






2007 - 2010 德國杜塞爾多夫大學,植物生物學專業,博士

2004 - 2007 西南大學,植物生態學專業,碩士


2020 - 至今 北京林業大學,生態與自然保護學院,教授,博士生導師

2014 - 2019 北京林業大學,自然保護區學院,副教授,碩士生導師

2015 - 2016 美國國家濕地研究中心,訪問學者

2012 - 2014 北京林業大學,自然保護區學院,講師





2021 - 2024國家自然科學基金面上項目「表觀遺傳變異在不同緯度蘆葦響應局域環境變化中的作用」(32071525),主持;

2017 - 2020 國家自然科學基金面上項目「河岸帶植物水蓼對水淹環境的適應可塑性研究」(31670428),主持;

2013 - 2015 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目「河岸帶植物功能性狀、水淹耐受能力與豐度的相關性研究」(31200314),主持;

2019 - 2020 國家林業局項目「濕地立法與其他相關法律的關係及相關法律制度研究」(201905),主持;

2017 - 2018 北京林業大學科技創新計劃項目「典型河岸帶植物水淹後的恢復響應及其進化潛勢」(2017ZY18),主持;

2013 - 2015 教育部博士點基金「河岸帶克隆植物水淹後的恢復響應機制」(20120014120001),主持;

2012 - 2013 北京林業大學科技創新團隊項目「常見濕地動植物對水濕環境的生理及行為適應機制」(TD2011-18),主持;

2012 - 2013 北京林業大學新教師科研啟動項目「克隆整合對河岸帶植物耐受水淹能力的影響」(BLX2011023),主持;

2019 - 2024國家基礎資源調查項目「溫帶乾旱半乾旱沼澤濕地植物種質資源調查」(2019FY100605),參與;

2019 - 2020 中國工程院諮詢研究項目「北京濕地發展戰略研究」(2019-XZ-27),參與;

2017 - 2020 國家重點研發計劃項目「河口濕地生物連通修復技術」(2017YFC0505903),參與;

2015 - 2020 北京林業大學青年教師科學研究中長期項目「克隆植物生態學」(2015ZCQ-BH-01),參與;

2015 - 2018 國家自然科學基金面上項目「基因型多樣性對外來植物入侵性的影響機制」(31470475),參與;

2013 - 2015 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目「濕地外來克隆植物大米草種群擴張和自然衰退的水文驅動機制」(31200313),參與。



Cui Y, Luo F-L*, Chen Y-H, Zhang M-X, Yu F-H*. 2022. Rhizodeposition and litter decomposition of Phragmites australis play important roles in composition and properties of soil dissolved organic matter. Ecological Indicators, 142: 109275.

Chen Y-H, Wei G-W, Cui Y, Luo F-L*. 2022. Nutrient inputs alleviate negative effects of early and subsequent flooding on growth of Polygonum hydropiper with the aid of adventitious roots. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.919409.

Cui Y, Luo F-L*, Zhang M-X, Yu F-H*. 2022. Spectroscopic properties and driving factors of dissolved organic matter in the Yellow River Delta. Journal of Plant Ecology, doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtac037.

Dong B-C, Wang P, Luo F-L*. 2022. Sharing of nitrogen between connected ramets of Alternanthera philoxeroides in homogeneous environments. Plant and Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-022-05475-5.

Sun X-S#, Chen Y-H#, Zhuo N, Cui Y, Luo F-L*, Zhang M-X*. 2021. Effects of salinity and concomitant species on growth of Phragmites australis populations at different levels of genetic diversity. The Science of the Total Environment, 780: 146516.

Wei G-W, Chen Y-H, Sun X-S, Matsubara S, Luo F-L*, Yu F-H*. 2021. Elevation-dependent selection for plasticity in leaf and root traits of Polygonum hydropiper in response to flooding. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 182: 104331.

Chen Y-H, Sun X-S, Cui Y, Zhuo N, Wei G-W, Luo F-L*, et al. 2021. Interacting flooding and competition negatively affect growth of riparian species dominating a reservoir shoreline. Water, 13: 1471.

Wei G-W, Sun X-S, Chen Y-H, Luo F-L*, Yu F-H. 2020. Growth and reproductive responses of Polygonum hydropiper populations to elevational difference associated with flooding. Global Ecology and Conservation, 23:e01156.

Xing Y-P, Wei G-W, Luo F-L*, Li C-Y, Dong B-C, Ji J-S, et al. 2019. Effects of salinity and clonal integration on the amphibious plant Paspalum paspaloides: growth, photosynthesis and tissue ion regulation. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12:45-55.

Wei G-W, Chen Y, Sun X-S, Chen Y-H, Luo F-L*, Yu F-H. 2019. Growth responses of eight wetland species to water level fluctuation with different ranges and frequencies. Plos One, 14: e0220231.

Wei G-W, Shu Q, Luo F-L*, Chen Y-H, Dong B-C, Mo L-C, et al. 2018. Separating effects of clonal integration on plant growth during submergence and de-submergence. Flora, 246:118-125.

Luo F-L, Matsubara S, Chen Y, Wei G-W, Dong B-C, Zhang M-X, et al. 2018. Consecutive submergence and de-submergence both impede growth of a riparian plant during water level fluctuations with different frequencies. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 155:641-649.

Luo F-L, Xing Y-P, Wei G-W, Li C-Y, Yu F-H. 2017. Clonal integration facilitates spread of Paspalum paspaloides from terrestrial to cadmium-contaminated aquatic habitats. Plant Biology, 19:859-867.

Liu L, Bu X-Q, Luo F-L, et al. 2017. Impacts of sediment type on the performance and composition of submerged macrophyte communities. Aquatic Ecology, 51: 167-176.

Luo F-L, Jiang X-X, Li H-L, Yu F-H. 2016. Does hydrological fluctuation alter impacts of species richness on biomass in wetland plant communities? Journal of Plant Ecology, 9: 434-441.

Wang Y-J, Bai Y-F, Luo F-L*, Yao B, Wang W. 2016. Heterogeneous water supply affects growth and benefits of clonal integration between co-existing invasive and native Hydrocotyle species. Scientific Reports, 6: 29420.

Luo F-L, Huang L, Lei T, Xue W, Yu F-H, Li H-L, Cornelissen JHC. 2016. Responsiveness of performance and morphological traits to experimental submergence predicts field distribution pattern of wetland plants. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27: 340-351.

Wang Y-J, Luo F-L, Yu F-H, et al. 2016. Effects of patch contrast and arrangement on benefits of clonal integration in a rhizomatous clonal plant. Scientific Reports, 6: 35459.

Wang M-Z, Liu Z-Y, Luo F-L, et al. 2016. Do amplitudes of water level fluctuations affect the growth and community structure of submerged macrophytes? Plos One, 11: e0146528.

Dong B-C, Wang J-Z, Liu R-H, Zhang M-X, Luo F-L*, Yu F-H. 2015. Soil heterogeneity affects ramet placement of Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Journal of Plant Ecology, 8: 91-100.

Wang A, Jiang X-X, Zhang Q-Q, Zhou J, Li H-L, Luo F-L*, Zhang M-X, Yu F-H. 2015. Nitrogen addition increases intraspecific competition in the invasive wetland plant Alternanthera philoxeroides, but not in its native congener Alternanthera sessilis. Plant Species Biology, 30: 176-183.

Luo F-L, Chen Y, Huang L, Wang A, Zhang M-X, Yu F-H. 2014. Shifting effects of physiological integration on performance of a clonal plant during submergence and de-submergence. Annals of Botany, 113: 1265-1274.

Chen Y, Zhou Y, Yin T-F, Liu C-X, Luo F-L*. 2013. The invasive wetland plant Alternanthera philoxeroides shows a higher tolerance to waterlogging than its native congener Alternanthera sessilis. Plos One, 8: e81456.

Zhao C-F, Li H-L, Luo F-L*. 2013. Effects of light heterogeneity on growth of a submerged clonal macrophyte. Plant Species Biology, 28: 156-164.

Huang L, Peng Y-K, Li H-L, Zhang M-X, Luo F-L*. 2013. Effects of soil moisture regimes on growth and photosynthesis of the riparian plant Bolboschoenus planiculmis. Forest Science and Practice, 15: 105-113.

Luo F-L, Thiele B, Janzik I, Zeng B, Schurr U, Matsubara S. 2012. De-submergence responses of antioxidative defense systems in two wetland plants having escape and quiescence strategies. Journal of Plant Physiology, 169: 1680-1689.

Alter P, Dreissen A, Luo F-L, Matsubara S. 2012. Acclimatory responses of Arabidopsis to fluctuating light environment: comparison of different sunfleck regimes and accessions. Photosynthesis Research, 113: 221-237.

Zhang Q, Dong B-C, Li H-L, Liu R-H, Luo F-L, Zhang M-X, Lei G-C, Yu F-H. 2012. Does light heterogeneity affect structure and biomass of submerged macrophyte communities? Botanical Studies, 53: 377-385.

Luo F-L, Nagel KA, Scharr H, Zeng B, Schurr U, Matsubara S. 2011. Recovery dynamics of growth, photosynthesis and carbohydrate accumulation after de-submergence: a comparison between two wetland plants showing escape and quiescence strategies. Annals of Botany, 107: 49-63.

Luo F-L. 2010. Post-submergence recovery of photosynthesis and growth: A comparison between two wetland plants. Doctor thesis: Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf.

Luo F-L, Nagel KA, Zeng B, Schurr U, Matsubara S. 2009. Photosynthetic acclimation is important for post-submergence recovery of photosynthesis and growth in two riparian species. Annals of Botany, 104: 1435-1444.

羅芳麗, 王沫竹, 董必成, 陳禹含, 于飛海*. 2022. 克隆與有性親體效應及其調控機制. 生態學報, doi: 10.5846/stxb202107211968.

陳禹含, 羅亦夫, 孫鑫晟, 魏冠文, 黃文軍, 羅芳麗*, 等. 2020. 根部水淹和土壤養分提升對三峽庫區消落帶水蓼生長和繁殖特性的影響. 植物生態學報, 44: 1184-1194.

李歡, 吳蔚, 羅芳麗*, et al. 2016. 4種挺水植物、4種沉水植物及其組合群落去除模擬富營養化水體中總氮和總磷的作用比較. 濕地科學 14: 163-172.

周建, 李紅麗, 羅芳麗*, et al. 2015. 施氮對空心蓮子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)和蓮子草(Alternanthera sessilis)種間關係的影響. 生態學報 35: 8258-8267.

羅芳麗,于飛海等. 一種利用濕地克隆植物的克隆性修復重金屬鎘污染水體的方法,ZL 2016 10680486. 7.

羅芳麗,于飛海等. 一種利用沉水植物的物種多樣性淨化水質的方法,ZL 2017 1 0183577. 4.






