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[[File:傑森·艾薩克.jpg|thumb|right| [https://media.gq-magazine.co.uk/photos/5d13a9c5eef9212e7ba004cf/master/pass/jason-isaacs-gq-25apr19_getty_b.jpg 原圖鏈結][https://www.google.com/search?q=Jason+Isaacs&rlz=1C1AVFC_enTW864TW864&sxsrf=ACYBGNTih6b32xRnmWR7Za1z6xdj6JQgqQ:1580527322323&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1iuuMs6_nAhUlCqYKHb2aBWoQ_AUoAXoECBEQAw&biw=1202&bih=569#imgrc=X-eBuSU9N73N3M:「Google - 傑森·艾薩克」] ]]
'''傑森·艾塞克'''({{lang-en|'''Jason Isaacs'''}},1963年6月6日-),或譯'''-{zh-hans:杰森艾塞克; zh-hant:傑森艾薩克; zh-hk:積遜·艾錫斯;}-''',是出生於[[利物浦]]的[[英國]][[演員]]<ref name=Rees3>{{cite news|author=Jasper Rees|title='There is a streak of cruelty in me': Actor Jason Isaacs Says Life Prepared Him to Become a Specialist in Unattractive Characters|work=[[The Daily Telegraph]], Review|url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/arts/main.jhtml?xml=/arts/2007/01/27/baisaacs127.xml|date=27 January 2007|accessdate=27 June 2008|quote=The way he tells it, Isaacs's career is a big mistake. He grew up in [[Liverpool]], then London, went to [[Bristol University]] to read law and felt uneasy among peers 'who all sounded like Hugh Grant'. He signed up for the drama society when he saw an audition for a part with 'Northern accent required'. ... He applied to drama schools with no intention of going. But the rather stern admissions tutor who offered him a place at [[Central School of Speech and Drama]] in London took umbrage at his vacillation. 'She said, "This is a vocation. If you're not interested, tell me now." I was so ''English'' and too embarrassed to tell her the truth.'&nbsp;}}</ref>,在美國影視作品中的登場演出也很活躍。
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