



增加 5,479 位元組, 6 年前
{{Infobox NBA Player
| name = J·J·巴雷亚<br>J. J. Barea
| image =
| caption =
| position = [[控球後衛]]
| height_ft = 6
| height_in = 0
| weight_lb = 185
| league = [[NBA]]
| team = [[達拉斯獨行俠]]
| number = 5
| birth_date = {{Birth date and age|1984|06|26}}
| birth_place = {{PRI}}[[馬亞圭斯]]
| nationality = {{PRI}}
| high_school = [[邁阿密基督教學校]]([[邁阿密]],[[佛羅里達州]])
| college = [[東北大学]](2002–2006)
| draft_year = 2006
| draft_round =
| draft_pick =
| draft_team =
| career_start = 2001
| career_end =
| years1 = {{nbay|2001|start}}–{{nbay|2001|end}}
| team1 = [[Indios de Mayagüez Baketball]]
| years2 = {{nbay|2005|end}}
| team2 = [[Cangrejeros de Santurce Baketball]]
| years3 = {{nbay|2006|start}}–{{nbay|2010|end}}
| team3 = [[達拉斯小牛]]
| years4 = {{nbay|2006|end}}
| team4 = [[Fort Worth Flyers]],([[NBA發展聯盟]])
| years5 = {{nbay|2011|start}}–{{nbay|2013|end}}
| team5 = [[明尼蘇達灰狼]]
| years6 = {{nbay|2014|start}}–至今
| team6 = [[達拉斯小牛]]
| highlights =
| stat1label =
| stat1value =
| stat2label =
| stat2value =
| stat3label =
| stat3value =
| letter =
| bbr =
| medaltemplates =
{{MedalSilver|[[2013 FIBA Americas Championship|2013 委內瑞拉]]|}}
{{MedalBronze|[[FIBA Americas Championship 2007|2007 美國]]|}}
{{MedalGold|[[2011 Pan American Games|2011 瓜達拉哈拉]]|[[Basketball at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's tournament|Team]]}}
{{MedalSilver|[[2007 Pan American Games|2007 里約熱內盧]]|[[Basketball at the 2007 Pan American Games|Team]]}}
{{MedalGold|[[2008 Centrobasket|2008 墨西哥]]|}}
{{MedalGold|[[2010 Centrobasket|2010 多明尼加共和國]]|}}
{{MedalGold|[[2016 Centrobasket|2016 巴拿馬]]|}}
{{MedalSilver|[[2012 Centrobasket|2012 波多黎各]]|}}
{{MedalSilver|[[2014 Centrobasket|2014 墨西哥]]|}}
{{MedalCompetition|[[Central American and Caribbean Games]]}}
{{MedalGold|[[2006 Central American and Caribbean Games|2006 卡塔赫納]]|[[Basketball at the 2006 Central American and Caribbean Games|Team]]}}
{{MedalGold|[[2010 Central American and Caribbean Games|2010 Mayagüez]]|[[Basketball at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games|Team]]}}
{{MedalCompetition|[[FIBA CBC 錦標賽]]}}
{{MedalGold|[[2007 FIBA CBC 冠軍|2007 波多黎各]]|}}
{{MedalCompetition|[[FIBA 美洲 Under-20 錦標賽|FIBA 美洲 U20 錦標賽]]}}
{{MedalSilver|[[ 2004 加拿大]]|}}
'''何塞·胡安·巴雷亚'''({{lang-es|'''José Juan Barea'''}},{{bd|1984年|6月26日|||B}}),[[波多黎各]]职业[[篮球]]运动员,现效力于[[NBA]][[達拉斯小牛隊]]。巴雷亚身高1米80,场上司职[[组织后卫]]。
== 职业生涯 ==
在2014年10月30日,Barea與達拉斯小牛簽約。2015年7月17日,Barea與小牛再度簽約,簽訂了一份為期四年,價值1600萬美元的合同。在2015年12月24日,巴雷亞在119-118加時險勝[[布魯克林籃網]]的比賽拿下職業生涯最高的32分。三天後,他投進了職業生涯最高的7個三分球,取得26分在118-111險勝[[芝加哥公牛隊]]。 2016年3月31日,他獲得26分,隨著小牛在第四節比賽中他在49.9秒的關鍵上籃帶領球隊擊敗[[紐約尼克]]91-89。4月7日,他幫助小牛隊贏得了他們的五連勝,27分和8次助攻以88-86戰勝[[休斯頓火箭隊]]
== 外部链接 ==
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20140209090158/http://www.jjbareapr.com/ Barea's Official Site]
* [http://www.nba.com/playerfile/jose_barea/index.html?nav=page NBA.com José Juan Barea Player Profile]
* [http://www.basketball-reference.com/players/b/bareajo01.html Basketball Reference Player Card]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20090414040017/http://www.nba.com/summerleague2007/players/index.jsp?player=jose%20juan_barea Vegas Summer League Player Profile]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20090414033903/http://www.nba.com/dleague/playerfile/jose_barea/index.html José Juan Barea D-League Player Profile]
* [http://www.basketball-reference.com/nbdl/players.cgi?player=bareajo01d Basketball Reference NBDL Player Card]
{{Authority control}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Barea, J. J.}}