












2018/07–至 今,合肥工业大学,土木与水利工程学院,教授、博导


[1] 安徽省自然科学基金杰出青年基金,超高层建筑抗风,2021年-2023年,项目负责人。

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,超高层建筑非平稳风效应的现场实测、阵风风洞试验及理论分析的综合研究,2020年-2023年,项目负责人。

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 超高层建筑雷诺数效应的现场实测、风洞试验和数值模拟研究, 2015年-2018年,项目负责人。

[4] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,基于风振响应的超高层建筑风荷载反分析方法研究,2013年-2015年,项目负责人。

[5] 中国博士后基金特别资助项目, 超高层建筑风荷载及风致响应的大涡模拟研究, 2013年-2014年,项目负责人。


[1] 超高层建筑抗风,安徽省杰出青年基金(人才基金奖励),安徽省,2021.

[2] 大跨度复杂金属屋盖体系抗风理论与减振技术及工程应用,安徽省科技进步一等奖,2020,排名5/10。

[3] 超高层建筑风效应的大涡模拟研究,第十四届霍英东基金基础研究项目(人才基金奖励),教育部,2014.

[4] 超高层建筑风效应的现场实测、风洞实验和数值模拟的综合研究及应用,教育部科技进步一等奖,2011,排名 6/10。

[5] 武汉理工大学青年拔尖人才(第一层次),武汉理工大学,2017。


[1] Kang Cai, Xiao Li, Lun Hai Zhi*. Extracting time-varying mean component of non-stationary winds utilizing Vondrak filter and genetic algorithm:A wind engineering perspective. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,2021,2150155,1-19.(SCI)

[2] Lun-hai Zhi, Feng Hu, Chunfeng Zhao, Jingfeng Wang. Modal Parameter Estimation of Civil Structures Based on Improved Variational Mode Decomposition Structural Engineering and Mechanics,2021.(SCI)

[3] Kang Cai, Xiao Li, Lun-hai Zhi*, Xu-liang Han. Extraction of optimal time-varying mean of non-stationary wind speeds based on empirical mode decomposition. Structural Engineering and Mechanics,2021,77(3),355-368.(SCI)

[4] Lunhai Zhi, Feng Hu, Qiusheng Li, Zhixiang Hu. Identification of Modal Parameters from Non-stationary Responses of High-rise Buildings .Advances in Structural Engineering, 2021. (SCI)

[5] Lunhai Zhi, Pan Yu, Qiu-Sheng Li, Bo Chen, Mingxin Fang. Identification of wind loads on super-tall buildings by Kalman filter. Computers and Structures, 2018,208:105-117. (SCI)

[6] Zhi L H, Fang M X, Li Q S. Estimation of wind loads on a tall building by an inverse method. Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2017,24(4): e1908.(SCI)

[7] Lunhai Zhi, Q. S. Li, Mingxin Fang and Jun Yi. Identification of Wind Loads on Supertall Buildings Using Kalman Filtering-Based Inverse Method. Journal of structural Engineering,ASCE,2017,143(4):1-6. (SCI)

[8] Lunhai Zhi, Q.S. Li, Mingxin Fang. Identification of Wind Loads and Estimation of Structural Responses of Super-tall Buildings by an Inverse Method. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,31(12):966-982, 2016.(SCI)

[9] Lunhai Zhi, Pan Yu, Jian-wei Tu, Bo Chen, Yong-gui Li. A Kalman Filter Based Algorithm for Wind Load Estimation on High-rise Buildings. Structural Engineering and Mechanics,2017,26(4), 449-459. (SCI)

[10] Lun-hai Zhi, Bo Chen, Ming-xin Fang. Wind load estimation of super-tall buildings based on response data. Structural Engineering and Mechanics,2015,56(4),625-648. (SCI)

[11] Lunhai Zhi, Q.S. Li, J.R. Wu, Z.N. Li. Field Monitoring of Wind Effects on a Super-tall Building during Typhoons. Wind and Structures,2011,14(3),253-283.(SCI)

[12] Q.S. Li, Lun-hai Zhi, Alex Y. Tuan, Chin-Sheng Kao, Sheng-chung Su, Chien-Fu Wu. Dynamic behavior of Taipei 101 Tower: field measurement and numerical analysis. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE.2011,137(1),143-155 .(SCI)

[13] Q.S. Li, Lunhai Zhi, Fei Hu. Boundary layer wind structure from observations on a 325 m tower. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2010.12, 98(12),818-832 .( SCI)

[14] 李秋胜, 郅伦海*, 段永定, 高金盛, 苏圣中.台北101大楼风致响应实测及分析. 建筑结构学报, 2010, 31(3), 24-31. (EI)

[15] 郅伦海,蔡康,程正国,陈育达.一种圆角化方形超高层结构雷诺数效应的修正方法,国家发明专利,专利号ZL 2019 1 0097174.7,2021年4月。[1]
