



增加 641 位元組, 5 年前
1879年 ,爱德华·蒙克为成为一名工程师而进工学院念书受印象主义画风的影响,然而,频繁的患病中断了他的学业。
1880年,爱德华·蒙克[[File:Taiyang.jpg|缩略图]] 成为一名画家而离开工学院。
1944年1月23日,爱德华·蒙克于奥斯陆附近的艾可利与世长辞。他向奥斯陆捐赠了1000幅油画,15400张版画,4500件素描和水彩画,还有6件雕刻作品。后来为纪念爱德华·蒙克,建造了[[爱德华·蒙克美术馆]]。<ref>[1https://www.artisoo.com/shop-by-artist-edvard-munch-c-66_156_367.html 爱德华·蒙克英文详细资料简介 ].Artisoo Oil Painting</ref>
== '''人物生活''' ==
爱德华·爱德华·蒙克是画家[[雅各布·爱德华·蒙克]]和[[历史学家]][[彼得·安德烈·爱德华·蒙克]]的亲戚。母亲劳拉在1868年死于肺结核,母亲死后小爱德华·蒙克由父亲克里斯蒂安·爱德华·蒙克单独抚养。父亲是位医生,笃信[[基督教]]。幼年丧母,姐姐被肺病夺去生命,妹妹患精神病,童年时代的不幸对其一生的创作有深刻的影响。<ref>[1https://www.artisoo.com/shop-by-artist-edvard-munch-c-66_156_367.html 爱德华·蒙克英文详细资料简介 ].Artisoo Oil Painting</ref> 
== '''人物影响''' ==
[https://www.guancha.cn/art/2013_11_12_185155.shtml 图来自]《坐在爿木上的的少女》]]
在当时哲学和美学思潮影响下,他努力发掘人类心灵中的各种状况,表现疾病、死亡、绝望、情爱等主题。因此,他的创作有"心灵的现实主义"的称号。由于受到保守势力的攻击,很快被封闭,但对德国青年画家以很大的刺激,推动了表现主义运动的产生。<ref>[1https://www.artisoo.com/shop-by-artist-edvard-munch-c-66_156_367.html 爱德华·蒙克英文详细资料简介 ].Artisoo Oil Painting</ref> 
From Sandvika 1881
Man Rowing towards Land 1881
Munch Museum, Oslo, Norway 1892
Childhood Memory 1892
Gamblers in Monte Carlo 1892
Gamblers in Monte Carlo 1892
At the Roulette Table in Monte Carlo 1892
Sick Mood at Sunset. Despair 1892
Cypress in Moonlight 1892
Kiss by the Window 1892
The Kiss 1892
The Girl by the Window 1892
Woman Combing her Hair 1892
Woman Looking in the Mirror 1892
After the Bath 1892
From the Riviera 1892
From the Riviera 1892
Moonlight by the Mediterranean 1892
A Pine 1892
Trees by the Mediterranean 1892
From the Riviera 1892
Men Flocking round Women in Light Clothing 1892
Forest 1892
Moonlight on the Beach 1892
Mystery on the Shore 1892
Mystery on the Shore 1892
Two Human Beings. The Lonely Ones 1892
Melancholy 1892
Night in Saint-Cloud 1892
Night in Saint-Cloud 1892-93
Night in Saint-Cloud 1892
Vision 1892
The Water Lillies 1892-93
Evening on Karl Johan 1892
From Nordstrand 1892
On the Veranda 1892
Inger by the Window 1892
Inger in Black and Violet 1892
Seated Young Woman 1892
Autumn Rain 1892
Jakob Bratland 1892
Ludvig Meyer 1892
Thor Lütken 1892
Ragnhild andDagny Juel 1892-93
August Strindberg 1892
Night in Saint-Cloud 1893
The Girl by the Window 1893
Study of a Model 1893
Separation 1893
Woman with Red Hat 1893-94
Symbolic Study 1893-94
Portrait of a Man 1893-94
Woman's head against a red Background 1893-94
Self-Portrait under the Mask of a Woman 1893
Seated Nude and Grotesque Masque 1893
Sunrise in the Harbour 1893-94
Rosa and Amelie 1893
Sunrise in Åsgårdstrand 1893-94
Summer Night 1893
Melancholy 1893
Death at the Helm 1893
Summer Night. Mermaid 1893
Summer Night's Dream. The Voice 1893
Starry Night 1893
Starry Night 1893
Moonlight 1893
House in Moonlight 1893-95
The Storm 1893
Death and Spring 1893
The Angel of Death 1893
By the Deathbed. Fever 1893
Death in the Sickroom 1893
Death in the Sickroom 1893
Death in the Sickroom 1893
Vampire 1893
The Scream 1893
The Scream 1893
Vampire 1893
Vampire 1893
The Hands 1893-94
Dagny Juel Przybyszewska 1893
Helge Bäckström 1893
Minchen Torkildsen 1893
Ragnhild Bäkström 1894
Botho Graf Schwerin 1894
Ebehard von Bodenhausen 1894
Julius Meier-Graefe 1894
Separation 1894
Death and Life 1894
Puberty 1894
Puberty 1894-95
The Day After 1894
Vampire 1894
Selma Fontheim 1894
Selma Fontheim 1894
Nora Mengelberg 1894
Ludvig Meyer's Children 1894
Stanislaw Przybyszewski 1894
Inger in a Red Dress 1894
Bathing Women 1894
Bathers 1894
Bathing Boys 1894
Melancholy 1894
Melancholy 1894-96
Woman. Sphinx 1894
Woman 1894
Anxiety 1894
Despair 1894
Madonna 1894
Madonna 1894-95
Madonna 1895
Madonna 1895-97
Madonna 1895-97
Berlin Model 1895
Cabaret 1895
The Scream 1895
Vampire 1895
The Smell of Death 1895
The Smell of Death 1895
At the Deathbed 1895
Vampire 1895
Ashes 1895
Jealousy 1895
Beach in Åsgårdstrand 1895
Moonlight 1895
Self-Portrait with Cigarette 1895
Stanislaw Przybyszewski 1895
Oscar and Ingeborg Heiberg 1895-96
Half-Nude in a Black Skirt 1896
Study of a Nude 1896
Young Woman Washing herself 1896
Seated Nude against a Red Background 1896
Seated Nude with her Back Turned 1896
The Mermaid 1896
Summer Landscape 1896
The Sick Child 1896
Separation 1896
Summer Night. The Voice 1896
The Girl by the Window 1896-97
Bathing Woman 1896-97
The Kiss 1896-97
Women in a Swimming Pool 1896-97
Paul Herrmann and Paul Contard 1897
The Kiss 1897
The Kiss 1897
Inheritance 1897-99
Women in Hospital 1897
Mother and Daughter 1897-99
Two Women in a Landscape 1897-99
Old Man with a Beard 1897-99
Brothel Scene 1897-99
Hospital Ward 1897-99
Bathing Boys 1897-98
Bathing Boys 1897-99
Bathing Girls 1897-99
Bathing Children 1897-99
Bathing Boys 1897-99
Autumn 1897-98
Marie Helene Holmboe 1898
Female Portrait 1898-99
Dark-Haired Man and Red-Haired Woman 1898-99
Holger Drachmann 1898
Henrik Ibsenat theGrand Café 1898
Study of a Model 1898
Half-Nude in a Blue Skirt 1898
Nude 1898
Nude 1898
Two Women. Symbolic Study 1898
Sitting Nude by the Beach 1898
Man and Woman 1898
Nude in Profile towards the Right 1898
Metabolism 1898-99
Tulla Larsen 1898-99
Tulla Larsen 1898-99
Father and Son 1898
Seated Nude and Three Male Heads 1898-99
Tragedy 1898
Jealousy in the Bath 1898
Beach 1898
The Rainbow 1898
Woman by the Sea in Åsgardstrand 1898
House with Red Virginia Creeper 1898-99
House with Red Virginia Creeper 1898-99
Red Virginia Creeper 1898-1900
The Son 1904
The Coffin is Carried Out 1898-1900
Boulevard in Paris 1898-1900
Winter 1899-1900
Winter in the Woods, Nordstrand 1899
Death and the Child 1899
Death and the Child 1899
Landscape 1899
The Garden 1899
Munch's House and Studio in Åsgardstrand 1899
Munch's House in Åsgårdstrand 1899
Dark Spruce Forest 1899
== '''风格特点''' ==
爱德华·蒙克所画的人物,犹如舞台剧的各个角色,很可能每种特定的姿势就代表一种特定情绪,类似于某种身体语言。由于爱德华·蒙克所画的人物都承担着表现一种特定心理状态的使命,所以他创造的男人和女人不是现实的。爱德华·蒙克坚称,印象派并不适合于自己的艺术。他对描写现实的任意一个断面也不感兴趣,他要描写的是那种充满了情绪内涵的,且具有巨大的传神力的状态。为了达到这个目的,爱德华·蒙克殚精竭虑地构思,他的作品创造了紧张气氛。<ref>[2https://www.guancha.cn/art/2013_11_12_185155.shtml 回顾蒙克往昔作品 纪念蒙克诞辰150周年 ].观察者网</ref>
== '''人物评价''' ==
艺术史家称爱德华·蒙克为"[[世纪末]]"的艺术家,因为他的作品反映了欧洲整整一代人的精神生活面貌。在爱德华·蒙克生活的时代,再没有别的艺术能够像他那样深入到人的灵魂之中,把那心灵的美与丑一并展现给世人。也没有人敢于他那样赤裸裸地描写人类本能的丑恶,使善良与罪恶并存,让美丽与丑陋共生。<ref>[3https://www.zyjjw.cn/news/art/2012-05-03/18367.html 挪威伟大的艺术家:爱德华·蒙克 ].中原经济网</ref>
== '''参考资料''': ==
1. 爱德华·蒙克英文详细资料简介 . .Artisoo Oil Painting
2. 回顾蒙克往昔作品 纪念蒙克诞辰150周年 . .观察者网
3. 挪威伟大的艺术家:爱德华·蒙克 . .中原经济网