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! <p style="background: #0088A8; color: #FFFFFF; margin:auto; padding:5px 0; "> 李惠林 </p>


|<center><img src="https://ash.ascdc.sinica.edu.tw/manage/upload/item/lb_1422637861_21160.jpg" width="280" > </center>

<small>第四排左起:李惠林(左二)<br>[https://ash.ascdc.sinica.edu.tw/data-detail.php?id=368 圖片來自中央研究院] <br>

'''出生'''    1911年<br>

'''逝世'''    2002年<br>

'''母校'''    [[哈佛大學]]<br>

'''知名於'''   中国植物学家<br>

'''曾任'''    第5屆中央研究院院士<br>


'''李惠林'''(H.L.Li)({{bd|1911年||2002年|}}),男,[[江苏]][[苏州]]人,中国[[植物学]]家,[[中央研究院院士]]。<ref>{{Cite web|title=院士簡歷 李惠林|url=https://academicians.sinica.edu.tw/index.php?r=academician-n/show&id=438|accessdate=2020-03-29|work=中央研究院}}</ref>其[[植物学作者引证|命名人缩写]]为H.L.Li。

[[File:Pyracantha_crenatoserrata_berries.jpg|thumb| [[火棘 |Pyracantha fortuneana]]<ref>{{Cite web|title=Pyracantha fortuneana 火棘|url=http://www.cfh.ac.cn/(X(1)S(33k2wv45mzjrd1e5g3r3pm45))/20998.sp?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1|accessdate=2020-03-29|work=中国自然标本馆}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=Pyracantha fortuneana|url=https://www.ipni.org/n/730616-1|accessdate=2020-03-29|work=International Plant Names Index}}</ref>]]

== 生平 ==
* 1930年毕业于[[苏州大学]],获学士学位。
* 1932年毕业于[[燕京大学]],获硕士学位。
* 1942年毕业于[[哈佛大学]],获博士学位。
* 1943-1946年賓州[[賓夕法尼亞大學]]植物學研究員( PA, Harrison Fellow of Research in Botany, University of Pennsylvania)。
* 1964年当选第五届中央研究院院士。<ref>[https://ash.ascdc.sinica.edu.tw/data-detail.php?id=368 第十二次院士會議團體照],中央研究院 院史網,1976/07/27</ref>

* Sigma Xi, Tri Beta, Phi Tau Phi
* Academician, Academia Sinica, R. O. C.(1964)
* Guggenheim Foundation Fellow(1961)
* National Research Council Fellow(1969)
* American Council of Learned Societies Fellow(1976)

== 著作 ==
Li HL ''Chinese Flower Arrangement''. Edición ilustrada, reimpresa de Courier Dover Publ. 144 pp. ISBN 0486423166 [http://books.google.com.ar/books?id=tE-D3NYtGwUC&printsec=frontcover&dq=%22Hui+Lin+Li%22&hl=es&sa=X&ei=qhcPT5rrMura0QGZnLS5Aw&ved=0CDcQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%22Hui%20Lin%20Li%22&f=false en línea]
* ------------. 1996. ''Shade and ornamental trees: their origin and history''. Edición reimpresa, ilustrada de University of Pennsylvania Press, 282 pp. ISBN 0812216059 [http://books.google.com.ar/books?id=cUk-DLsJWNgC&printsec=frontcover&dq=%22Hui+Lin+Li%22&hl=es&sa=X&ei=qhcPT5rrMura0QGZnLS5Aw&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22Hui%20Lin%20Li%22&f=false en línea]
* ------------. 1982. ''Contributions to botany: studies in plant geography, phylogeny and evolution, ethnobotany and dendrological and horticultural botany''. Editor Epoch Pub. Co. 528 pp.
* ------------, tang-shui Liu, tseng-chieng Huang, tetsuo Koyama, charles e. DeVol (eds.) 1979. ''Vascular Plants''. Fl. Taiwan Volumen 6: 665 pp.
* ------------. 1978. ''The domestication of plants in China: ecogeographical considerations''. Volumen 1 The Domestication of Plants in China: Ecogeographical Considerations. Editor Conference on the origins of Chinese Civilization, 69 pp.
* ------------, tang-shui Liu, tseng-chieng Huang, tetsuo Koyama, charles e. de Vol. 1977. ''[[台灣植物誌| Flora of Taiwan]]''. Editor Epoch Publ. Co. 1.000 pp.
* ------------. 1972. ''Trees of Pennsylvania: the Atlantic States and the Lake States''. Edición ilustrada de University of Pennsylvania Press, 276 pp.
* ------------. 1963a. ''Woody flora of Taiwan''. Monographs, University of Pennsylvania Morris Arboretum. Edición ilustrada de Livingston Pub. Co. 974 pp.
* ------------. 1963b. ''The origin and cultivation of shade and ornamental trees''. Volumen 70 de Pennsylvania paperbacks. Morris Arboretum monograph. Edición ilustrada, reimpresa de University of Pennsylvania Press, 282 pp. 282 pp.
* ------------. 1959. ''The garden flowers of China''. Nº 19 de Chronica botanical an international biological and agricultural series. Editor Ronald Press Co. 240 pp.
* ------------. 1952. ''Floristic relationships between eastern Asia and eastern North America''. Volumen 42, Parte 2 de Trans. of the Am. Philosophical Soc. Edición reimpresa de Morris Arboretum, 59 pp.
* ------------. 1942. ''The Araliaceae of China''. Volumen 2 de Sargentia: Fragmenta Papuana; a continuation of the Contributions from the Arnold arboretum of Harvard University. Editor The Arnold arboretum of Harvard university, 184 pp.

<ref>[https://ash.ascdc.sinica.edu.tw/data-detail.php?id=368 第十二次院士會議團體照],中央研究院 院史網,1976/07/27</ref>

== 參考文獻 ==

*[https://academicians.sinica.edu.tw/index.php?r=academician-n/show&id=438  中央研究院 生命科學組院士-李惠林 當選院士屆數 第5屆]