






2020.1-至今 福州大學紫金礦業學院,教授,博士生導師,閩江學者特聘教授

2018.7-2019.12 福州大學紫金礦業學院,教授,碩士生導師




2011.10 -2013.2,墨西哥JDC礦業集團,總經理助理







SCI收錄期刊International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials青年編委,Polymer Technology 和Frontiers in Chemistry 期刊特刊編委,中關村綠色礦山產業聯盟(中綠盟)青年委員,墨西哥教授協會會員,墨西哥礦業與礦工協會會員,墨西哥米卻肯州拉薩羅卡德納斯港口經濟開發區礦業科技顧問。






4開發墨西哥Nocoriba礦山的可行性論證諮詢,墨西哥Pacific Golden Mining Industrial SA de CV公司,2019-2019,主持





1 Characterization of stability of aqueous clay dispersions and siloxane modification at clay minerals faces (No. 270186),國家重點科研平台鞏固與發展,2016-2017,主持

2. Creation of an investigation group for mineral-metallurgy industries in the state of Michoacan (2262),科研啟動,2014-2016,主持

3. Geopolymerization of Gangue Minerals to Consolidate Mine Tailings and to Immobilize Heavy Metals,國家基礎科研,2016-2018,主持

4. Saving fresh water for communities in arid mining regions through saline water and high-slurry-density flotations in mineral processing (No. 2064),針對國家重點問題的科研項目,2017-2019,主持

5 Project and mining service in Mexico,Mahakala礦業公司,2017-2017,主持

6 Preliminary flotation study on the Mo minerals from Nocoriba,Mahakala礦業公司,2017-2017,主持



34 Tian X., Xu W., Song S*., Rao F**., Xia L., 2020, Effects of curing temperature on the compressive strength and microstructure of copper tailing-based geopolymers, Chemosphere, 126754, online.

33 Tian X., Rao F*., Morales-Estrella R., Song S., 2020, Effects of aluminum dosage on gel formation and heavy metal immobilization in alkali-activated municipal solid waste incineration fly ash, Energy & Fuels, 34, 4727-4733.

32 Zuo W*., He Z., Shi F., Rao F., Guo B., Deng R., 2020, Effect of spatial arrangement on breakdown characteristics of synthetic particle in high voltage pulse breakage, Minerals Engineering, 149, 106241.

31 Wu J., Rao F*., Li J., Yin W., 2020, Mechanical property and structural evolution of alkali-activated slag-phosphate mine tailings mortars, Chemosphere, 251, 126367.

30 Li X., Rao F*., Song S**., Ma Q., 2020, Effect of cristobalite on the mechanical behaviour of metakaolin-based geopolymer in artificial seawater, Advances in Applied Ceramics, 119(1), 29-36.

29 Tian X., Rao F*., Leon-Patino C.A., Song S., 2019, Effects of aluminum on the expansion and microstructure of alkali-activated MSWI fly ash-based pastes, Chemosphere, 240, 124986.

28 Wan Q., Rao F*., Song S., Zhang Y., 2019, Immobilization forms of ZnO in the solidification/stabilization (S/S) of a zinc mine tailing through geopolymerization, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 8, 5728-5735.

27 Kang S., Qin L., Zhao Y*., Wang W., Zhang T., Yang L., Rao F., Song S., 2019, Enhanced removal of methyl orange on exfoliated montmorillonite/chitosan gel in presence of methylene blue, Chemosphere, 238, 1246932.

26 Huang Y., Yin W., Deng R*., Xing D., Rao F., 2019, Strengthening Sulfidation Flotation of Hemimorphite via Pretreatment with Pb2+, Minerals, 9, 463.

25 Li Z., Rao F*., Guo B., Zuo W., Song S., Lopez-Valdivieso A., 2019, Effects of calcium ions on malachite flotation with octyl hydroxamate, Minerals Engineering, 141, 105854.

24 Li Z., Rao F*., Song S., Uribe-Salas A., Lopez-Valdivieso A., 2020, Reexamining the adsorption of octyl hydroxamate on malachite surface: forms of molecules and anions, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 41, 178-186.

23 Li Z., Rao F*., Song S., Uribe-Salas A., Lopez-Valdivieso A., 2019, Effects of common ions on adsorption and flotation of malachite with salicylaldoxime, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 577, 421-428.

22 Li Z., Rao F., Lou X*., Song S., Lopez-Valdivieso A., 2019, Floc-Flotation of Malachite Fines with an Octyl Hydroxamate and Kerosene Mixture, Minerals, 9, 301.

21 Rao F., Wu J., Yin W*., Miao Y., 2019, Current research on the management of mine tailings through alkali-activated geopolymerization reactions, Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources, 4, 53-59 (invited paper in Chinese).

20 Li X., Rao F*., Song S**., Ma Q., 2019, Deterioration in the microstructure of metakaolin-based geopolymers in marine environment, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 8, 2747-2752.

19 Zhan W., Yi H⁎., Song S., Zhao Y⁎., Rao F., 2019, Hydrophobic agglomeration behaviors of clay minerals as affected by siloxane structure, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 568, 36-42.

18 Wang W., Zhao Y⁎., Yi H., Chen T., Kang S., Zhang T., Rao F., Song S., 2019, Pb(ΙΙ) removal from water using porous hydrogel of chitosan-2D montmorillonite, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 128, 85-93.

17 Chen T., Yuan Y., Zhao Y⁎, Rao F., Song S., 2019, Preparation of Montmorillonite Nanosheets through Freezing/Thawing and Ultrasonic Exfoliation, Langmuir, 35, 2368-2374.

16 Chen T., Yuan Y., Zhao Y⁎, Rao F., Song S., 2018, Evaluation for exfoliation degree of montmorillonite in aqueous dispersions through turbidity measurement, RSC Advances, 8, 40823-40828.

15 Li Z., Rao F*., Corona-Arroyo M.A., Bedolla-Jacuinde A., Song S**., 2018, Comminution effect on surface roughness and flotation behavior of malachite particles, Minerals Engineering, 132, 1-7.

14 Wan Q., Rao F*., Song S**., Carlos A. Leon-Patiño, Ma Y., Yin W., 2018, Consolidation of mine tailings through geopolymerization at ambient temperature, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102, 2451-2461.

13 Li X., Rao F*., Song S**., Corona-Arroyo M.A., Ortiz-Lara N., Aguilar-Reyes E.A., 2018, Effects of aggregates on the mechanical properties and microstructure of geothermal metakaolin-based geopolymers, Results in Physics, 11, 267-273.

12 Li Z., Rao F*., García R.E., Li H., Song S**., 2018, Partial replacement of sodium oleate using alcohols with different chain structures in malachite flotation, Minerals Engineering, 127, 185-190.

11 Wan Q., Rao F*., Song S**., Morales-Estrella R., Xie X., Tong X., 2018, Chemical forms of lead immobilization in alkali-activated binders based on mine tailings, Cement and Concrete Composites, 92, 198-204.

10 Yi H., Zhao Y*., Rao F., Song S., 2018, Hydrophobic agglomeration of talc fines in aqueous suspensions, Colloids and Surfaces A, 538, 327-332.

9 Kang S., Zhao Y*., Wang W., Zhang T., Chen T., Yi H., Rao F., Song S., 2018, Removal of Methylene Blue from Water with Montmorillonite Nanosheets/Chitosan Hydrogels as Adsorbent, Applied Surface Science, 448, 203-211.

8 Chen T., Yuan Y., Zhao Y⁎, Rao F., Song S., 2018, Effect of layer charges on exfoliation of montmorillonite in aqueous solutions, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 548, 92-97.

7 Li Z., Rao F*., Song S**., Li Y., Liu W., 2018, Slime coating of kaolinite on chalcopyrite in saline water flotation, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 25, 481-488.

6 Escudero G.R., Espinoza E.E., Rao F., 2017, Chemical precipitation of nickel species from waste water, International Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry, 15, 1-7.

5 Wan Q., Rao F*., Song S**, León-Patiño C.A., 2017, Geothermal clay-based geopolymer binders: synthesis and microstructural characterization, Applied Clay Science, 146, 223-229.

4 Wan Q., Rao F*., Song S**., Cholico D.F., Ortiz N.L., 2017, Combination Formation in the Reinforcement of Metakaolin Geopolymers with Quartz Sand, Cement and Concrete Composites, 80, 115-122.

3 Li Z., Rao F*., Song S**., 2017, Comparison of Adsorption of Phenol O-O and N-O Chelating Collectors at the Malachite/Water Interface in Flotation, Minerals, 7(20), 1-10.

2 Wan Q., Rao F*., Song S., 2017, Reexamining calcination of kaolinite for the synthesis of metakaolin geopolymers - roles of dehydroxylation and recrystallization, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 460, 74-80.

1 Wan Q., Rao F*., Song S**., García R.E., Estrella R. M., Patiño C.L., Zhang Y., 2017, Geopolymerization Reaction, Microstructure and Simulation of Metakaolinite-based Geopolymer at Extended Si/Al Ratios, Cement and Concrete Composites, 79, 45-52.[1]
