過眼煙雲 |
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過眼煙雲 漢語成語,拼音是guò yǎn yān yún,意思是從眼前 飄過的雲煙;原比喻身外之物,不必重視;後比喻很快就消失的事物。出自《寶繪堂記》。
中文名稱 過眼煙雲 [1]
外文名稱 like floating smoke and passing clouds;a passing scene;as transient as a fleeting cloud;Out of sight is out of mind
拼音 guò yǎn yān yún
注音 ㄍㄨㄛˋ ㄧㄢˇ ㄧㄢ ㄧㄨㄣˊ
出處 《寶繪堂記》
近義詞 過眼雲煙、曇花一現
【讀音】:guò yǎn yān yún
【英文】:like floating smoke and passing clouds;如煙飄雲、a passing scene;路過的場景、
as transient as a fleeting cloud;曇花一現、Out of sight is out of mind.;眼不見心不見Feeling's gone away;感覺消失了
很多事都成了過眼煙雲,唯有這件事使我感動不已 。Of all the things that have happened, that was one of the most moving. 要想只把道德看作過眼煙雲也是難上加難。It's been harder to dismiss morality as a phantom concern, too. 一切都是過眼煙雲,惟有智慧永遠伴隨我們!Everything will pass, only wisdom will accompany us forever! 浮躁的歡喜或悲哀,不過是一些過眼煙雲。The joy or sorrow, impetuous but some ephemeral. 當對婚姻的憧憬成為過眼煙雲。When we got married, we had champagne dreams.