,创建页面,内容为“200px|缩略图|[http://geo.fjnu.edu.cn/e7/66/c4964a190310/page.htm 孙志高] '''孙志高'''(1979~),博士,研究员,博士生导…”
[[File:孙志高.png|200px|缩略图|[http://geo.fjnu.edu.cn/e7/66/c4964a190310/page.htm 孙志高]]]
==个人履历 ==
=== 教育 ===
1998.09-2002.08 烟台师范学院地理系地理科学专业本科/学士
2003.09-2007.06 中国科学院研究生院(东北地理与农业生态研究所)环境科学
=== 工作 ===
2007.07-2007.12 [[中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所]]助理研究员
2008.01-2014.12 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所 实验室副主任、副研究员、硕导
==研究方向 ==
=== 论著 ===
Hu XY, Sun Z G* (Corresponding author). 2021. Effects of exogenous nitrogen import on variations of nutrientin decomposing litters of Suaeda salsa in coastalmarsh of the YellowRiver estuary, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Online First. doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-12926-6
Li X, Sun Z G* (Corresponding author), Tian LP, et al. 2020. Effects of spatial expansion between Phragmites australis and Cyperus malaccensis on variations of arsenic and heavy metals in decomposing litters in a typical subtropical estuary (Min River), China, Chemosphere, 240: 124965.
He T, Sun Z G* (Corresponding author), Hu XY, et al. 2020. Effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on spatial and temporal variations of total sulfur and inorganic sulfur fractions in sediments of salt marsh in the Min River estuary, southeast China, Ecological Indicators, 113: 106253.
Chen BB, Sun Z G* (Corresponding author). 2020. Effects of nitrogen enrichment on variations of sulfur in plant-soil system of Suaeda salsa in coastal marsh of the Yellow River estuary, China, Ecological Indicators, 109: 105797.
Sun Z G, Li J B, He T, et al. 2019. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by Cyperus malaccensis and Spartinaalterniflora in a typical subtropical estuary (Min River) of SoutheastChina. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19: 2061-2075.
Sun Z G, Li J B, He T, et al. 2017. Spatial variation and toxicity assessment for heavy metals in sediments of intertidal zone in a typical subtropical estuary (Min River) of China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24:23080–23095.
Sun Z G, Mou X J, Zhang D Y, et al. 2017. Impacts of burial by sediment on decomposition and heavy metal concentrations of Suaeda salsa in intertidal zone of the Yellow River estuary, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 116: 103-112.
Sun Z G, Mou X J, Sun W L. 2016. Potential effects of tidal flat variations on decomposition and nutrient dynamics of Phragmites australis, Suaeda salsa and Suaeda glauca litter in newly created marshes of the Yellow River estuary, China. EcologicalEngineering, 93:175-186 .
Sun Z G, Mou X J, Sun W L. 2016. Decomposition and heavy metal variations of the typical halophyte litters in coastal marshes of the Yellow River estuary, China. Chemosphere,147:163-172.
Sun Z G, Sun W G, Tong C, et al. 2015. China’s coastal wetlands: conservation history, implementation efforts, existing issues and strategies for future improvement. Environment International, 79: 25-41.
Sun Z G, Mou X J, Tong C, et al. 2015. Spatial variations and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in intertidal zone of the Yellow River, China. Catena,126:43-52.
Sun Z G, Song H L, Sun J K, et al. 2014. Effects of continual burial by sediment on seedling emergence and morphology of Suaeda salsa in coastal marsh of the Yellow River estuary, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 135: 27-35.
Sun Z G, Song H L, Sun W G, et al. 2014. Effects of continual burial by sediment on morphological traits and dry mass allocation of Suaeda salsa seedlings in the Yellow River estuary: an experimental study. Ecological Engineering, 68C:176-183.
Sun Z G, Jiang H H, Wang L L, et al. 2013. Seasonal and spatial variations of methane emissions from coastal marshes in the northern Yellow River estuary, China. Plant and Soil, 369:317-333.
Sun Z G, Wang L L, Tian H Q, et al. 2013. Fluxes of nitrous oxide and methane in different coastal Suaeda salsa marshes of the Yellow River estuary, China. Chemosphere, 90, 856-865.
孙志高 著. 2014. 三江平原沼泽湿地氮循环. 科学出版社, 36千字.
孙志高 等 著. 2020. 环渤海典型近岸海区沉积环境研究. 科学出版社, 30千字.
孙志高(2/8), 典型生态系统中碳氮磷及金属元素的生物地球化学循环, 吉林省科学技术奖励委员会, 吉林省自然科学二等奖, 2016.11.01(祝惠, 孙志高, 潘月鹏, 徐莹莹, 孙杨, 阎百兴, 潘晓峰, 张燕)
==科研项目 ==
福建省“闽江学者奖励计划” 项目:亚热带典型河口湿地生物地球化学(闽教高[2015]31号,2016/01-2023/12,200万,主持)。
中国三峡集团(福清三峡)委托项目:福清兴化湾海上风电场工程对滨海湿地生态功能的影响评估(2017/10-2024/12, 95万,主持)。
中国科学院战略先导专项子课题:中国近海海岸带碳排放研究——专题II: 海岸带滨海湿地生态系统碳排放关键过程(XDA05030404,2011/01-2015/12,45万,主持)。
中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目:黄河三角洲滨海湿地退化机制及生源元素循环过程——课题III: 基于生源元素循环的退化湿地生态恢复与优化管理(KZCX2-YW-223,2009/01-2011/12,40万,主持)。
中国科学院前沿领域项目:山东半岛北部典型生态系统退化过程与机制(HJ0810BX-047,2008/08-2010/07,20万,主持)。<ref>[http://geo.fjnu.edu.cn/ 福建师范大学地理科学学院]</ref>
==个人履历 ==
=== 教育 ===
1998.09-2002.08 烟台师范学院地理系地理科学专业本科/学士
2003.09-2007.06 中国科学院研究生院(东北地理与农业生态研究所)环境科学
=== 工作 ===
2007.07-2007.12 [[中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所]]助理研究员
2008.01-2014.12 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所 实验室副主任、副研究员、硕导
==研究方向 ==
=== 论著 ===
Hu XY, Sun Z G* (Corresponding author). 2021. Effects of exogenous nitrogen import on variations of nutrientin decomposing litters of Suaeda salsa in coastalmarsh of the YellowRiver estuary, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Online First. doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-12926-6
Li X, Sun Z G* (Corresponding author), Tian LP, et al. 2020. Effects of spatial expansion between Phragmites australis and Cyperus malaccensis on variations of arsenic and heavy metals in decomposing litters in a typical subtropical estuary (Min River), China, Chemosphere, 240: 124965.
He T, Sun Z G* (Corresponding author), Hu XY, et al. 2020. Effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on spatial and temporal variations of total sulfur and inorganic sulfur fractions in sediments of salt marsh in the Min River estuary, southeast China, Ecological Indicators, 113: 106253.
Chen BB, Sun Z G* (Corresponding author). 2020. Effects of nitrogen enrichment on variations of sulfur in plant-soil system of Suaeda salsa in coastal marsh of the Yellow River estuary, China, Ecological Indicators, 109: 105797.
Sun Z G, Li J B, He T, et al. 2019. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by Cyperus malaccensis and Spartinaalterniflora in a typical subtropical estuary (Min River) of SoutheastChina. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19: 2061-2075.
Sun Z G, Li J B, He T, et al. 2017. Spatial variation and toxicity assessment for heavy metals in sediments of intertidal zone in a typical subtropical estuary (Min River) of China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24:23080–23095.
Sun Z G, Mou X J, Zhang D Y, et al. 2017. Impacts of burial by sediment on decomposition and heavy metal concentrations of Suaeda salsa in intertidal zone of the Yellow River estuary, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 116: 103-112.
Sun Z G, Mou X J, Sun W L. 2016. Potential effects of tidal flat variations on decomposition and nutrient dynamics of Phragmites australis, Suaeda salsa and Suaeda glauca litter in newly created marshes of the Yellow River estuary, China. EcologicalEngineering, 93:175-186 .
Sun Z G, Mou X J, Sun W L. 2016. Decomposition and heavy metal variations of the typical halophyte litters in coastal marshes of the Yellow River estuary, China. Chemosphere,147:163-172.
Sun Z G, Sun W G, Tong C, et al. 2015. China’s coastal wetlands: conservation history, implementation efforts, existing issues and strategies for future improvement. Environment International, 79: 25-41.
Sun Z G, Mou X J, Tong C, et al. 2015. Spatial variations and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in intertidal zone of the Yellow River, China. Catena,126:43-52.
Sun Z G, Song H L, Sun J K, et al. 2014. Effects of continual burial by sediment on seedling emergence and morphology of Suaeda salsa in coastal marsh of the Yellow River estuary, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 135: 27-35.
Sun Z G, Song H L, Sun W G, et al. 2014. Effects of continual burial by sediment on morphological traits and dry mass allocation of Suaeda salsa seedlings in the Yellow River estuary: an experimental study. Ecological Engineering, 68C:176-183.
Sun Z G, Jiang H H, Wang L L, et al. 2013. Seasonal and spatial variations of methane emissions from coastal marshes in the northern Yellow River estuary, China. Plant and Soil, 369:317-333.
Sun Z G, Wang L L, Tian H Q, et al. 2013. Fluxes of nitrous oxide and methane in different coastal Suaeda salsa marshes of the Yellow River estuary, China. Chemosphere, 90, 856-865.
孙志高 著. 2014. 三江平原沼泽湿地氮循环. 科学出版社, 36千字.
孙志高 等 著. 2020. 环渤海典型近岸海区沉积环境研究. 科学出版社, 30千字.
孙志高(2/8), 典型生态系统中碳氮磷及金属元素的生物地球化学循环, 吉林省科学技术奖励委员会, 吉林省自然科学二等奖, 2016.11.01(祝惠, 孙志高, 潘月鹏, 徐莹莹, 孙杨, 阎百兴, 潘晓峰, 张燕)
==科研项目 ==
福建省“闽江学者奖励计划” 项目:亚热带典型河口湿地生物地球化学(闽教高[2015]31号,2016/01-2023/12,200万,主持)。
中国三峡集团(福清三峡)委托项目:福清兴化湾海上风电场工程对滨海湿地生态功能的影响评估(2017/10-2024/12, 95万,主持)。
中国科学院战略先导专项子课题:中国近海海岸带碳排放研究——专题II: 海岸带滨海湿地生态系统碳排放关键过程(XDA05030404,2011/01-2015/12,45万,主持)。
中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目:黄河三角洲滨海湿地退化机制及生源元素循环过程——课题III: 基于生源元素循环的退化湿地生态恢复与优化管理(KZCX2-YW-223,2009/01-2011/12,40万,主持)。
中国科学院前沿领域项目:山东半岛北部典型生态系统退化过程与机制(HJ0810BX-047,2008/08-2010/07,20万,主持)。<ref>[http://geo.fjnu.edu.cn/ 福建师范大学地理科学学院]</ref>