


國籍 中國
職業 大學教授




1998-2002:中國科學技術大學 學士學位

2002-2007:中國科學技術大學 理論物理專業 博士


2007-2008:香港城市大學 電子工程系 博士後

2008-2010:美國亞利桑那州立大學 電子工程系 博士後

2010-2012:美國亞利桑那州立大學 電子工程系 助理研究教授

2012至今: 北京師範大學 系統科學學院 教授 青年千人計劃


涉及各種複雜網絡系統中的動力學行為、結構重構和動力學控制, 以及人類宏觀和微觀移動行為模式的建模和預測。目前發表文章70餘篇,包括1篇Nature Communications(通訊),3篇Phys.Rev.Lett.(2篇一作,1篇二作),1篇Phys.Rev.X(一作),35篇Phys.Rev.E(5篇Rapid Communication),6篇EPL,總引用2000餘次(Web of Science),H指數26。


擔任 Nature Communcations, Phys.Rev.Lett., Phys.Rev.E, EPL, PlosOne, Chaos, J.Theo.Bio, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 等二十種刊物的審稿人。




複雜網絡系統的可控性 Controllability of complex networks

從時間序列重構複雜網絡 Reconstructing complex networked systems from measurable data

已知部分結構推斷缺失鏈接 Inferring missing links from available structure

金融網絡中的風險傳遞和危機 Risk diffusion in financial networks

預測不同尺度下人類移動模式 Modeling and predicting human mobility patterns


Zhengzhong Yuan, Chen Zhao, Zengru Di, Wen-Xu Wang*, and Ying-Cheng Lai, "Exact controllability of complex networks", Nature Communications 4, 2447 (2013).

Wen-Xu Wang*, Ying-Cheng Lai, Celso Grebogi, and Jieping Ye, "Network Reconstruction Based on Evolutionary-Game Data via Compressive Sensing", Phys. Rev. X 1,

Wen-Xu Wang*, Rui Yang, Ying-Cheng Lai, Vassilios Kovanis, and Celso Grebogi, "Predicting Catastrophes in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems by Compressive Sensing", Phys. Rev. Lett. 106,

Jie Ren, Wen-Xu Wang, Baowen Li, and Ying-Cheng Lai, "Noise Bridges Dynamical Correlation and Topology in Coupled Oscillator Networks", Phys. Rev. Lett. 104,

W.-X. Wang*, R. Yang, Y.-C. Lai, V. Kovanis, and M. A. F. Harrison, "Time-series based prediction of complex oscillator networks via compressive sensing",

Wen-Xu Wang, Bing-Hong Wang*, Bo Hu, Gang Yan, and Qing Ou, "General dynamics of topology and traffic on weighted technological networks", Phys. Rev. Lett.

Wen-Xu Wang*, Chuan-Yang Yin, Gang Yan, and Bing-Hong Wang, "Integrating local static and dynamic information for routing traffic", Phys. Rev.

Wen-Xu Wang*, Bing-Hong Wang, Chuan-Yang Yin, Yan-Bo Xie, and Tao Zhou, "Traffic dynamics based on local routing protocol on a scale-free network", Phys. Rev.

Wen-Xu Wang* and Guanrong Chen, "Universal robustness characteristic of weighted networks against cascading failure", Phys. Rev. E 77,

Jie Ren, Wen-Xu Wang, and Feng Qi, "Randomness enhances cooperation: A resonance-type phenomenon in evolutionary games", Phys. Rev. E 75,

Wen-Xu Wang*, Jinhu Lu, Guanrong Chen, and P. M. Hui, "Phase transition and hysteresis loop in structured games with global updating", Phys. Rev. E 77 ,

Wen-Xu Wang*, Jie Ren, Guanrong Chen, and Bing-Hong Wang, "Memory-based snowdrift game on networks", Phys. Rev. E 74,

Wen-Xu Wang*, Xuan Ni, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Celso Grebogi, "Pattern formation, synchronization, and outbreak of biodiversity in cyclically competing games", Phys. Rev. Times cited: 12

Gang Yan, Zhong-Qian Fu, Jie Ren, and Wen-Xu Wang*, "Collective synchronization induced by epidemic dynamics on complex networks with communities", Phys. Rev.
