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| style="background: #008080" align= center| '''<big>芬芳千年健</big> '''


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aromatica Gagnep.










'''芬芳千年健'''(fēn fāng qiān nián jiàn,学名:'''Homalomena aromatica''' Gagnep.,异名:Zantedeschia aromatica Calla aromatica Zantedeschia foetida)是[[天南星科]][[千年健属]]的植物,产于[[广西]]、[[云南]]([[西双版纳]])。
<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/Homalomena%20aromatica?t=foc 芬芳千年健], 植物智, 2020-01-18</ref>

Zantedeschia aromatica Sprengel, Syst. Veg. 3: 765. 1826; Calla aromatica (Sprengel) Roxburgh; Zantedeschia foetida K. Koch.

Herbs somewhat robust, stemless to decumbent, to 60 cm tall, smelling of camphor. Stem initially erect, later decumbent, 1-3 cm in diam.

Leaves several together; petiole pale to mid-green with slightly darker longitudinal streaks, to 35 cm; petiolar sheath persistent, 4-7 cm, margins membranous;

leaf blade mid-green, drying distinctively pale green, ovate-sagittate to elliptic-sagittate or lanceolate-sagittate, 20-30 × 10-17 cm, thinly leathery, base sagittate, sinus broad, ca. 5 cm, apex acute to long acuminate, with a tubular mucro ca. 2 mm;
[[File:芬芳千年健2.jpg|缩略图|左|250px|[https://exp-picture.cdn.bcebos.com/7d34fbf4fcf5ee0d34976664f96b0ce264e7baec.jpg?x-bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_500%2Climit_1 原图链接] [https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/c275f6ba21d043e33d756722.html?st=2&net_type=&bd_page_type=1&os=0&rst=&word=%E9%8D%97%E6%A4%BE%E7%B0%B2%E9%8D%94%E7%8A%B5%E6%AF%8A%E9%90%A8%E5%8B%AB%E5%A7%9B%E9%8F%81%E5%A0%9C%E7%AC%8C%E6%B5%A3%E6%BB%85%E6%95%A4 来自经验]]]

venation variously differentiated, posterior costae with 4-6 primary lateral veins arising ± simultaneously, anterior costa with 4-6 primary lateral veins and a similar number of virtually indistinguishable interprimary veins diverging from midrib at 45°, secondary venation striate.

Inflorescences 1 or 2 together; peduncle erect (developing and floral) to declinate (post-anthesis and fruiting), colored as petiole, 10-18 cm. Spathe oblong, 8-10 cm;

limb gaping at anthesis, then closing again. Spadix tapering cylindric, 7-9 cm, subequaling spathe, stipitate; stipe ca. 5 mm; female zone 1.5-3 × ca. 1 cm;

ovary pale green, ovoid-globose, ca. 2 mm in diam., with an associated clavate staminode subequaling height; stigma sessile, capitate;

staminode ivory-colored; male zone 5.5-6 × ca. 0.5 cm; male flowers white, rhombic-hexagonal in apical view, 1-2 mm in diam., each comprising 2 stamens overtopped by a large connective.

Infructescence when ripe shedding spathe by slightly ragged basal abscission. Berries ripening dull orange yellow, smelling of overripe plums.

Evergreen perhumid broad-leaved tropical and subtropical forests, less often in drier habitats such as seasonally partially deciduous perhumid forests, but then always associated with permanent water; 200-1000 m. ?Guangxi, S Yunnan (Xishuangbanna) [Bangladesh, NE India, Laos, N Myanmar, N Thailand, Vietnam]. <ref>[FOC >> Vol.23 (2010) >> Araceae >> Homalomena </ref>


[[海南千年健]]Homalomenahainanensis H. Li<ref>FOC >> Vol.23 (2010) >> Araceae >> Homalomena </ref>

[[千年健]]Homalomena occulta(Lour.) Schott

== 参考来源 ==

[[Category:370 植物學總論]]