闊瓣天料木 |
中文名:闊瓣天料木 拉丁學名:Homalium kainantense Masam. 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:雙子葉植物綱 目:無患子目 科:天料木科 屬:天料木屬 種:闊瓣天料木 是否中國特有:是 是否引種栽培:非人工引種栽培 |
闊瓣天料木(kuò bàn tiān liào mù, 學名 Homalium kainantense Masamune俗名:短萼天料木異名:Homalium brevisepalum ),是大風子科、天料木屬喬木植物,脈紋明顯,先端圓鈍,邊緣有睫毛;雄蕊着生於花瓣上,長於花瓣或近等長,花絲下部有毛;產自海南(崖縣和陵水)。生於低海拔的雜木林中。 [1]
葉紙質或近革質,橢圓長圓形或倒卵狀橢圓形,長(4-) 7.5-10 (-13)厘米,寬4-6厘米,先端圓鈍或短漸尖,基部楔形至寬楔形,邊緣具疏圓鈍鋸齒,在下面齒端處有圓形而下陷的腺體,兩面無毛,中脈和側脈在上面平坦,在下面突起,側脈6-7對,網脈不明顯;葉柄極短,粗壯,長約1.5毫米,偶達3毫米。
蒴果倒圓錐形,種子6-9顆或較少。花期8-12月,果期9月至次年春天。 [2]
Homalium kainantense Masamune in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Taiwan 33: 169. 1943; How et Ko in Acta Bot. Sin. 8 (1): 38. 1959; 海南植物志1: 460. 1964; S. S. Fan in Journ. Wuhan Bot. Res. 8 (2): 138. 1990; 廣東植物志2: 113. 1991.
Trees, 10-12 m tall; branchlets purple-brown or black-brown, terete, twig tips at first minutely whitish puberulous (view at × 10 mag.), glabrescent. Stipules linear-oblong, to ca. 4 mm, papery, minutely puberulous, early caducous; petiole very short, ca. 1.5 mm, rarely to 3 mm, stout, very sparsely puberulous; leaf blade elliptic, oblong-elliptic, or obovate-elliptic, 7-13 × 4-6 cm, papery or subleathery, both surfaces initially densely and minutely puberulous (almost imperceptibly, view at × 20 mag.) with spreading hairs, becoming glabrous or with a few minute hairs remaining along veins (view at × 20 mag.), midvein and lateral veins raised abaxially, flat adaxially, lateral veins 6 or 7 pairs, reticulate veins inconspicuous, base acute, cuneate, margin serrate, teeth obtuse, apex broadly acute to obtuse, contracting to an acumen 5-10 mm. Inflorescence axillary, racemelike, 7-12 cm, sometimes with very short branches less than 5 mm; rachis pubescent, hairs spreading, whitish, short; bracts not seen. Pedicels ca. 3 mm, articulate near apex, pubescent, hairs spreading, short. Flowers numerous, 2-4-fasciculate along rachis, white, 5-7-merous, ca. 1.2 cm in diam., fragrant. Calyx tube narrowly obconic, 3-4 mm, sparsely puberulous, hairs whitish, semiappressed, short; sepals linear-lanceolate, 1.5-2 mm, outside sparsely pubescent, hairs appressed and short, margin ciliate with short (0.1-0.2 mm) appressed hairs, apex acute or obtuse. Petals ca. 5 × 2-3 mm, broadly spatulate, conspicuously veined, outside glabrous, inside with a few semispreading short hairs toward base, margin ciliate, hairs spreading and short (ca. 0.2 mm), apex obtuse. Disk glands ca. 1 mm wide, sides sparsely hairy, apex flat, glabrous. Stamen filaments ca. 6 mm, longer than or equal to petals, with a few hairs scattered in lower part. Free part of ovary sparsely hairy, hairs spreading, whitish, short (ca. 0.2 mm); styles 3, free nearly to base, ca. 4 mm, hairy in lower part, hairs as for ovary; placentas 3, each with 2 or 3 ovules. Capsules (not seen) probably 6-8 mm. Fl. Aug-Dec, fr. Sep-Mar of following year.
闊瓣天料木,拉丁文名:Homalium kainantense Masam.植物界;被子植物門;雙子葉植物綱;側膜胎座目;大風子科;天料木屬;闊瓣天料木種。