






2003.9-2007.7,青岛农业大学 食品科学与工程学院,学士

2007.9-2013.7,中国农业大学 食品科学与营养工程学院,博士


2013.7-2015.4,中国食品发酵工业研究院 工程师

2015.5-2017.6,北京工商大学 食品学院 博士后

2017.7-至今,北京工商大学 食品与健康学院 副教授




1. 传统酿造食品功能微生物挖掘与应用

2. 环境美化功能微生物及酶资源挖掘与应用

3. 功能性食品原料开发与应用


1. 北京市自然科学基金面上基金项目,6222003,吡咯伯克霍尔德氏菌新颖阿魏酸酯酶的高效表达及其在酶解玉米芯制备低聚木糖中的应用,2022/01-2024/12,20万元,在研,主持

2. 北京市教委科技一般项目,KM201910011006,高温蒸煮耦合酶法降解电解水预处理酒糟稻壳制备低聚木糖及其功能特性研究,2019/01-2020/12,15万元,结题,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31701592,源于Wickerhamomyces anomalus F1503醇酰基转移酶催化合成乙酸乙酯的分子机制解析,2018/01-2020/12,25万元,结题,主持

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2016M590026,白酒中辛酸乙酯形成的分子机制研究,2016/06-2017/07,8万元,结题,主持

5. 北京市自然科学基金青年基金项目,6164029,色氨酸残基对11家族木聚糖酶催化功能的影响机制研究,2016/01-2018/06,8万元,结题,主持



1. Fu, Zhilei; Zhu, Yuting; Teng, Chao; Fan, Guangsen*; Li, Xiuting*. Biochemical characterization of a novel feruloyl esterase from Burkholderia pyrrocinia B1213 and its application for hydrolyzing wheat bran. 3 Biotech. 2022, 12.

2. Fan, Guangsen; Liu, Pengxiao; Chang, Xu; Yin, Huan; Cheng, Liujie; Teng, Chao; Gong, Yi; Li, Xiuting*. Isolation and identification of a high-yield ethyl caproate-producing yeast from Daqu and optimization of its fermentation. Front. Microbiol. 2021, 12.

3. Wang, Wenhua#; Fan, Guangsen#; Li, Xiuting; Fu, Zhilei; Liang, Xin; Sun, Baoguo*. Application of Wickerhamomyces anomalus in simulated solid-state fermentation for Baijiu production: Changes of microbial community structure and flavor metabolism. Front. Microbiol. 2020, 11.

4. Fan, Guangsen; Fu, Zhilei; Teng, Chao; Liu, Pengxiao; Wu, Qiuhua; Rahman, Md-Khondakar-Raziur; Li, Xiuting*. Effects of aging on the quality of roasted sesame-like flavor Daqu. BMC Microbiol. 2020, 20.

5. Fan, Guangsen#; Wu, Qiuhua#; Li, Qin; Sun, Baoguo; Ma, Yanli; Wu, Keliang; Wang, Chunyan; Teng, Chao; Yang, Ran; Li, Xiuting*. Impact of the disulfide bond on hydrolytic characteristics of a xylanase from Talaromyces thermophiles F1208. Int J. Biol Macromol. 2020, 164, 1748-1757.

6. Fan, Guangsen#; Zhu, Yuting#; Fu, Zhilei; Sun, Baoguo; Teng, Chao; Yang, Ran; Li, Xiuting*. Optimization of fermentation conditions for the production of recombinant feruloyl esterase from Burkholderia pyrrocinia B1213. 3 Biotech. 2020, 10.

7. Wu, Qiuhua#; Fan, Guangsen#; Yu, Taifei; Sun, Baoguo; Tang, Huihua; Teng, Chao; Yang, Ran; Li, Xiuting*. Biochemical characteristics of the mutant xylanase T-XynC(122)C(166) and production of xylooligosaccharides from corncobs. Ind Crop Prod. 2019, 142.

8. Fan, Guangsen; Teng, Chao; Xu, Dai; Fu, Zhilei; Minhazul, Karim-A-H-M; Wu, Qiuhua; Liu, Pengxiao; Yang, Ran; Li, Xiuting*. Enhanced production of ethyl acetate using co-culture of Wickerhamomyces anomalus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Biosci Bioeng. 2019, 128, 564-570.

9. Fan, Guangsen#; Teng, Chao#; Xu, Dai; Fu, Zhilei; Liu, Pengxiao; Wu, Qiuhua; Yang, Ran; Li, Xiuting*. Improving ethyl acetate production in Baijiu manufacture by Wickerhamomyces anomalus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae mixed culture fermentations. Biomed Res. Int. 2019, 2019.

10. Fan, Guangsen; Fu, Zhilei; Sun, Baoguo; Zhang, Yuhang; Wang, Xinlei; Xia, Yanqiu; Huang, Mingquan; Li, Xiuting*. Roles of aging in the production of light-flavored Daqu. J. Biosci Bioeng. 2019, 127, 309-317.


1. 范光森; 孙宝国; 李秀婷; 富志磊; 朱宇婷, 阿魏酸酯酶BpFae基因的重组表达载体和重组菌,及重组表达的方法, 2020.04.22, 中国, ZL202010321014.9.

2. 范光森; 孙宝国; 李秀婷; 杨然; 富志磊; 朱宇婷, 阿魏酸酯酶BpFae、其编码基因及其应用, 2020.04.22, 中国, ZL202010321322.1.

3. 范光森; 孙宝国; 胡晓晴, 吡咯伯克霍尔德氏菌内切葡聚糖酶及其重组表达方法和应用, 2020.06.18, 中国, ZL202010558180.0.

4. 范光森; 李秀婷; 孙宝国; 滕超; 郦金龙; 杨然; 富志磊, 一株高产乙酸乙酯异常威克汉姆酵母及其培养方法与应用, 2017.07.18, 中国, ZL201710587728.2.

5. 范光森; 李秀婷; 孙宝国; 朱运平; 滕超; 郦金龙; 杨然; 许岱; 富志磊, 一株高产乙醇酵母及其与产酯酵母共生发酵提高传统发酵食品品质的方法, 2017.11.16, 中国, ZL201711136361.9.


1. 范光森(10/11),食品功能微生物资源发掘及其应用,2016-2017年度神农中华农业科技奖科研成果二等奖,2017


2. 范光森(10/10),功能微生物研究及在食品中的应用,中国食品科学技术学会,具有推荐国家科学技术奖申报指标的社会力量奖(科技类),二等奖,2016


3. 范光森(11/14),特种木聚糖酶资源发掘及应用,国家教育部,高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术),二等奖,2015

