



来自 携程旅行 的图片

本名 三峰徒步

国家 英国

所在地区: 英格兰 / England

地理位置: 英格兰东北部

/ North East England

约克郡山谷 / The Yorkshire Dales

三峰徒步 (英语:THE THREE PEAKS WALK)是一个非常难以行走的,但是你步行这三座山峰是有奖励的。 [1]



约克郡三个峰城是一个非常难以行走的,但是你步行这三座山峰是有奖励的。这需三个峰分别是佩尼根特山(694米 - 2276英尺),惠恩赛德山(736米 - 2,415英尺),英格尔伯勒(723米-2372英尺)它们的路线都是圆形的。

The classic walk in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales which takes in the summits of Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough in a circular route.

The Yorkshire Three Peaks Walk is 24.5 miles (39.2km) long and takes in approximately 5,000 feet (1,600 metres) of climbing.

Traditionally this walk is completed within a target of 12 hours in order to join the 'Three Peaks of Yorkshire Club' which is run by the Pen-y-ghent Café.

Our Three Peaks Walk CD-Rom/DVD 2-disk set contains all the information required to successfully complete this wonderful walk along with local information and much more besides - click here for details.

If the full walk is too daunting, each 'peak' can be completed as an individual walk.

You can download the full walk, or any of the 3 sections from our Videowalks site - click here for details.


  1. 三峰徒步, 马蜂窝, 2020-01-18