


Template:R template index

增加 4,026 位元組, 6 年前
|name = R template index
|title = [[Wikipedia:模板消息/重定向頁面|重定向分类模板]]
|bodyclass = hlist
|state = {{{state<includeonly>|collapsed</includeonly>}}}
|groupstyle = text-align:center;
|group1 = 语法、标点与拼写
|list1 =
* {{tl|縮寫重定向}}
* {{tl|拼寫重定向}}
* {{tl|錯字重定向}}
|group2 = 别名
|list2 = {{Navbox|child
|listclass= hlist
|group1 = 通用
|list1 =
* {{tl|別名重定向}}
* {{tl|舊名重定向}}
* {{tl|歷史名稱重定向}}
* {{tl|R from incorrect name}}
* {{tl|全名重定向}}
* {{tl|短名重定向}}
* {{tl|R from more specific name}}
* {{tl|非中文重定向}}
* {{tl|变音符重定向}}<!-- R from diacritics -->
* {{tl|去变音符重定向}}<!-- R from title without diacritics -->
|group2 = 人物
|list2 =
* {{tl|本名重定向}}
* {{tl|化名重定向}}<!-- R from personal name 諸如藝名、筆名 -->
* {{tl|姓氏重定向}}
* {{tl|名字重定向}}
* {{tl|从夫姓重定向}}<!-- R from married name -->
|group3 = 技术
|list3 =
* {{tl|術語重定向}}<!-- R from technical name -->
* {{tl|R to technical name}}
* {{tl|R from trade name}}
* {{tl|R from molecular formula}}
|group4 = 学名
|list4 =
* {{tl|学名重定向}} <!-- R from scientific name -->
* {{tl|非学名重定向}} <!-- R to scientific name -->
* {{tl|其它学名重定向}} <!-- R from alternative scientific name -->
|group5 = 地理
|list5 =
* {{tl|R from name and country}}
* {{tl|R from specific geographic name}}
|group3 = 導航協助
|list3 ={{Navbox|child
|listclass= hlist
|group1 = 导航
|list1 =
* {{tl|R to anchor}}
* {{tl|列表重定向}}
* {{tl|章節重定向}}
* {{tl|捷徑重定向}}
* {{tl|R from template shortcut}}
|group2 =消歧义
|list2 =
* {{tl|消歧義頁重定向}}
* {{tl|R from ambiguous page}}
* {{tl|R from other disambiguation}}
* {{tl|R from unnecessary disambiguation}}
|group3= 合并、副本与移动
|list3 =
* {{tl|合併重定向}}
* {{tl|R from duplicated article}}
* {{tl|移动重定向}}
|group4 = 名字空间
|list4 =
* [[Wikipedia_talk:快速删除/准则/存档/2010年#Wikipedia:捷徑|中文維基不允許跨名字空間重定向]]
<!-- * {{tl|R to main namespace}}
* {{tl|R to talk page}}
* {{tl|R to category namespace}}
* {{tl|R to help namespace}}
* {{tl|R to portal namespace}}
* {{tl|R to project namespace}}
* {{tl|R to template namespace}}
* {{tl|R to user namespace}} -->
|group4 = 杂项
|list4 = {{Navbox|child
|listclass= hlist
|group1 =虚构事物
|list1 =
* {{tl|角色重定向}}
* {{tl|R from fictional element}}
* {{tl|R from fictional place}}
|group2 = 相关内容
|list2 =
* {{tl|R to related topic}}
* {{tl|關聯字重定向}}
* {{tl|詞組重定向}}
* {{tl|R from subtopic}}
* {{tl|專輯重定向}}<!-- R from album -->
* {{tl|書籍重定向}}<!-- R from book -->
* {{tl|域名重定向}}
* {{tl|EXIF重定向}}
* {{tl|R from film}}
* {{tl|R from gender}}
* {{tl|R from member}}
* {{tl|學校重定向}}<!-- R from school -->
* {{tl|歌曲重定向}}<!-- R from song -->
* {{tl|R from Unicode}}
* {{tl|R to article without mention}}
* {{tl|年代重定向}}
|group3 = 非打印
|list3 =
* [[Wikipedia:Printability|Printability]]
* {{tl|R printworthy}}
** e.g. {{tl|可能性重定向}} – printworthy by default
* {{tl|不需列印的重定向}}
** e.g. {{tl|錯字重定向}} – unprintworthy by default
|group4 = 工具
|list4 =
* {{tl|Redirect category shell}}
** {{cat|其他重定向}}
** [[Wikipedia:保護方針|保護方針]]
* {{tl|Talk page of a redirect}}
|group5 = 維基數據
|list5 =
* {{tl|維基數據重定向}}
| below =
* {{icon|wikipedia}} '''[[Wikipedia:如何分類重定向|如何分類重定向]]''' {{icon|PROJECT}}
* {{Icon|Category}} '''[[:Category:重定向模板|模板分類]]'''
* {{icon|WIKIPROJECT}} '''[[Wikipedia:重定向專題|重定向專題]]''' {{icon|RED}}

}}<noinclude>[[Category:重定向模板| ]][[Category:維基百科導航模板]]