






2016- 北京大学深圳研究生院,特聘研究员

2015-2016 英国剑桥Astex制药公司,高级研究员,基于片段的抗癌药物开发

2011-2015 加拿大多伦多西奈山医院,博士后,抗癌药物研究

2006-2011 加拿大卡尔加里大学,博士,生物化学

1999-2002 清华大学,硕士,分析化学

1995-1999 四川大学,学士,生物学


2017 拜耳-北京大学研究员

2014 加拿大卫生与健康研究院(CIHR)博士后基金

2008 加拿大阿尔伯特省医学研究基金会(AHFMR)博士生奖学金




激酶研究领域,我们开展与疾病相关的靶标蛋白的小分子抑制剂开发和工作机制研究。我们目前在假性激酶-核糖核酸酶L(RNase L)项目上有较多的经验,并形成了独特且系统的研究思路。




1. Fu Z#, Huang B#, Tang J#, Liu S#, Liu M, Ye Y, Liu Z, Xiong Y, Zhu W, Cao D, Li J, Niu X, Zhou H, Zhao YJ, Zhang G*, Huang H*, The complex structure of GRL0617 and SARS-CoV-2 PLpro reveals a hot spot for antiviral drug discovery, Nat Commun. 2021;12(1):488.

2. Ye Y#, Xiong Y#, Huang H., Substrate-binding destabilizes the hydrophobic cluster to relieve the autoinhibition of bacterial ubiquitin ligase IpaH9.8, Commun Biol. 2020;3(1):752.

3. Tang J#, Wang Y#, Zhou H#, Ye Y, Talukdar M, Fu Z, Liu Z, Li J, Neculai D, Gao J, Huang H, Sunitinib inhibits RNase L by destabilizing its active dimer conformation , Biochem J . 2020;477(17):3387-3399.

4. Daou S#, Talukdar M#, Tang J#, Dong B, Banerjee S, Li Y, Duffy NM, Ogunjimi AA, Gaughan C, Jha BK, Gish G, Tavernier N, Mao D, Weiss SR, Huang H*, Silverman RH*, Sicheri F*, A phenolic small molecule inhibitor of RNase L prevents cell death from ADAR1 deficiency, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020;117(40):24802-24812.

5. Huang H, Zeqiraj E, Dong B, Jha BK, Duffy NM, Orlicky S, Thevakumaran N, Talukdar M, Pillon MC, Ceccarelli DF, Wan LC, Juang YC, Mao DY, Gaughan C, Brinton MA, Perelygin AA, Kourinov I, Guarné A, Silverman RH, Sicheri F, Dimeric structure of pseudokinase RNase L bound to 2-5A reveals a basis for interferon induced antiviral activity. Mol. Cell. 2014; 53, 221-34

Recommended in F1000

Highlighted in Cell 157, 2014: http://www.cell.com/cell/pdf/S0092-8674(14)00487-5.pdf)

6. Huang H*, Ceccarelli DF*, Orlicky S*, St-Cyr DJ, Ziemba A, Garg P, Plamondon S, Auer M, Sidhu S, Marinier A, Kleiger G, Tyers M, Sicheri F, E2 enzyme inhibition by stabilization of a low-affinity interface with ubiquitin. Nat. Chem. Biol. 2014 10, 156-63

7. Fradet-Turcotte A, Canny MD, Escribano-Díaz C, Orthwein A, Leung CC, Huang H, Landry MC, Kitevski-LeBlanc J, Noordermeer SM, Sicheri F, Durocher D. 53BP1 is a reader of the DNA-damage-induced H2A Lys15 ubiquitin mark. Nature. 2013, 499, 50-54.

8. Rivkin E, Almeida SM, Ceccarelli DF, Juang YC, MacLean TA, Srikumar T, Huang H, Dunham WH, Fukumura R, Xie G, Gondo Y, Raught B, Gingras AC, Sicheri F, Cordes SP. The linear ubiquitin-specific deubiquitinase gumby regulates angiogenesis. Nature. 2013, 498, 318-24

9. Huang H and Vogel HJ, Structural Basis for the Activation of the Cytoplasmic Domain of the Human Platelet Integrin AlphaIIb-beta3 by CIB1. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 3864-72(Highlighted in Science Daily, h 10. Huang H, Ishida H, Yamniuk, AP, Vogel HJ, The Solution Structures of Ca2+- CIB1 and Mg2+-CIB1 and their interactions with the Platelet Integrin αIIb Cytoplasmic Domain. J. Biol. Chem., 2011, 286, 17181-92


Tyers M, Sicheri F, Ceccarelli DF, Huang H, et al., Screening methods to identify compounds inhibiting the activity of E2 enzymes by stabilization of non-covalent ubiquitin-E2 complexes and pharmaceutical applications related to E2 inhibitors. Application #: PCT/CA2013/001079;

黄昊; 张国良; 汤金乐; 刘淑燕; 付子阳; 刘明; PLpro蛋白抑制剂在治疗和预防新型冠状病毒感染的药物中的应用, 2020-6-8, 中国专利, 202010511707.4.[1]
