长舌针茅 |
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中文名:长舌针茅 门:被子植物门 Angiospermae 纲:单子叶植物纲 Monocotyledoneae 目:禾本目 Graminales 科:禾本科 Gramineae 亚 科:早熟禾亚科 Pooideae 族:针茅族 Stipeae 属:针茅属 Stipa |
长舌针茅(cháng shé zhēn máo),学名 Stipa macroglossa P. Smirn.,须根坚韧。秆高30—50厘米,具2—3节,基部宿存枯叶鞘。主要产于新疆。 [1]
长舌针茅 叶鞘短于节间,粗糙;基生叶舌端钝,长1.5—2毫米,秆生者渐尖,先端常两裂,两侧下延与叶鞘边缘结合,长4—5毫米或长可达1.2厘米;
第二芒柱长约2厘米,芒针长1.5—2.2厘米,具长3—4毫米的羽状毛;内稃与外稃等长,具2脉。花果期6—9月 。
Perennial. Culms 30–50 cm tall, 2–3-noded, pubescent below nodes. Basal leaves nearly equal to culms; leaf sheaths shorter than internodes, scabrid; leaf blades setaceous, convolute, ca. 0.5 mm in diam., outer surface strongly scabrid; ligule linear-lanceolate, 4–7(–12) mm, laterally decurrent and adnate to margins of leaf sheath.
Panicle contracted, 10–15 cm, base enclosed by expanded uppermost leaf sheath. Spikelets yellowish green; glumes 4–5.5 cm, apex long acuminate-filiform; callus pungent, ca. 3 mm; lemma 12–16 mm, hairs in longitudinal lines, marginal line terminating 2.5–3.5 mm below apex, other lines shorter, apex glabrous;
awn deciduous, 15–28 cm, 2-geniculate, column smooth, glossy, 3–4.5 cm to first bend, ca. 2 cm to second bend, bristle 15–20 cm, plumose, hairs 3–6 mm. Fl. and fr. Jun–Sep.
Dry steppes, rocky slopes; 800–1800 m. Xinjiang [Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan].
This is a member of the Stipa pennata complex, distinguished by an exceptionally long ligule. It provides good forage when young in steppe regions.
《中国植物志》 第9(3)卷 (1987) >> 287页 PDF >> 长舌针茅 Stipa macroglossa 23.长舌针茅(拟)图版69:1-5
Stipa macroglossa P. Smirn. in Not. Syst. Herb. Hort. Bot. Petrop. 5: 47. 1924; Roshev. in Kom. Fl. URSS 2: 94. 1934.