2008.10~2012.12 博士 加拿大滑鐵盧大學地理和環境管理學院 地理信息科學專業
2006.09~2008.06 理學碩士 北京師範大學資源學院 自然地理學專業
2002.09~2006.06 理學學士 北京師範大學地理學與遙感科學學院 資源環境與城鄉規劃專業
2018.10 ~ 迄今 副教授 北京師範大學 自然資源學院
2016.07~迄今 副教授 北京師範大學 地表過程與資源生態國家重點實驗室
2013.10~2016.06 講師 北京師範大學 地表過程與資源生態國家重點實驗室
1.2020.01~2023.12 主持 國家自然科學基金面上項目「基於生態系統服務供需的官廳水庫流域城市擴展模擬研究」(41971225)
2.2019.01~2021.12 主持 北京市自然科學基金項目「基於生態系統服務供需的官廳水庫流域生態安全評估和模擬研究」(8192027)
3.2018.01~2020.12 主持 北京市科技新星項目「北京地區城市擴展過程對濕地景觀可持續性影響的模擬研究」(Z181100006218049)
4.2019.11~2023.10 主要參與人 國家重點研發計劃課題「城鎮化對區域及全球尺度氣候變化的影響研究」(2019YFA0607203)
5.2016.01~2018.12 主持 國家自然科學基金青年基金「基於居民行為的城市擴展及其生態影響緊密耦合模型研究」(41501092)
6.2016.01~2017.12 主持 北京市委教育工作委員會北京市優秀人才培養資助項目「北京城市擴展及其對區域可持續性影響的模擬和評估研究」(2015000020124G058)
7.2015.01~2016.12 主持 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金項目「基於夜間燈光的北京大都市區人口動態分析」
8.2015.01~2016.12 主持 北京師範大學青年教師基金項目「城市群尺度建設用地擴展及其對可持續性影響研究」(2014NT01)
9.2015.01~2016.12 主持 北京師範大學地表過程與資源生態國家重點實驗室自由探索項目「河套地區土地利用變化對NPP影響的模擬研究」(2015-ZY-06)
10.2013.01~2014.12 主持 北京師範大學地表過程與資源生態國家重點實驗室人才項目「北京大都市區土地覆蓋/利用變化對生態服務影響的模擬和分析」(2013-C-03)
11.2014.01~2018.08 參加 國家重大科學研究計劃(973計劃)課題「適應氣候變化的區域可持續性範式」(2014CB954303)
何春陽, 黃慶旭, 劉志鋒, 馬群, 鄔建國. 城市景觀生態學:過程、影響和可持續性, 2018, 北京: 科學出版社
中國生態學會, 2016-2017景觀生態學學科發展報告, 2018, 北京: 中國科學技術出版社
Richard Forman 著, 鄔建國, 劉志鋒, 黃甘霖, 黃璐, 黃慶旭, 劉穎慧, 申衛軍, 楊健, 趙媛媛, 周偉奇, 朱偉興 譯. 城市生態學——城市之科學. 2017, 北京: 高等教育出版社
Dan Yin, Qingxu Huang (通訊作者), Chunyang He, Xiaobo Hua, Chuan Liao, Luis Inostroza, Ling Zhang, Yansong Bai, 2022
The varying roles of ecosystem services in poverty alleviation among rural households in urbanizing watersheds, Landscape Ecology, 37: 1673-1692.
Shiyin Chen, Qingxu Huang (通訊作者), Raya Muttarak, Jiayi Fang, Tao Liu, Chunyang He, Ziwen Liu, Lei Zhu, 2022 Updating global urbanization projections under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, Scientific Data, 9: 137.
Xianwang Xia, Chentai Jiao, Shixiong Song, Ling Zhang, Xingyun Feng, Qingxu Huang (通訊作者), 2022 Developing a method for assessing environmental sustainability based on the Google Earth Engine platform, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi: 10.1007/s11356-022-19773-z
Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang (通訊作者), Xuemei Bai, Derek Robinson, Peijun Shi, Yinyin Dou, Bo Zhao, Jubo Yan, Qiang Zhang, Fangjin Xu, James Daniell, 2021 A Global Analysis of the Relationship Between Urbanization and Fatalities in Earthquake-Prone Areas, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 12: 805-820.
Qingxu Huang, Han Zhang, Jasper van Vliet, Qiang Ren, Raymond Yu Wang, Shiqiang Du, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, 2021 Patterns and Distributions of Urban Expansion in Global Watersheds, Earth's Future, 9(8): e2021EF002062
Ling Zhang, Qingxu Huang (通訊作者), Chunyang He, Huanbi Yue, Quanbo Zhao, 2021 Assessing the dynamics of sustainability for social-ecological systems based on the adaptive cycle framework: A case study in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, Sustainable Cities and Society, 3:102899
Ziwen Liu, Qingxu Huang (通訊作者), Chunyang He, Changbo Wang, Yihang Wang, Kaixin Li, 2021 Water-energy nexus within urban agglomeration: An assessment framework combining the multiregional input-output model, virtual water, and embodied energy, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 164C: 105113
Qingxu Huang, Ziwen Liu, Chunyang He, Siyuan Gou, Yansong Bai, Yihang Wang, Miaogen Shen, 2020 The occupation of cropland by global urban expansion from 1992 to 2016 and its implications, Environmental Research Letters, 15: 084037
Fangjin Xu, Qingxu Huang (通訊作者), Huanbi Yue, Chunyang He, Changbo Wang, Han Zhang, 2020 Reexamining the relationship between urbanization and pollutant emissions in China based on the STIRPAT model, Journal of Environmental Management, 273: 111134
Shiting Meng, Qingxu Huang (通訊作者), Ling Zhang, Chunyang He, Luis Inostroza, Yansong Bai, Dan Yin, 2020 Matches and mismatches between the supply of and demand for cultural ecosystem services in rapidly urbanizing watersheds: A case study in the Guanting Reservoir basin, China, Ecosystem services, 45: 101156
Lei Zhu, Qingxu Huang (通訊作者), Qiang Ren, Huanbi Yue, Chentai Jiao, Chunyang He, 2020 Identifying urban haze islands and extracting their spatial features, Ecological Indicators, 115: 106385
Qingxu Huang, Dan Yin, Chunyang He, Jubo Yan, Ziwen Liu, Shiting Meng, Qiang Ren, Rui Zhao, Luis Inostroza, 2020 Linking ecosystem services and subjective well-being in rapidly urbanizing watersheds: Insights from a multilevel linear model, Ecosystem Services, 43: 101106
Qingxu Huang, Shiting Meng, Chunyang He, Yinyin Dou, Qiang Zhang, 2019 Rapid Urban Land Expansion in Earthquake-Prone Areas of China, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 10(1): 43-56
Qingxu Huang, Xue Zhao, Chunyang He, Dan Yin, Shiting Meng, 2019 Impacts of urban expansion on wetland ecosystem services in the context of hosting the Winter Olympics: a scenario simulation in the Guanting reservoir basin, China, Regional Environmental Change, 19: 2365–2379
Shiyin Chen, Qingxu Huang (通訊作者), Ziwen Liu, Shiting Meng, Dan Yin, Lei Zhu, Chunyang He, 2019 Assessing the Regional Sustainability of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration from 2000 to 2015 Using the Human Sustainable Development Index, Sustainability, 11: 3160
Wenxuan Xie, Qingxu Huang (共同第一作者), Chunyang He, Xue Zhao, 2018 Projecting the impacts of urban expansion on simultaneous losses of ecosystem services: A case study in Beijing, China, Ecological Indicators, 84: 183-193
Da Zhang, Qingxu Huang (共同第一作者), Chunyang He, Jianguo Wu, 2017 Impacts of urban expansion on ecosystem services in the Beijing-Tianjin- Hebei urban agglomeration, China: A scenario analysis based on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 125: 115-130
Chunyang He, Bin Gao, Qingxu Huang (共同第一作者), Qun Ma, Yinyin Dou, 2017 Environmental degradation in the urban areas of China: Evidence from multi-source remote sensing data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 193: 65-75
Bin Gao, Qingxu Huang (共同第一作者), Chunyang He, Yinyin Dou, 2017 Similarities and differences of city-size distributions in three main urban agglomerations of China from 1992 to 2015: A comparative study based on nighttime light data, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 27(5): 533-545
Qingxu Huang, Yang Yang, Yajing Li, Bin Gao, 2016 A Simulation Study on the Urban Population of China Based on Nighttime Light Data Acquired from DMSP/OLS, Sustainability, 8(6): 521
Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang (通訊作者), Yinyin Dou, Wei Tu, Jifu Liu, 2016 The population in China’s earthquake-prone areas has increased by over 32 million along with rapid urbanization, Environmental Research Letters, 11: 074028
Chunyang He, Da Zhang, Qingxu Huang (通訊作者), Yuanyuan Zhao, 2016 Assessing the potential impacts of urban expansion on regional carbon storage by linking the LUSD-urban and InVEST models, Environmental Modelling & Software, 75: 44-58
Bin Gao, Qingxu Huang (共同第一作者), Chunyang He, Zexiang Sun, Da Zhang, 2016 How does sprawl differ across cities in China? A multi-scale investigation using nighttime light and census data, Landscape and Urban Planning, 148: 89-98
Bin Gao, Qingxu Huang (共同第一作者), Chunyang He, Qun Ma, 2015 Dynamics of Urbanization Levels in China from 1992 to 2012: Perspective from DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data, Remote Sensing, 7(2): 1721-1735
Chunyang He, Yuanyuan Zhao, Qingxu Huang (通訊作者), Qiaofeng Zhang, Da Zhang, 2015 Alternative future analysis for assessing the potential impact of climate change on urban landscape dynamics, Science of the Total Environment, 532: 48-60
Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He, Bin Gao, Yang Yang, Zhifeng Liu, Yuanyuan Zhao, Yue Dou, 2015 Detecting the 20 year city-size dynamics in China with a rank clock approach and DMSP/OLS nighttime data, Landscape and Urban Planning, 137: 138-148
Qingxu Huang, Xi Yang, Bin Gao, Yang Yang, Yuanyuan Zhao, 2014 Application of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Images: A Meta-Analysis and a Systematic Literature Review, Remote Sensing, 6(8): 6844-6866
Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He, Zhifeng Liu, Peijun Shi, 2014 Modeling the impacts of drying trend scenarios on land systems in northern China using an integrated SD and CA model, Science China Earth Sciences, 57(4): 839-854
Qingxu Huang, Derek T. Robinson, Dawn C. Parker, 2014 Quantifying spatial–temporal change in land-cover and carbon storage among exurban residential parcels, Landscape Ecology, 29(2): 275-291
Qingxu Huang, Dawn Parker, Tatiana Filatova, Sun Shipeng, 2014 A Review of Urban Residential Choice Models Using Agent-based Modeling, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 41: 661-689
Qingxu Huang, Dawn Parker, Sun Shipeng, Tatiana Filatova, 2013 Effects of agent heterogeneity in the presence of a land-market: A systematic test in an agent-based laboratory, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems,41: 188-203
周昱辰, 尹丹, 黃慶旭(通訊作者), 張玲, 白岩松. 2022. 基於生態系統服務參與式製圖的「三生」空間布局——以白洋淀流域為例, 自然資源學報, 37(8): xx-xx.
周新宇, 孟士婷, 黃慶旭(通訊作者), 張瀚, 楊夢露,焦晨泰, 2022 結合生態系統服務供需和人類福祉的區域規劃, 生態學報, doi: 10.5846/stxb202107101858
焦晨泰, 宋世雄, 黃慶旭(通訊作者), 夏顯旺, 張穎, 2021 基於Google Earth Engine平台的官廳水庫流域開放水體動態研究, 北京師範大學學報(自然科學版)
韓劍萍, 黃慶旭(通訊作者), 何春陽, 朱磊, 苟思遠, 2020 基於位序鐘的成渝城市群城市位序—規模動態分析, 經濟地理, 40(12): 48-55
張玲, 黃慶旭(通訊作者), 任強,何春陽, 劉吉夫, 白岩松, 2020 中國地震災害管理政策的演變——基於1949-2018年法律法規文件的計量分析, 自然災害學報, 29(5): 11-23
楊延傑, 尹丹, 劉紫玟, 黃慶旭(通訊作者), 何春陽, 吳康, 2020 基於大數據的流空間研究進展, 地理科學進展, 39(8): 1397-1411
韓建萍, 苟思遠, 黃慶旭(通訊作者), 何春陽, 朱磊, 2019 成渝城市群近40年城市規模分布演變——基於K-S檢驗的滾動樣本回歸, 經濟地理, 39(8): 59-67
朱磊, 陳詩音, 岳嘉琛, 黃慶旭(通訊作者), 楊雙姝瑪, 劉紫玟, 2019 1992—2016年京津冀城市群城市擴展過程和驅動分析, 北京師範大學學報(自然科學版), 55(2): 291-298
劉紫玟, 尹丹, 黃慶旭(通訊作者), 何春陽, 薛飛, 2019 生態系統服務在土地利用規劃研究和應用中的進展——基於文獻計量和文本分析法, 地理科學進展, 38(2): 236-247
楊雙姝瑪, 黃慶旭(通訊作者), 何春陽, 劉紫玟, 2019 中國建設用地空間格局分析, 地球信息科學學報, 21(2): 178-189
孟士婷, 黃慶旭(通訊作者), 何春陽, 楊雙姝瑪, 2018 區域碳固持服務供需關係動態分析--以北京為例, 自然資源學報, 33(7): 1191-1203
趙雪, 黃慶旭(通訊作者), 何春陽, 2017 城市擴展過程對濕地影響的情景模擬研究--以河北懷來為例, 自然資源學報, 32(9): 1469-1481
黃慶旭, 何春陽, 史培軍, 趙媛媛, 楊洋, 劉洪友, 2009 城市擴展多尺度驅動機制分析--以北京為例, 經濟地理, 29(5): 714-721
黃慶旭, 何春陽, 史培軍, 趙媛媛, 楊洋, 2009 氣候乾旱和經濟發展雙重壓力下的北京水資源承載力變化情景模擬研究, 自然資源學報, 24(5): 859-870
黃慶旭, 史培軍, 何春陽, 李曉兵, 2006 中國北方未來乾旱化情景下的土地利用變化模擬, 地理學報, 61(12): 1299-1310
Xinhao Pan, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang. 2022. Modeling urban expansion by integrating a convolutional neural network and a recurrent neural network. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, doi:10.1016/j.jag.2022.102977
Qiang Ren, Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang, Peijun Shi, Da Zhang, Burak Güneralp. 2022. Impacts of urban expansion on natural habitats in global drylands. Nature Sustainability, doi: 10.1038/s41893-022-00930-8
Jinxi Zhang, Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang, Jian Li, Tao Qi. 2022. Evaluating the supply and demand of cultural ecosystem services in the Tibetan Plateau of China. Landscape Ecology, doi: 10.1007/s10980-022-01467-z
Jian Li, Zihang Fang, Jinxi Zhang, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He. 2022 Mapping basin-scale supply-demand dynamics of flood regulation service – A case study in the Baiyangdian Lake Basin, China. Ecological Indicators, 139, 108902
Keer Zhang, Xuhui Lee, Natalie M. Schultz, Lei Zhao, Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang, Zhifeng Liu, Haoran Chu, Jiayu Zhao, 2022 A global dataset on subgrid land surface climate (2015–2100) from the Community Earth System Model, Geoscience Data Journal, 00: 1-12
Chunyang He, Jinxi Zhang, Zhifeng Liu, Qingxu Huang, 2022 Characteristics and progress of land use/cover change research during 1990–2018, Journal of Geographical Sciences 32(3): 537-559
Harald Zepp, Matthias Falke, Franziska Günther, Lars Gruenhagen, Luis Inostroza, Weiqi Zhou, Qingxu Huang, Nannan Dong, 2021 China’s ecosystem services planning: will Shanghai lead the way? A case study from the Baoshan district (Shanghai), Erdkunde, 75(4): 271-293
Yang Yang, Jianguo Wu, Ying Wang, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He, 2021 Quantifying spatiotemporal patterns of shrinking cities in urbanizing China: A novel approach based on time-series nighttime light data, Cities, 103346
Ju Shen, Shiqiang Du, Qun Ma, Qingxu Huang, Jiahong Wen, Zhan'e Yin, Jun Gao, 2021 A new multiple return-period framework of flood regulation service—applied in yangtze river basin. Ecological Indicators 125:107441
Chuan Liao, Ding Fei, Qingxu Huang, Lu Jiang, Peijun Shi, 2020 Poverty Alleviation through Photovoltaic-Based Intervention: Rhetoric and Reality in Qinghai, China, World Development, 137: 105117
Huanbi Yue, Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang, Dan Yin, Brett Bryan, 2020 Stronger policy required to substantially reduce deaths from PM2.5 pollution in China, Nature Communications, 11(1): 1462
Yi Qiang, Qingxu Huang, Jinwen Xu, 2020 Observing community resilience from space: Using nighttime lights to model economic disturbance and recovery pattern in natural disaster, Sustainable Cities and Society, 57: 102115
Huanbi Yue, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He, Xiaoling Zhang, Zihang Fang, 2020 Spatiotemporal patterns of global air pollution: A multi-scale landscape analysis based on dust and sea-salt removed PM2.5 data, Journal of Cleaner Production, 252: 119887
Changbo Wang, Arunima Malik, Yafei Wang, Yuan Chang, Manfred Lenzen, Dequn Zhou, Mingyue Pang, Qingxu Huang, 2020 The social, economic, and environmental implications of biomass ethanol production in China: A multi-regional input-output-based hybrid LCA model, Journal of Cleaner Production, 249: 119326
Yapan Han, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He, Yongqiang Fang, Jiahong Wen, Jun Gao, Shiqiang Du, 2019 The growth mode of built-up land in floodplains and its impacts on flood vulnerability, Science of the Total Environment, 700: 134462
Ju Shen, Shiqiang Du, Qingxu Huang, Jie Yin, Min Zhang, Jiahong Wen, Jun Gao, 2019 Mapping the city-scale supply and demand of ecosystem flood regulation services — A case study in Shanghai, Ecological Indicators, 106:105544.
Shiqiang Du, Xiaotao Chen, Qingxu Huang, Ruishan Chen, Philip J. Ward, Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts, 2019 Brief communication: Rethinking the 1998 China floods to prepare for a nonstationary future, Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 19: 715-719.
Wei Zhao, Ainong Li, Qingxu Huang, Yanni Gao, Fujie Li, Linbo Zhang, 2019 An improved method for assessing vegetation cooling service in regulating thermal environment: A case study in Xiamen, China, Ecological Indicators, 98: 531-542.
Da Zhang, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He, Dan Yin, Ziwen Liu, 2019 Planning urban landscape to maintain key ecosystem services in a rapidly urbanizing area: A scenario analysis in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, China, Ecological Indicators, 96: 559-571
Qiang Ren, Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang, Yuyu Zhou, 2018 Urbanization Impacts on Vegetation Phenology in China, Remote Sensing, 10: 1905.
Brett Bryan, Lei Gao, Yanqiong Ye, Xiufeng Sun, Jeffery Connor, Neville Crossman, Mark Stafford-Smith, Jianguo Wu, Chunyang He, Deyong Yu, Zhifeng Liu, Ang Li, Qingxu Huang, Hai Ren, Xiangzheng Deng, Hua Zheng, Jianming Niu, Guodong Han, Xiangyang Hou, 2018 China’s response to a national land-system sustainability emergency, Nature, 559: 193-204
Yinyin Dou, Qingxu Huang, CHunyang He, Shiting Meng, Qiang Zhang, 2018 Rapid Population Growth throughout Asia’s Earthquake-Prone Areas: A Multiscale Analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(9): 1893
Qiang Ren, Qingxu Huang, CHunyang He, Mengzhao Tu, Xiaoying Liang, 2018 The poverty dynamics in rural China during 2000–2014: A multi-scale analysis based on the poverty gap index, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 28(10): 1427-1443.
Yongqiang Fang, Shiqiang Du, Paolo Scussolini, Jiahong Wen, Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang, Jun Gao, 2018 Rapid Population Growth in Chinese Floodplains from 1990 to 2015, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(8): 1602
Shiqing Du, Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang, Peijun Shi, 2018 How did the urban land in floodplains distribute and expand in China from 1992–2015?, Environmental Research Letters, 13: 034018
Shipeng Sun, Dawn Parker, Qingxu Huang, Tatiana Filatova, Derek Robinson, Rick Riolo, Megan Hutchins, Dan Brown, 2014 Market Impacts on Land-Use Change: An Agent-Based Experiment, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104(3): 460-484
Chunyang He, Yuanyuan Zhao, Jie Tian, Peijun Shi, Qingxu Huang, 2013 Improving change vector analysis by cross-correlogram spectral matching for accurate detection of land cover conversion, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(4): 1127-1145.
Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Qiaofeng Zhang, Qingxu Huang, Yang Yang. 2012 Extracting the dynamics of urban expansion in China using DMSP-OLS nighttime light data from 1992 to 2008, Landscape and Urban Planning, 106(1): 62-72
何春陽, 張金茜, 劉志鋒, 黃慶旭, 2021 1990—2018 年土地利用/覆蓋變化研究的特徵和進展, 地理學報, 76(11): 2730-2748
楊洋, 王穎, 何春陽, 黃慶旭, 2020 21世紀以來城市蔓延國際研究進展與趨勢——基於CiteSpace的知識圖譜分析, 世界地理研究, 29(4): 750-761
任強, 何春陽, 黃慶旭, 劉志鋒, 李經緯, 2018 中國北方農牧交錯帶貧困動態: 基於貧困距離指數的分析, 資源科學, 40(2): 404-416
謝文瑄, 黃慶旭, 何春陽, 2017 山東半島城市擴展模式與生態足跡的關係, 生態學報, 37(3): 969-978
楊洋, 李雅靜, 黃慶旭, 黃聰, 2016 中國城市用地與人口規模分布時空動態比較--以環渤海地區為例, 地理研究, 35(9): 1672-1686
楊洋, 李雅靜, 何春陽, 劉志鋒, 黃慶旭, 2016 環渤海地區三大城市群城市規模分布動態比較--基於1992-2012年夜間燈光數據的分析和透視, 經濟地理, 2016, 36(4): 59-69
張達, 何春陽, 鄔建國, 黃慶旭, 2015 京津冀地區可持續發展的主要資源和環境限制性要素評價--基於景觀可持續科學概念框架, 地球科學進展, 30(10): 1151-1161
楊洋, 黃慶旭, 章立玲, 2015 基於DMSP/OLS夜間燈光數據的土地城鎮化水平時空測度研究, 經濟地理, 35(2): 141-148
鄔建國,何春陽,張慶雲,於德永,黃甘霖,黃慶旭, 2014 全球變化與區域可持續發展耦合模型及調控對策, 地球科學進展, 29(12): 1315-1324
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2021年 北京師範大學優秀輔導員
2020年 北京師範大學優秀輔導員(班級入選北京師範大學校級優秀班集體一等獎)
2019年 北京師範大學優秀輔導員
2019年 北京師範大學優秀新生導師
2018年 北京市科技新星計劃
2017年 中國自然資源學會青年科技獎[1]