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创建页面,内容为“ '''霍贾穆罕默德巴朔尔陵墓'''霍贾穆罕默德巴朔尔陵墓Mausoleum of Khoja Mukhammad Bashoro。它位于片治肯特地区的马扎尔沙立夫…”

'''霍贾穆罕默德巴朔尔陵墓'''霍贾穆罕默德巴朔尔陵墓Mausoleum of Khoja Mukhammad Bashoro。它位于片治肯特地区的马扎尔沙立夫村。带有装饰华丽的佩什塔克(正面拱形门户)的陵墓,可追溯至1342-1343年。地处偏远的山麓地带,但仍具有首都撒马尔罕建筑<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/399454867_676093 谈谈建筑事务所分哪几个类型? ],搜狐,2020-06-03</ref>的特色。它反映了清真寺向陵墓的转变。



陵墓的独特之处在于美丽的佩什塔克门户,无疑是中亚最好的门户之一。它由雕刻<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/384900767_120381622 雕刻时光:中国皮影雕刻的造型流派 ],搜狐,2020-04-01</ref>的赤陶砖制成,镶嵌有彩色琉璃瓦和砖块,并用错综复杂的库菲体文字记录了建造日期。



TJ-06 Mausoleum of Khoja Mukhammad Bashoro

The mausoleum with richly decorated peshtak(frontal arched portal)dated to the year 743 of the Hijra(1342-1343 CE)is located in the remote piedmont environment but yet bears the characteristics of metropolitan Samarkand architecture.It reflects the transformation of a mosque into a mausoleum.It is a rare example of the evolution of Muslim architecture nurtured by local traditions of architecture and local beliefs,which can be documented by dry trunk of a tree in the center of its dome.The uniqueness was brought to the mausoleum by its beautiful peshtak portal,certainly one of the best in Central Asia.It is made of carved terracotta with inserts of colored glazed tiles and bricks and contains the date of erection in elaborate Kufi script.Unlike many other examples of post-Mongol Islamic architecture of Transoxiana,the Mausoleum of Khoja Mukhammad Bashoro was barely affected by extensive modern restorations and remains a rare case of almost untouched authentic religious building.The architectural monument bears a unique testimony to internationalized and highly developed Sufi communities of mostly post-Mongol Islamic Period and is an example of elaborate religious building of Islamic period associated with the highly developed Islamic culture of Transoxiana,usually outside the main cities.

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