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[[ File:馬汀·克魯斯.jpg|thumb|300px| 馬汀·克魯斯 <br> [http://img.mm52.com/m/martin_crewes/martin_crewes_0002_620px.jpg 原圖鏈接] ]]
'''馬汀·克魯斯'''({{lang-en|'''Martin Crewes'''}};{{bd|1967年11月30日}}<ref>Martin Crewes, was born in Barnet, London, England in the year 1968. At age ten, he moved to Perth, Australia. He graduated in 1990 from the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Musical Theater. His father David, who was born in New Zealand, was a performing arts actor, participating in many plays in the UK and Australia, such as the Homecoming (1968). His younger sister Amanda Crewes is also an actress, and graduated from WAAPA in 1998 with a Bachelors in Performing Arts. She just finished performing in the Barking Gecko Theatre Company's production, The Rodeo Kid. His mother Elizabeth and aunt Marie were also performing arts actresses, and the Crewes family were part of Playlovers, an organization that features amateurs in theater in Floreat, WA Australia, for many years. Martin is mainly a Performing Arts actor. His Australian theater credits include: Barnum, The Wizard of Oz, Aspects of Love, Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, West Side Story.</ref>),是一位澳大利亞的歌手、戲劇及電影演員,曾出演2002年的《[[生化危機之變種生還者|惡靈古堡]]》飾演查德·卡普蘭一角。