阮賓皓,女,阮賓皓博士,北師港浸大環境科學專業客座助理教授,副研究員,研究生導師。在香港城市大學獲得環境毒理學博士學位,之後得到美國杜克大學RJR-Leon Golberg Memorial毒理學方向的博士後獎學金,在北卡羅來納州開始博士後研究工作。
1. 小魚模型在毒性評價中的應用
2. 內分泌干擾物對跨代及生態平衡的影響
3. 生物修復
1. Liu, S., Peng, X., Zhang, X., Yuen, B.B.H. (2021). Effects of Lead on Petrol Degradation Efficiency of Bacteria Isolated from Soils in Zhuhai, Guangdong, China. Environment and Ecology Research, Vol.9, no. 4. 2. Liu, S., Yuen, B. (2021). Effects of lead on petroleum degrading bacteria isolated from contaminated soil in Zhuhai, Guangdong, China. International Conference on Sustainable Biowaste Management 2021 Conference Proceedings. 3. Yuen, B. et al. (2020). Transient exposure to environmentally realistic concentrations of di-(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate during sensitive windows of development impaired larval survival and reproduction success in Japanese medaka Tox Rep 7: 200-208. 4. Lai, A., Yuen, B., Burchett, R. (2018). Human Mental Intentionality on the Aesthetics of Cooked Rice and Escherichia coli Growth. Journal of Scientific Exploration 32: 742-761. 5. Tsim, S. et al. (2018). Comparison of Building Environment Assessment Systems across the Belt and Road Countries In N Islam (Ed), Silk Road to Belt Road – Reinventing the Past and Shaping the Future (pp 235-260). Singapore, Springer publication.[1]