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'''奧斯卡·王尔德'''({{lang|en|Oscar Wilde}},{{bd|1854年|10月16日|1900年|11月30日|catIdx=Wilde, Oscar}}),[[爱尔兰]][[作家]]、[[诗人]]、[[剧作家]],[[英国]][[唯美主义]]艺术运动的倡导者。他於十九世紀八十年代創作了多種形式的作品,其後成為了十九世紀九十年代早期倫敦最受歡迎的劇作家之一。如今他以其短詩、小說《[[道林·格雷的畫像]]》及戲劇作品聞名,他的牢獄生涯和早逝也是人們關注的話題。
== 生平 ==
=== 婚前 ===
1895年,昆斯贝理侯爵(Marquess of Queensberry)因儿子([[阿尔弗莱德·道格拉斯]]别名“波西”(Bosie))與王爾德交往致使父子不和,并公然斥责王尔德是一个[[性悖軌法|性悖軌者]](当时尚未產生“[[同性恋]]”这个概念)。
==八句名言<ref>[https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/uk-42184914  BBC 中文新聞 - 奧斯卡·王尔德]</ref>==我認為,上帝造人有點過高估計了自己的能力。 (I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability.) 永遠原諒敵人,沒有什麼能比這個讓他們更惱火。 (Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.) 我什麼都能抗拒,除了誘惑。 (I can resist everything except temptation.) 為了贏回我的青春,我什麼都願意做,除了鍛煉、早起、做個對社會有用的人。 (To win back my youth, there is nothing I wouldn't do - except take exercise, get up early, or be a useful member of the community.) 年輕的時候,我以為錢是人生最重要的,現在我老了,我懂了,確實如此。 (When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is.) 人生中只有一件事比被人議論更糟糕,那就是:無人議論你。 (There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.) 時裝是一種讓人無法忍受的醜陋,所以我們必須每六個月換一次。 (Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six 我們都在陰溝裏,但有些人在仰望星空。 ("We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars". ) ==参考 来源資料==