



增加 7,045 位元組, 5 年前
创建页面,内容为“{{Listen |type = music |filename = Gaudeamus omnes - Graduale Aboense.ogg |title = ''Gaudeamus omnes''(纪念芬兰主教圣亨利弥撒的祭文) }} '''额我…”
|type = music
|filename = Gaudeamus omnes - Graduale Aboense.ogg
|title = ''Gaudeamus omnes''(纪念芬兰主教圣亨利弥撒的祭文)

'''额我略圣歌'''({{lang-la|'''Cantus Gregorianus'''}}){{NoteTag|又译为额我略圣咏、额我略平咏、格里高利圣咏、格列高利圣咏、格雷戈里圣咏、葛利果圣歌、贵格利圣歌、贵格利圣咏等}}是[[西方基督教]][[单声圣歌]]的主要传统,是一种[[单声部]]、无伴奏的[[天主教会]][[宗教音乐]]。额我略圣歌主要是在第8世纪和第9世纪,[[法兰克人]]到达西欧和中欧期间发展起来,后来继续有所增加和编写。通常人们认为是[[教宗额我略一世]]发明了额我略圣咏,但学者们认为是在后来的[[加洛林王朝]]时期,综合了罗马圣咏和[[高卢圣咏]]而形成。


=== 早期单声圣歌的发展 ===
在[[早期基督教|基督教会最初的时期]],无伴奏的歌唱就已经是[[基督教礼拜仪式]]的一部分。直到1990年代中期,古犹太[[圣诗]]对早期基督教仪式和圣诗的影响得到广泛公认。但这一观点已不被学者接受,因为分析显示大部分早期基督教圣诗并没有歌本,而这些圣诗在公元70年[[第二圣殿]][[耶路撒冷围城 (70年)|被毁]]后,已经有数百年未在[[犹太会堂]]中演唱了<ref>David Hiley, ''Western Plainchant'' pp. 484-5.</ref>。不过,早期基督教仪式却是融合了犹太仪式的元素,保存在后来的圣咏传统中。[[祈祷时刻]]来源于犹太的祷告时间,“[[阿们]]”和“[[哈利路亚]]”都来自于[[希伯来语]]<ref>Willi Apel, ''额我略圣咏'' p. 34.</ref>。


[[File:Gregory I - Antiphonary of Hartker of Sankt Gallen.jpg|thumb|根据传说,[[圣灵|圣神]]化为鸽子降临教宗[[额我略一世]],口授额我略圣咏。]]

{{#iDisplay:qq.com/x/page/j0785021bes |640|380|qq}}

{{#ev:youku|XNzg4MTM2OTky|640|inline|本笃十六世 拉丁文弥撒 额我略歌咏 圣歌 拜圣体 |frame}}

== 注释 ==

== 参考文献 ==
=== 引用 ===

=== 来源 ===
* ''Graduale triplex'' (1979). Tournai: Desclée& Socii. ISBN 978-2-85274-094-5
* ''Liber usualis'' (1953). Tournai: Desclée& Socii.
* {{cite book
|last = Apel
|first = Willi
|year = 1990
|title = Gregorian Chant
|publisher = Indiana University Press
|location = Bloomington, IN
|ISBN = 0-253-20601-4
* {{cite book
|first = Richard
|last = Crocker
|title = The Early Medieval Sequence
|publisher = University of California Press
|year = 1977
|ISBN = 0-520-02847-3
* Hiley, David (1990). Chant. In ''Performance Practice: Music before 1600'', Howard Mayer Brown and Stanley Sadie, eds., pp.&nbsp;37-54. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN 978-0-393-02807-2
* {{cite book
|first = David
|last = Hiley
|title = Western Plainchant: A Handbook
|publisher = Clarendon Press
|year = 1995
|ISBN = 0-19-816572-2
* {{cite book
|first = Richard, ed.
|last = Hoppin
|title = Anthology of Medieval Music
|publisher = W. W. Norton & Company
|year = 1978
|ISBN = 0-393-09080-9
* {{cite book
|first = Richard
|last = Hoppin
|title = Medieval Music
|publisher = W. W. Norton & Company
|year = 1978
|ISBN = 0-393-09090-6
* {{cite book
|first = Catherine
|last = Le Mee
|title = Chant: The Origins, Form, Practice, and Healing Power of Gregorian Chant
|publisher = Harmony
|year = 1994
|ISBN = 0-517-70037-9
* Mahrt, William P. (2000). Chant. In ''A Performer's Guide to Medieval Music'', Ross Duffin, ed., pp.&nbsp;1-22. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0-253-33752-8
* {{cite book
|editor-first = James
|editor-last = McKinnon
|title = Antiquity and the Middle Ages
|publisher = Prentice Hall
|year = 1990
|ISBN = 0-13-036153-4}}
* {{cite book
|last = Neuls-Bates
|first = Carol, ed.
|year = 1996
|title = Women in Music
|publisher = Northeastern University Press
|location = Boston
|ISBN = 1-55553-240-3
* {{cite book
|last = Parrish
|first = Carl
|year = 1986
|title = A Treasury of Early Music
|publisher = Dover Publications, Inc.
|location = Mineola, NY
|ISBN = 0-486-41088-9
* {{cite book
|editor-first = Ray
|editor-last = Robinson
|title = Choral Music
|publisher = W.W. Norton & Co.
|year = 1978
|ISBN = 0-393-09062-0
* Wagner, Peter. (1911) ''Einführung in die Gregorianischen Melodien. Ein Handbuch der Choralwissenschaft''. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel.
* {{cite book
|first = David
|last = Wilson
|title = Music of the Middle Ages
|publisher = Schirmer Books
|location =
|year = 1990
|ISBN = 0-02-872951-X

== 外部链接 ==
* Geoffrey Chew and Richard Rastall: "Notation", Grove Music Online, ed. L. Macy (Accessed 27&nbsp;June&nbsp;2006), [http://www.grovemusic.com (subscription access)]
* sites of abbeys and schola according to the method of Dom Gajard. Gregedit Gregorian Software[http://gregorian.soft.free.fr/sites.html]
* H. Bewerung: "Gregorian chant", Catholic Encyclopedia, [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06779a.htm]
* Joseph Dyer: "Roman Catholic Church Music", Section VI.1, Grove Music Online ed. L. Macy (Accessed 28&nbsp;June&nbsp;2006), [http://www.grovemusic.com (subscription access)]
* David Hiley and Janka Szendrei: "Notation", Grove Music Online, ed. L. Macy (Accessed 12&nbsp;June&nbsp;2006), [http://www.grovemusic.com (subscription access)]
* Kenneth Levy: "Plainchant", Grove Music Online, ed. L. Macy (Accessed 20&nbsp;January&nbsp;2006), [http://www.grovemusic.com (subscription access)]
* William P. Mahrt: "Gregorian Chant as a Paradigm of Sacred Music," Sacred Music, 133.3, pp.&nbsp;5-14 [http://www.musicasacra.com/publications/sacredmusic/133/1/1_1.html online at MusicaSacra.com]
* James W. McKinnon: "Christian Church, music of the early", Grove Music Online ed. L. Macy (Accessed 11&nbsp;July&nbsp;2006), [http://www.grovemusic.com (subscription access)]
* Canticum Novum, Lessons on Gregorian Chant: Notation, characteristics, rhythm, modes, the psalmody and scores at https://web.archive.org/web/20060616141014/http://interletras.com/canticum/Eng/index1_Eng.html
* Justine Ward, "The Reform of Church Music," Atlantic Monthly, April 1906 [http://www.musicasacra.com/publications/sacredmusic/pdf/ward.pdf online at Musicasacra.com]
* Liber usualis online - MIDI Collection of Traditional Catholic Hymns and chants http://romaaeterna.jp//
* {{YouTube|wr5zDyceNcw|Gregorian Chant}}

=== 参见 ===
* [[教宗额我略一世]]
* [[圣咏]]、[[圣诗]]
* [[基督教音乐]]
* [[纽姆记谱法]]


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