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'''舌肌'''的肌肉被命名為內在肌(Intrinsic)<ref> {{Cite book | author = BARBARA BATES,M.D. | title = 臨床檢查指引 | location = 合記圖書出版社| publisher = 吳富章 | date = 76年11月 | pages = 363-364| accessdate = 109年4月05日| language = 繁體中文 | quote = 舌肌 }} </ref>。 =='''<big>原理</big>'''==內在肌纖維分前後、左右、上下三種不同方向而相互交織著。外在肌(Extrinsic)(頦舌肌 genioglossus、舌骨舌肌 Hyoglossus、莖突舌肌 Styloglossus、及腭舌肌 Palatoglossus)起始於舌外但終止於舌內。外在肌及內在肌提供了對講話、咀嚼、吞嚥之相當大範圍的運動 <ref>{{Cite book | author = Doris B.Wilson & Wilfred J.Wilson | title = 人體解剖學 | location = 逸香股份有限公司 | publisher = Doris B.Wilson & Wilfred J.Wilson| date = 81年9月 | pages = 139頁| accessdate =109年4月05日| language = 繁體中文 | quote = 舌肌}} </ref>。[[File:舌肌.jpg| thumb | 300px |舌肌 <br> [http://www.uuudoc.com/doc/1D1K1B1C1G1D1H1B1E1D1B1G1F1I1F1D1D1H1L2N1J1G1H1L1D1L1G1C1I.html 原圖鏈接]  ]]=='''<big>結構</big>'''==內源肌 Intrinsic tongue muscles [[上縱肌]](Superior longitudinal muscles of tongue)負責將舌和舌尖上提。 Superior longitudinal muscles of tongue are responsible for elevating the tongue or tongue tip. [[下縱肌]](Inferior longitudinal muscles of tongue) 則負責將舌和舌尖下移。 Inferior longitudinal muscles of tongue are responsible for depressing. [[橫走肌]](Transverse muscle of tongue)使舌保持平坦並可將舌彎成槽狀,當其收縮時,舌便窄變長。。 Transverse muscle of tongue can flatten the tongue and is responsible for cupping and grooving of the tongue.  [[垂直肌]] (Vertical muscle of tongue)能讓舌頭變扁變寬。 Vertical muscle of tongue can narrow the tongue.  外源肌 Extrinsic tongue muscles [[頦舌骨肌]](Genioglossus muscles)能使整個舌頭靈活地活動,無論是收縮、吐出或使之下降。 Genioglossus muscles are responsible for tongue body movement and cupping of the tongue. They can retract, protrude, and depress the tongue. [[舌骨舌肌]](Hyoglossus muscles)負責將舌下壓和提升舌骨。 Hyoglossus muscles are responsible for depressing the tongue and elevating hyoid. [[莖突舌肌]](Styloglossus muscles)牽引舌向上向後,也可將舌骨及喉頭上提。  Styloglossus muscles are responsible for elevating the posterior of the tongue. They also can elevate hyoid and larynx. [[小角舌肌]](Chondroglossus muscles)可將舌下移。  Chondroglossus muscles are responsible for depressing the tongue. [[舌顎肌]](Palatoglossus muscles)負責將舌的後方提升,也可使咽部變窄。當其收縮時,舌捲成管狀以利吸吮。<ref>[http://www.ling.fju.edu.tw/hearing/vocal%20tract-muscle.htm#%E8%88%8C%E8%82%8C 構音相關肌肉群 Muscles involved in the articulatory system] </ref>==<big>'''參考來源'''</big>=={{reflist}} [[Category:410 醫藥總論]][[Category:人體解剖學]]