Ehsan Bolandifar
工业工程(系统分析)专业理学学士 ,2003年9月,伊朗科学技术大学,伊朗德黑兰。
2012年8月– 2019年8月,香港中文大学中大商学院,运营管理助理教授。
Quality Signaling through Crowdfunding Campaign Pricing.
Bolandifar, E., Z. Chen, P. Kouvelis. Forthcoming at Manufacturing and Service Operations Mangement.
Modeling the Behavior of Patients Who Leave the ED Without Being Seen.
Bolandifar, E., N. Dehoratius, T. Olsen, J. Wiler. Forthcoming at European Journal of Operational Research.
Managing Competitive Levers in a Collaborative Distribution Channel. Bolandifar, E., Z. Chen, K. Zhu. European Journal of Operational Research. 293:1031-1042
Hedging through Index-Based Price Contracts in the Supply Chain. Bolandifar, E., Z. Chen. OMEGA, The International Journal of Management Science. 90: 1-15
An Empirical Study of the Behavior of Patients Who Leave the Emergency Department Without Being Seen. Bolandifar, E., N. Dehoratius, T. Olsen, J. Wiler. Journal of Operations Management. 65:430–446
Simple Contracts to Assure Supply under Noncontractible Capacity and Asymmetric Cost Information. Bolandifar, E., T. Feng, F. Zhang. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. 20(2):217-231
Delegation versus Control in Supply Chain Procurement under Competition. Bolandifar, E., P. Kouvelis, F. Zhang. Production and Operations Management. 25(9): 1528-1541
Hedging Commodity Procurement in a Bilateral Supply Chain. Turcic, D., P. Kouvelis, E. Bolandifar. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. 17(2):221-235
An Emergency Department Patient Flow Model Based on Queueing Theory Principles. Wiler, J., E. Bolandifar, R. Griffey, R. Poirier, T. Olsen. Academic Emergency Medicine, 20(9): 939-946
Modeling the Optimal Long Run Investment Strategies of Hybrid Wind-Thermal Firm in the Restructured Power Market. Askari, M., A. Zainal Abdin, M. Tahmasbi, E. Bolandifar. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy,7(5):1267-1279
Component Procurement Strategy in TRIAD Competitive Supply Chains. Sedehi, M.S., A. Makui, E. Bolandifar. International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, 29(4):443-460
Integration of Dynamic Pricing and Overselling with Opportunistic Cancellation. Modarres, M., E. Bolandifar. Iranian Journal of Operations Research, 1 (1), 74-93, Fall 2009
Dynamic Pricing with Periodic Review and a Finite Set of Prices with Cancellation. Modarres, M., E. Bolandifar. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 3(3): 213-226, Fall 2009
会议论文 The Optimal Hedging Strategy for Commodity Processors in Supply Chain. Bolandifar, E., Z. Chen. Industrial Engineering, Management Science and Applications. 2015 pp 27-34.
Evaluation of FIT Impacts on Market Clearing Price in the Restructured Power Market. Askari, M.T., M.Z.A. Kadir, E. Bolandifar. Proceedings of IEEE SCOReD Conference. 2015 pp 224-227
Hedging Commodity Procurement in a Bilateral Supply Chain, Bolandifar, E., P. Kouvelis, D. Turcic. Proceedings of the 2014 M&SOM Society Conference.
An Empirical Study of Reneging Behavior of Patients in an Emergency Department. Bolandifar, E., N. Dehoratius, T. Olsen. Proceedings of the 2014 M&SOM Society Conference.
Why Risk-Neutral Manufacturers Ought to Hedge Commodity Material Purchases. Bolandifar, E., P. Kouvelis, D. Turcic. Proceedings of the 2011 M&SOM Society Conference.
An Approach for Modeling the Deregulated Power Market Based on Cournot Game Theory. Askari, M.T., M.Z.A. Kadir, E. Bolandifar. Sustainability Modeling in Engineering. Springer. Forthcoming.[1]