腹毛柳 |
中文名:腹毛柳 學 名:Salix delavayana Hand.-Mazz. 界:植物界 門:被子植物門Angiospermae 綱:雙子葉植物綱Dicotyledoneae 目:楊柳目 科:楊柳科Salicaceae 屬:柳屬Salix 種:腹毛柳 |
腹毛柳(fù máo liǔ,學名 Salix delavayana Hand.-Mazz.),灌木或小喬木,高2-6米。嫩枝有短柔毛,後無毛,黑褐色。芽卵形,褐色。葉長圓狀橢圓形至寬橢圓形。分布於雲南西部、四川及西藏東部。 [1]
腹毛柳 灌木或小喬木,高2-6米。嫩枝有短柔毛,後無毛,黑褐色。芽卵形,褐色。
Salix delavayana Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7: 78. 1929; Hao in Fedde, Rep. Beih. 93: 81. 1936; 西藏植物名錄, 45. 1980. ——S. sikkimensis auct. non Anderss. Burkill in Journ. Linn. Soc. 26: 532. 1899.
Shrubs or small trees, to 6 m tall. Branchlets blackish brown, pubescent when young, glabrescent. Buds brown, ovoid. Stipules small, obliquely ovate, margin glandular serrate; petiole ca. 1 cm; leaf blade oblong-elliptic to broadly elliptic, 3-8 × 1-3.5 cm, abaxially pale or pruinose, adaxially bright green, both surfaces yellowish tomentose when young, glabrescent, base cuneate to rounded, margin entire, apex acute or shortly acuminate; lateral veins 7-14 on each side of midvein. Flowering coetaneous. Male catkin 2-4(-5) cm × ca. 7 mm; peduncle short or absent; rachis pilose; bracts brown distally, oblong-elliptic, pilose or glabrous, ± ciliate. Male flower: adaxial and abaxial glands cylindric, ca. 1/3 as long as bracts, sometimes lobed, abaxial gland shorter than adaxial; stamens 2, distinct; filaments 2.3-3.5 mm, distal part villous; anthers yellow or red in distal part of catkin. Female catkin 2-3 cm × 4-6 mm; peduncle with 2-4 leaflets; bracts as in male catkin. Female flower: adaxial gland ovate or shortly cylindric; ovary ovoid, glabrous adaxially or pubescent at base only, or pilose adaxially and at adaxial and abaxial sutures, sessile or shortly stipitate; style conspicuous, 2-lobed; stigma thick, 2-lobed. Capsule ca. 5 mm. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Jun.
- Mountain slopes, along streams in woods, near rivers, damp places in Picea forests; 2800-4000 m. W Sichuan, E Xizang, W Yunnan.
1 Ovary glabrous adaxially or pubescent at base only 79a var. delavayana 腹毛柳 (原變種)
+ Ovary pilose adaxially and at adaxial and abaxial sutures 79b var. pilososuturalis 毛縫腹毛柳