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!史丹佛大學 <br> Leland Stanford Junior University
!史丹佛大學 <br> Stanford Junior University
| <center><img src="https://pic.pimg.tw/ajnoah/1458371436-3136894773.jpg" width="300" ><br>[http://ajnoah.pixnet.net/blog/post/68117862-stanford-史丹佛大學---和常春藤盟校齊名的私立 <small>圖片來源痞客邦</small>] </center>
<center><img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/zh/6/65/CardSeal-1.gif" width="180" ><br><small>校徽</small>
|'''創建時間''' 1891年
|'''校址'''   [[美國]][[加利福尼亞州]][[史丹佛市]]
|'''校長'''   Martha E. Pollack
|'''學校類型''' 私立大學
|'''校區'''   郊區<br>     8,180英畝(3,310公頃)
|'''網站'''   {{URL|http://www.stanford.edu/|Stanford.edu}}
|<center><img src="https://pic.pimg.tw/ajnoah/1458371436-3136894773.jpg" width="250" > </center>
<small>[https://pic.pimg.tw/ajnoah/1458371436-3136894773.jpg 原圖鏈結] [http://ajnoah.pixnet.net/blog/post/68117862-stanford- 圖片來源痞客邦]</small>
<center><img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/zh/6/65/CardSeal-1.gif" width="180" ><br><small>校徽</small></center>
'''創建時間''' 1891年<br>
'''學校類型''' 私立大學<br>
'''校長'''   Martha E. Pollack<br>
'''校址'''   [[美國]][[加利福尼亞州]][[史丹佛市]]<br>
'''校區'''   郊區<br>     8,180英畝(3,310公頃)
'''網站'''   {{URL|http://www.stanford.edu/|Stanford.edu}}
'''小利蘭·史丹福大學'''({{lang-en|Leland Stanford Junior University}}),通常稱為'''史丹福大學'''({{lang|en|Stanford University}}),為一所坐位於[[美國]][[加利福尼亞州]][[史丹福 (加利福尼亞州)|史丹福]]的私立[[研究型大學]],是[[美洲大学协会]]的14个创始会员之一,因其學術聲譽和创业氛围而獲評為世界上最知名的高等學府之一。<ref>{{en}}{{cite web|url=http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/563120/Stanford-University|title=Stanford University|accessdate=2012-11-21|publisher=Encyclopedia Britannica|quote="Stanford University...one of the most prestigious in the country."}}</ref><ref>{{en}}{{cite web|url=http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Stanford_University.aspx|title=Stanford University|publisher=Encyclopedia.com|quote="In 2002 Stanford University stood as one of the premier centers of higher learning and research in the country. Enrolling over 6,000 undergraduates and 7,000 graduate students a year, the university continued to attract some of the leading scholars in their fields and has produced a long list of renowned alumni."}}</ref><ref>{{en}}{{cite web|url=http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/2011/reputation-ranking/analysis|title=Top Six Universities Dominate THE World Reputation Rankings|last=Morgan|first=John|quote="The rankings suggest that the top six-...Stanford University and the University of Oxford - form a group of globally recognised "super brands".}}</ref><ref>{{en}}{{cite web|url=http://www.gallup.com/poll/9109/harvard-number-one-university-eyes-public.aspx|title=Harvard Number One University in Eyes of Public Stanford and Yale in second place|last=Newport|first=Frank|publisher=Gallup}}</ref>
'''小利蘭·史丹福大學'''({{lang-en|Leland Stanford Junior University}}),通常稱為'''史丹福大學'''({{lang|en|Stanford University}}),為一所坐位於[[美國]][[加利福尼亞州]][[史丹福 (加利福尼亞州)|史丹福]]的私立[[研究型大學]],是[[美洲大学协会]]的14个创始会员之一,因其學術聲譽和创业氛围而獲評為世界上最知名的高等學府之一。<ref>{{en}}{{cite web|url=http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/563120/Stanford-University|title=Stanford University|accessdate=2012-11-21|publisher=Encyclopedia Britannica|quote="Stanford University...one of the most prestigious in the country."}}</ref><ref>{{en}}{{cite web|url=http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Stanford_University.aspx|title=Stanford University|publisher=Encyclopedia.com|quote="In 2002 Stanford University stood as one of the premier centers of higher learning and research in the country. Enrolling over 6,000 undergraduates and 7,000 graduate students a year, the university continued to attract some of the leading scholars in their fields and has produced a long list of renowned alumni."}}</ref><ref>{{en}}{{cite web|url=http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/2011/reputation-ranking/analysis|title=Top Six Universities Dominate THE World Reputation Rankings|last=Morgan|first=John|quote="The rankings suggest that the top six-...Stanford University and the University of Oxford - form a group of globally recognised "super brands".}}</ref><ref>{{en}}{{cite web|url=http://www.gallup.com/poll/9109/harvard-number-one-university-eyes-public.aspx|title=Harvard Number One University in Eyes of Public Stanford and Yale in second place|last=Newport|first=Frank|publisher=Gallup}}</ref>

於 2020年1月27日 (一) 02:07 的修訂

Stanford Junior University

原圖鏈結 圖片來源痞客邦


創建時間 1891年

學校類型 私立大學

校長   Martha E. Pollack

校址   美國加利福尼亞州史丹佛市

校區   郊區

網站   Stanford.edu

小利蘭·史丹福大學英語:Leland Stanford Junior University),通常稱為史丹福大學Stanford University),為一所坐位於美國加利福尼亞州史丹福的私立研究型大學,是美洲大學協會的14個創始會員之一,因其學術聲譽和創業氛圍而獲評為世界上最知名的高等學府之一。[1][2][3][4]

斯坦福大學於1891年由時任加州參議員州長的鐵路大亨利蘭·史丹福和他的妻子簡·萊思羅普·史丹福Jane Stanford創辦。這是為了紀念他們因傷寒而於16歲生日前夕去世的兒子(小利蘭·史丹福Leland Stanford, Jr.)。其為男女及宗教自由的學校,在1930年代前所有學費全免。[5]可是,1893年利蘭·史丹福的逝世及1906年對校園造成重大損毀的三藩市大地震,為該校帶來嚴重的財政困難後才開始收費。[6]二次世界大戰後,時任學校教務長的弗雷德里克·特曼全力支持校友與教職員的企業精神,希望能建立一個自給自足的本地工業,這也是現今硅谷的源流。自上世紀七十年代,史丹福成為了美國SLAC國家加速器實驗室的所在地,及其中一個高等研究計劃署網路互聯網雛形)的起源地。[7]











  • 實行一個教育系統,引導學生在畢業後能找到他們所要追求的理想,並使他們聽到心中對於生命意義的呼喚;
  • 禁止一切在校的宗派指令,但仍需給予精神上的教育,並需告之學生遵從全能仁愛的造物主所定下的規條是人類的責任;
  • 教授合作及團體組織所能帶來的好處;
  • 給予兩性公平及同等的資源與對待;
  • 在帕羅奧圖維持一個農場的運作,以便向大學所有學系的學生提供基礎的農業科學教育。」



他們最後選定了他們的田莊——位於聖塔克拉拉縣的帕羅奧圖牧場,作為建立大學的根據地。{{#tag:ref|除了它原有、面積達8,180英畝(3,310公頃)的帕羅奧圖土地外,位於蒂黑馬縣接近維娜Vina, California、面積達59,000英畝(24,000公頃)的維娜農場,及位於布尤特郡、面積達22,000英畝(8,900公頃)的格里德利農場亦原屬大學資產。[19]不過不像帕羅奧圖,這兩個地區的農地均可出售。維娜農場最終於1918年出讓,其核心地帶成為了現在的新克萊爾沃修道院Abbey of New Clairvaux的所在地。而格里德利則成為了現在的當時的人們亦常將該校直接稱為「農場」。




大學位於非建制地區聖塔克拉拉縣的本部為人口普查指定的區域。不過,某些大學資產(包括史丹福購物中心Stanford Shopping Center史丹福研究園區)則在帕羅奧圖區內。另外,同為非建制區的聖馬刁郡(這裡包括SLAC國家加速器及碧玉嶺生物保護區Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve)、門洛派克伍德賽德波托拉谷的大部分地方亦為史丹福大學的土地。[20]美國郵政署給予大學兩個郵區編號:94305(用於校園郵件)及94309(郵政信箱)。大學隸屬650編碼區域Area code 650

史丹福曾於2011年9月獲《旅遊+消閒Travel + Leisure》雜誌評為國內環境最優美的大學之一,[21]並獲MSN列為全球其中一所最美麗的大學。[22]

物理學家維爾納·海森堡曾被問到是否清楚史丹福大學的地理位置。他回答說:「我知道是在美國西海岸,離三藩市不遠。附近還有一所大學,他們互相搶「斧子」。」最後一句其實是指柏克萊與史丹福的體育榮譽之爭(每年勝利的一方有權持有「史丹福之斧Stanford Axe」錦標)。[23][24]




  • 碧玉嶺生物保護區:位於主校區南邊,佔地1,200-英畝(490-公頃)。為校方資產,供野生生物學家進行考察與研究。
  • SLAC國家加速器實驗室:原本屬於史丹佛,現在交由大學能源部負責運作。它包括世上最長的線性粒子加速器,該長達2英里(3.2公里)的加速器坐落於426英畝(172公頃)的土地上。[25]
  • 高爾夫球場及季節性湖泊:史丹福同時擁有自己的高爾夫球場,另有一個季節性湖泊——拉根尼塔湖(Lake Lagunita)。該湖泊為數量屬易危的加州虎鯢California Tiger Salamander的居所。不過,拉根尼塔湖現時常乾涸,惟校方尚未計劃以人工方式注水。[26]



  • 紅木城:大學於2005年在中點科技園(Midpoint Technology Park)購入一小片面積為35-英畝(14-公頃)的土地,打算在此建立部分教學辦公室。惟有關發展項目尚在計劃草議。[28]
  • 中國:史丹福校方正與北京大學合作,準備在中國建立一處供研究員及學生工作及交流的小型校區。[29]


  • 紐約應用科學園:2011年校方亦曾投標紐約市應用科學園的建設,可惜在年末放棄了此計劃。[30]






史丹福目前有七所學術學院:[37] 提供本科生及研究生課程的包括:

  • 人文科學院(Stanford University School of Humanities & Sciences
  • 地球科學院(Stanford School of Earth Sciences
  • 工程學院(Stanford School of Engineering


  • 醫學院(Stanford School of Medicine
  • 法律學院(Stanford Law School
  • 教育學研究院(Stanford Graduate School of Education
  • 商學研究院(Stanford Graduate School of Business



  1. (英文)Stanford University. Encyclopedia Britannica. [2012-11-21]. Stanford University...one of the most prestigious in the country. 
  2. (英文)Stanford University. Encyclopedia.com. In 2002 Stanford University stood as one of the premier centers of higher learning and research in the country. Enrolling over 6,000 undergraduates and 7,000 graduate students a year, the university continued to attract some of the leading scholars in their fields and has produced a long list of renowned alumni. 
  3. (英文)Morgan, John. Top Six Universities Dominate THE World Reputation Rankings. "The rankings suggest that the top six-...Stanford University and the University of Oxford - form a group of globally recognised "super brands". 
  4. (英文)Newport, Frank. Harvard Number One University in Eyes of Public Stanford and Yale in second place. Gallup. 
  5. (英文)History : Stanford University. Stanford.edu. [2010-07-09]. (原始內容存檔於2008-08-04). 
  6. (英文)History - Part 2 (The New Century) : Stanford University. Stanford.edu. [2013-12-20]. (原始內容存檔於2013-12-20). 
  7. (英文)History - Part 3 (The Rise of Silicon Valley) : Stanford University. Stanford.edu. [2013-12-20]. (原始內容存檔於2013-12-20). 
  8. Where is Stanford? : Stanford University. [2013-12-20]. 
  9. The King Papers Project. The Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute. 
  10. Stanford captures first in DI LSDC; Oklahoma Baptist claims top spot in NAIA LSDC. National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics. 2013-06-14 [2013-12-26]. 
  11. Billionaire Universities. Forbes. 
  12. (英文)Harvard, Stanford, Yale Graduate Most Members of Congress. 
  13. (英文)Beckett, Jamie. Study shows Stanford alumni create nearly $3 trillion in economic impact each year. 
  14. (英文)Stanford Facts: The Founding of Stanford. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-26). 
  15. (英文)Were Leland and Jane Stanford snubbed by the president of Harvard University? Did Leland Jr. attend Harvard before his death in an accident?. 
  16. (英文)The Stanford Daily - Greek life: History of fraternities and sororities. 2004-11-12 [2014-01-06]. 
  17. (英文)Undergraduate Profile: Stanford University Facts. 
  18. (英文)Graduate Profile: Stanford University Facts. 
  19. (英文)Thomas, Grace Powers. Where to educate, 1898–1899. A guide to the best private schools, higher institutions of learning, etc., in the United States. Boston: Brown and Company. 1898: 13 [2012-08-17]. 
  20. (英文)The Stanford Lands. [2013-12-20]. 
  21. (英文)America's Most Beautiful College Campuses. Travel+Leisure. September 2011. 
  22. (英文)Stanford University - Most beautiful universities. MSN. 
  23. (英文)The Life and work of Felix Bloch. Guide to the Felix Bloch Papers, 1931-1987. Stanford, California: Stanford University Archives. For the next few months, Bloch stayed mostly at his home in Zurich, but he also traveled to France, Holland, and Denmark. During his summer visit to Copenhagen to see Niels Bohr, he received his first offer from the chairman of the Stanford University physics department, David Locke Webster. Originally, Bloch later confessed, he knew nothing about Stanford so he mentioned the offer to Bohr and Heisenberg and asked for their advice. Heisenberg knew only that Stanford was in California and that the students from Stanford and another school nearby stole each other's axes. Bohr's opinion was definitive: Stanford was a good school; he should go. 
  24. (英文) DelVecchio, Rick. Stanford pranks pique Cal. San Francisco Chronicle. 2005-11-18: B-1 [2008-11-17]. The Cal-Stanford football rivalry, which began in 1892, has produced some memorable mischievous student tricks. Stealing the Axe for Stanford from an armored car (1930) and from a display case (1953). Stenciling bear prints on the side of Stanford's Hoover Tower (1960). Retaking the Axe for Stanford by ruse (1973). Printing a fake issue of the Daily Cal claiming that Stanford won the 1982 game that ended with "The Play." 
  25. (英文)About SLAC. [2011-04-04]. 
  26. (英文)Julia Enthoven. University monitors Lake Lagunita after fall storms. The Stanford Daily. 2012-12-05 [2013-12-20]. 
  27. (英文)Faculty-in-Residence : Bing Overseas Study Program. [2013-12-20]. 
  28. (英文)Redwood City campus remains undeveloped. The Stanford Daily. 2010-07-29 [2011-04-04]. 
  29. (英文)Faculty Senate addresses Peking Center, earthquakes and curriculum. 2011-04-01 [2011-04-04]. 
  30. David W. Chen. Stanford Ends Effort to Build New York Arm. The New York Times. 2011-12-16 [2012-01-10]. 
  31. 31.0 31.1 (英文)Carnegie Classifications—Stanford University. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. [2014-01-22]. 
  32. (英文)WASC—Stanford Reaccreditation by WASC. Stanford University Registrar's Office. [2013-12-20]. 
  33. (英文)Class of 2016 Admissions Statistics. [2011-01-31]. 
  34. Zivkovic, Alex. Class of 2018 admit rates lowest in University history. The Stanford Daily. 2014-03-28 [2014-03-29]. 
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 (英文)Common Data Set. Stanford University. 2013 [2013-12-20]. 
  36. (英文)Financial Aid—Enchancements for 2008–2009. Stanford University. [2008-11-27]. (原始內容存檔於2008-12-16). 
  37. (英文)Stanford's Seven Schools. Stanford University. [2013-12-20]. (原始內容存檔於2013-12-20).