界可持續能源技術協會年度創新獎,2019,1/1
[4] 青海省「高端創新人才計劃」領軍人才,2018,1/1
[5] 一種熱電驅動的自行車頭盔,日內瓦國際發明金獎,2017,2/8
[1] Wenfeng Chu, Wei He*, Qingyang, Jiang, Sheng Zhang, Zhongting Hu, Gaofei Xu,Yanping Yuan, Jianhua Fan, Optimization of operation strategy for a grid interactive regional energy system,Energy and Buildings,Volume 250,1 November 2021,111294
[2] Cairui Yu, Dongmei Shen, Wei He*, Zhongting Hu, Sheng Zhang, Wenfeng Chu,Parametric analysis of the phase change material wall combining with micro-channel heat pipe and sky radiative cooling technology, Renewable Energy,Volume178,November 2021, 1057-1069
[3] Wanfang Zhao, Zhongting Hu, Wei He*, Sheng Zhang, Hancheng Yu, Gaofei Xu, Hongbing Chen, Intermittent mode analysis of a borehole ground heat exchanger with novel phase change backfill materials,Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 189, 5 May 2021, 116716
[4] Wanfang Zhao, Wei He*, Zhongting Hu, Xiaoyu Zheng, Sheng Zhang, Gaofei Xu, Hongbing Chen ,Yanping Yuan, Daylight and thermal performance of a switchable ethylene tetra-fluoro-ethylene cushion with dynamic control in different climates, Building Simulation, 2021
[5] Meng Wang, Jingxin Hou, Zhongting Hu, Wei He*, Hancheng Yu,Optimisation of the double skin facade in hot and humid climates through altering the design parameter combinations,Building Simulation, 2021,1-11
[6] Wei He, Sheng Zhang, Zhongting Hu, Jing Zhang, Xianghua Liu, Cairui Yu, Hancheng Yu, Field experimental study on a novel beehive integrated with solar thermal/ photovoltaic system, Solar Energy, 201,2020,682-692
[7] Zhongting Hu, Sheng Zhang, Jingxin Hou, Wei He*, Xianghua Liu, Cairui Yu, Jian Zhu, An experimental and numerical analysis of a novel water blind-Trombe wall system, Energy Conversion and Management, 205, 2020, 112380
[8] Wei He*, Cairui Yu, Jichun Yang, Bendong Yu, Zhongting Hu, Dongmei Shen, Xianghua Liu, Minghui Qin, Hongbing Chen,Experimental study on the performance of a novel RC-PCM-wall, Energy and Buildings, 199, 2019, 297-310
[9] Song Lv, Wei He*, Zhongting Hu, Minghou Liu, Minghui Qin, Sheng Shen, Wei Gong, High-performance terrestrial solar thermoelectric generators without optical concentration for residential and commercial rooftops, Energy Conversion and Management 196, 2019, 69-76
[10] Bendong Yu, Jichun Yang, Wei He*, Minghui Qin, Xudong Zhao, Hongbing Chen, The performance analysis of a novel hybrid solar gradient utilization photocatalytic-thermal-catalytic-Trombe wall system, Energy 174, 2019, 420-435
[11] Bendong Yu, Jingxin Hou, Wei He*, Shanshan Liu, Zhongting Hu, Jie Ji, Hongbing Chen,Gang Xu, Study on a high-performance photocatalytic-Trombe wall system for space heating and air purification, Applied Energy,226, 2018, 365-380
[12] Song Lv, Wei He*, Qingyang Jiang, Zhongting Hu, Xianghua Liu, Hongbing Chen, Minghou Liu, Study of different heat exchange technologies influence on the performance of thermoelectirc generators, Energy Conversion and Management 156 , 2018, 167-177
[13]《Handbook of Energy Systems in Green Buildings》,2018,ISBN 978-3-662-49119-5,Springer, Section: Passive building design
[14]《Advanced Energy Efficiency Technologies for Solar Heating, Cooling and Power Generation》,2019,ISBN 978-3-030-17283-1,Springer, Contribution to Charpter 2,9 and 12.
[15]《太陽能光伏光熱綜合利用研究》,ISBN 978-7-030-53979-3,科學出版社,排名第三[1]