目前担任世界卫生组织顾问/工作组成员/项目负责人、国家生态环境部和国家卫健委环境健康顾问/工作组成员、中国环境诱变剂学会常务理事/副秘书长、国家标准化管理委员会环境基准与风险评估分技术委员会委员、中国医促会心血管疾病预防与治疗分会常务委员、欧美同学会留美医学委员会公共卫生专业委员会秘书长等。目前还担任环境科学期刊The Science of Total Environment(1区)副主编、国际首家环境流行病学期刊Environmental Epidemiology编委等。
2.减少空气污染暴露的个体干预策略研究、美国国家卫生部NIH RO1项目、2017/9-2020/8、中方主持
1. Huang W, Wang L, Li J, Liu M, Xu H, Liu S, Chen J, Zhang Y, Morishita M, Bard RL, Harkema JR, Rajagopalan S, Brook RD. Short-term blood pressure responses to ambient fine particulate matter exposures at the extremes of global air pollution concentrations. Am J Hypertension 2018; 31: 590-599.
2. Zhang SY, Shao D, Liu HY, Feng J, Feng BH, Song XM, Zhao Q, Chu M, Jiang CT, Huang W*, Wang X*. Metabolomics analysis reveals that benzo[a]pyrene, a component of PM2.5, promotes pulmonary injury by modifying lipid metabolism in a phospholipase A2-dependent manner in vivo and in vitro. Redox Biology. 2017. 13:459-469.
3. Shao D, Du YP, Liu S, Brunkereef B, Meliefste K, Zhao Q, Chen J, Song XM, Wang M, Wang J, Xu H, Wu RS, Wang T, Lung CS, Wang X, He B, Huang W*. Cardiorespiratory responses of air filtration: A randomized crossover intervention trial in seniors living in Beijing: Beijing Indoor Air Purifier Study, BIAPSY. Science of the Total Environment. 2017. 15:603-604, 541-549.
4. Sun YT, Song XM, Han YQ, Lu SE, Ji YF, Gao SN, Shang Y, Wang T, Zhu T, Huang W*. Size-fractioned ambient particles and black carbon associated with autonomic dysfunction in subjects with diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance in Shanghai, China. Particle & Fiber Toxicology. 2015. 12(1):8.doi:10.1186/s12989-015-0084-6.
5. Huang W, Wang GF, Lu SE, Kipen H, Wang YD, Hu M, Lin WW, Rich D, Ohman-Strickland P, Diehl SR, Zhu P, Tong J, Gong JC, Zhu T, Zhang JJ. Inflammatory and oxidative stress responses of healthy young adults to changes in air quality during the Beijing Olympics. AmericanJournal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2012. 186 (11): 1150-1159.
6. Rich D†, Kipen H†, Huang W†, Wang GF, Wang YD, Zhu P, Ohman-Stricklan P, Hu M, Philipp C, Diehl S, Lu SE, Tong J, Gong JC, Thomas D, Zhu T, Zhang JJ. Association between changes in air pollution levels during the Beijing Olympics and biomarkers of inflammation and thrombosis in healthy young adults.Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA). 2012. 307 (19):2068-2078. (†co-first author)
7. Huang W, Zhu T, Pan XC, Hu M, Lu SE, Lin Y, Wang T, Zhang YH, Tang XY. Air pollution and autonomic and vascular dysfunction in patients with cardiovascular disease: interactions of systemic inflammation, overweight, and gender. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2012. 176(2): 117-126.
8. Huang W, Cao J, Tao Y, Dai LZ, Lu SE, Hou B,Wang W, Zhu T. Seasonal variation of chemical species associated with short-term mortality effects of PM2.5 in Xi’an, a central city in China. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2012.175(6), 556-566.
9. Tao Y, Huang W*, Huang XL, Zhong LJ, Lu SE, Li Y, Dai LZ, Zhang Y, Zhu T. Estimated acute effects of ambient ozone and nitrogen dioxide on mortality in the Pearl River Delta of southern China. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2012.120(3), 393-398.
10. Huang W, Smith TJ, Ngo L, Wang T, Chen HQ, Wu F, Herrick RF, Christiani DC, Ding H. Characterizing and biological monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in exposures to diesel exhaust. Environmental Science and Technology. 2007. 41(8):2711-2716.[1]