





於2015-2016年在北京大學認知心理學院注意研究實驗室訪問學習,2018 -2019年在英國紐卡斯爾大學交通安全研究所訪問學習,在交通安全領域的駕駛行為和心理有一定的理論基礎和研究經歷。

在國內外期刊發表了40多篇研究報告,指導畢業生論文30多篇,其中發表SCI/EI收錄論文數十篇,出版專著1部(2012年廈門大學出版社,30萬字,北京大學 圖書館收錄)。







國家教育部碩士論文評審專家;國際通用期刊《PLoS one》和國際專業頂級期刊《Transportation research Part F:traffic psychology》審稿專家;福建省華人華僑智庫專家;福建省致公黨建議獻策智庫專家;福建省海外留學生同學會東南亞分會理事。



1.鄭新夷,楊艷群,陳銘,Said Easa.(2022).道路危險應激的駕駛特性等級反應和評價. 中國心理學預印本平台[ChinaXiv:202203.00034]

2.Yang, Y., Feng, Y., Easa, S. M., & Zheng*, X. (2021). Evaluation of Mental Load of Drivers in Long Highway Tunnel Based on Electroencephalograph [Original Research]. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.

3.Yang, Y., Chen, J., Easa, S. M., He, Z., Yin, D., & Zheng*, X. (2021). Internal causes of return trip effect based on eye movement and EEG indices. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychologyand Behaviour, 76, 286-296.

4.Yang, Y., Chen, J., Easa, S. M., Yu, S., & Zheng*, X. (2020). Effectiveness of yellow color guardrail belt at freeway exits. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 146, 105737.

5.Yang, Y., Chen, J., Easa, S. M., Zheng*, X., Lin, W., & Peng, Y. (2020). Driving simulator study of the comparative effectiveness of monolingual and bilingual guide signs on Chinese highways. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 68, 67-78

6.Yang, Y. , Chen, M. , Wu, C. , Easa, S. M. , & Zheng*, X. . (2020). Structural equation modeling of drivers' situation awareness considering road and driver factors. Frontiers in Psychology.

7.Yang, Y., Chen, Y., Wu, C., Easa, S. M., Lin, W., & Zheng*, X. (2020). Effect of highway directional signs on driver mental workload and behavior using eye movement and brain wave. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 146, 105705.

8.Zheng, X., Yang, Y., Easa, S., Lin, W., & Cherchi*, E. (2020). The effect of leftward bias on visual attention for driving tasks. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 70, 199-207.

9.楊艷群, 陳梅鳳, 鄭新夷, 邵海鵬, 黃艷群, & 樵婷. (2020). 基於紮根理論的駕駛員情境意識影響因素研究. 交通工程,第20卷,(2), 12-18.

10.楊艷群,樵婷 & 鄭新夷*.(2020).基於數據包絡分析的高速公路指路標誌地名數研究. 中國公路學報(06),137-146.

11.Yang, Y., Easa, S. M., Zheng*, X., Hu, A., Liu, F., & Chen, M. (2019). Evaluation effects of two types of freeway deceleration markings in China. PLoS One, 14(8), e0220811.

12.Yang, Y. , Chen, J. , Easa, S. M. , Zheng*, X. , & Peng, Y. . (2019). Driving simulator study of the comparative effectiveness of monolingual and bilingual guide signs on chinese highways.

13.Yang, Y., Easa, S. M., Lin, Z., & Zheng*, X. (2018). Evaluating Highway Traffic Safety: An Integrated Approach. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018, 4598985.[1]
